She is my time – 4

This Story is part of She Is Me Series

“What happens is…you’ll have to be the one to react, and quickly. There is no doubt there will be a great deal of confusion, and uncertainty about all this if it does. I may be awake, and alert…but I doubt I’ll have the faculties to be of much help to you, other than instruction. And that’s only IF this even works,” she once more reminded me. “And by the way…your cousins on the way here now. She’s only about five minutes out from arrival. So…are you ready for this? We’re going to have to act quickly as it is. From what I understand…she’s starting to show signs of waking up any time now.”

I glanced back at the center bed…realizing the moment was nearly here. Could we do this? Could we in fact achieve nirvana…enough so that Chris and I would experience simultaneous release. Though even if we didn’t…try as I would, I was bound and determined to do so myself. Find a way to escape and reach Maria. According to Chris, I would need to re-inhabit my own body, regardless of her presence there, thus forcing her out, and dangerously enough…hoping that she would then find and re-inhabit her body.

So much could go wrong. But the time was upon us.

“I’m not taking any chances myself either,” Chris told me. “Took one of these earlier, and now glad that I did,” she said, holding up what was obviously a Viagra. “Wanted to be ready for when the time came.” She looked down, redirecting my eyes. I saw that she had a rather sizeable bulge already appearing in the slacks she was wearing. Thankfully, I was still pretty aroused from the long bout of foreplay I’d been enjoying with Diane.

And then we both heard the elevator doors. “She’s here,” Chris stated unnecessarily as the doors opened, two additional staff members suddenly rolling my body into the room, placing it on the already prepared bed, quickly hooking Maria up to several monitors. She stirred slightly as they did that.

“Come on, no time for dawdling here Howard…it’s time to fuck!”


There would be a staff member on each side of the curtain with our bodies. I smiled just a little realizing Diane would be sitting next to me. With luck, I’d be meeting her again shortly as myself. And the idea of them sitting there, listening to us was oddly arousing as well. Though the entire situation was bizarre enough as it was. Undressing, climbing into bed now, preparing to fuck with the hopes of achieving this “Little Death,” something which still was nothing more than a working hypothesis…unproven.

The lights came down just a little, as though on cue. It at least afforded the somewhat clinical surroundings a bit more of a seductive atmosphere, though any time for further seduction or prolonged foreplay was almost out of the question. Chris’s hard stiff cock now before me, harder and stiffer perhaps than I’d ever seen it. I assumed the Viagra was doing its work, and hoped for her sake it would accomplish what appeared to be impossible.

“Let me be on top,” I said suddenly. The thought of taking control, perhaps knowing better than she what I might need in order to get me there as quickly as I could seemed a reasonable expectation. Chris nodded her head knowingly, climbing up into the middle of the bed, presenting herself. “Make sure you play with my tits…a lot,” I added to that. I knew that additional stimulation would go a long way in sending the kind of electrical surges I’d need to further intensify my pleasure…and hopefully my climax.

I was already juicy wet. Still dripping from the very intense oral pleasuring I’d both received, and given only a short time ago. Climbing aboard…I wrapped my hands around Chris’s prick, guiding it towards the opening of my pussy. I paused only for a moment, rubbing the head purposely and directly against my hard little clit, as though flipping on a light switch.

Almost immediately I felt the electrical pulse of pre-orgasmic pleasure racing up and down my spine. The moment I felt that, I slithered down the entire length of her shaft until it filled me completely. Only then did I raise up, before slamming myself down again, impaling myself over and over as the intensity and speed of what now became our furious fucking took over.

Maybe it was my being on top that helped, though I felt that somewhat dangerous situation Chris had warned me about starting to invade my senses. What I felt, enjoyed and began to strive towards, was an intensity of pleasure, that I knew with a great deal of certainty, could only be experienced by a woman. As good as my own climaxes had been as a man, they were indeed different. Pleasurable yes, undeniably…and yet different. As Chris played with my breasts, rolling and tweaking my nipples, I felt surge after surge of pure unadulterated delight begin to seize the very core of my nerve center.

I could feel my pussy pulsate, begin to contract, and throb deeply. Far deeper than ever before…like feeling a heartbeat between my legs rather than in my chest. I could feel myself succumbing to the ecstasy of being a woman…the temptation to remain so actually evading my thoughts.

“Oh fuck Howard…you feel so good, so tight, so wet…so wonderful!” Chris spoke suddenly.

I think that saved me. Just hearing my name, reminding me who I really was, what we were actually doing here, or at least trying to do. I opened my eyes, looking down at her in the subdued light, looking into her eyes. “Her eyes,” I thought to myself. Not Steven’s eyes…but her eyes. She was indeed in there, just as I was in here. I could see by the expression on her face she was desperately trying to hold on…waiting for me, straining with every fiber of her being to keep from losing control.

“I’m going to cum Chris. Oh fuck…I’m going to cum!”

Almost the moment I said that, I felt my pussy contract once again, and then clench even tighter…the internal explosion, indeed earth-shattering. Tremblers of pure sweet ecstasy now coursing throughout my entire body all at once, in every direction at once. And as they did, I felt this almost foreign sensation suddenly pummeling the inside of my fuck tunnel. Chris was emptying herself into me simultaneously, the cry of bliss escaping her lungs sounding more like a woman’s than a man’s…just the opposite as I likewise heard myself crying out.

It was now…or never.


It felt like a blink of a blink. Time stopped. All movement stopped, no sound came…nothingness. Two forms below me, twisted, joined, features and faces frozen as though sculptured, forever captured as statues in another time and place. I felt myself neither here, nor there, and then suddenly on the other side of the curtain. My own body there before me.

I entered. And as I did…I heard a scream. And then two screams…one of them my own.


“What the fuck!” Another scream of alarm, fear…panic. “Who are you…where am I? What the hell is going on here?” Maria called out, scrambling now.

Suddenly all at once, everything seemed to explode in a flurry of movement, voices calling out, sounds of uncertainty, surprise…total and complete confusion.

“Maria!” I called out myself then, having scrambled to my feet, and yet stumbling. Still weak from too prolonged a stay off them, I careened through the curtained wall, almost collapsing onto the bed myself as Maria just then managed to disengage herself from Steven, looking down at him, and then over towards me as I all but collapsed on his still prone form. The look on her face was understandable, her mouth opened prepared to scream once more though no sound came out. Her eyes widened in surprise at seeing me.


“Maria!” I said reaching out to her. “There’s a lot you need to hear that you don’t understand yet. You’re going to need to trust me on this one honey…trust me, and listen to me.” Even then she looked as though she was ready to bolt from the room, until the other curtain parted, Chris…Christie, laying on the table looking over, tears in her eyes…and yet too weak to move or do much of anything but speak.

“Steven…my Steven,” she just managed, looking over, lifting one hand up in his direction as he now too seemed to come to his senses, looking over towards the long held comatose body of his wife, no doubt wondering why she looked the way she did, and why she was simply laying there like she was.

“Christine? What…what’s happened here? How’s this even possible? What’s going on here?” He now likewise asked, questioning the same things that Maria had, the two of them coming into themselves, joined…fucking climaxing together upon waking up, involved intimately with a complete and total stranger.

I was now laughing deliriously, Maria looking at me like I had lost my mind. And perhaps I had. It felt good being me again, though I was still trying to regain the faculties of my own body. I felt like a wet rag, thoroughly ringed out, trying to find strength, at last reaching her…reaching Maria as my hand gathered hers into mine.

“It’s ok Maria…I can fully explain this…we all can. But you’re never gonna believe it.”


It took a long time to explain. And even then, a lot longer before either Steven or Maria was able to even remotely comprehend what we’d been trying to tell them. It would take longer still for Chris to explain the last ten years of her life…to convince Steven that the memories he now held weren’t from yesterday…but from ten or more years previous. Luckily for me, I didn’t have that long to tell Maria about, the changes subtle, and yet enough to make her realize that time had passed, something strange and yet miraculous had happened. I was at least now sporting a few days of beard growth, which actually seemed to help to some degree.

Maria had gone from outrage, to confusion and shock, and then finally to embarrassment, only now realizing she’d been sitting here the entire time, still naked, especially in front of me. There was a lot I still hadn’t told her, and no real idea as to how to even begin. Only when both she and Steven finally began to accept the fact this wasn’t some sort of gigantic hoax, and that what Christine and I had been telling them had indeed happened, did they finally begin to come to terms with it.

“So I’ve actually been in the hospital the entire time…in your body,” she said back to me, repeating my very words, as though needing to say them and hear them for herself.


“Which also means…” she left off looking at me, and then down at herself, which is when she realized she was indeed still naked.

“Ah yeah…it does,” I said a bit sheepishly. “And like I said Maria, there’s probably a few other things I should tell you about all of this. And I’m not really sure how you’re going to receive it when I do…but obviously there’s a few things you probably should know.”

“I can only imagine,” she said, putting on her robe again, though at least she was smiling, still shaking her head in disbelief. “Obviously…if everything you’ve told me is true…you’ve been functioning normally, in my body then.”

“Well, as normally as possible I guess you could say. It did take a little getting used to. It’s not everyday you wake up with a nice pair of boobs on your chest.”

At least she did laugh at that one. “So you think they’re nice huh do you?”

“Oh yeah. Very. But before I tell you a few other things you probably should know, maybe it would be best if I asked you a couple of other questions first before doing that.”

We had both dressed by now, riding down the elevator together, heading back to my place again. Though we’d agreed to meet with both Steven and Christine in a couple of days to further discuss all that had happened, answer any additional questions Christine and I were fairly sure they’d have…and take things from there.

Besides…they had a lot of catching up to do themselves. A LOT of catching up to do after ten years.

“Well, after being in my body for the past few days, I guess there’s very little you DON’T know about me…at least physically anyway,” she again blushed. “So go ahead…what do you want to know?”

I swallowed, fearful of what she might do…or say to me after I asked her, but I knew I would have to.

“Ok, here it goes Maria. I was wondering…” I swallowed again, nervous, though continuing. “Have you…ah, have you…have you ever been with another woman?”

The elevator doors opened just at that moment, and she nearly stumbled going through them, though she then turned towards me, looking at me curiously. “And why would you be wondering or asking that?” She posed…though saved me the awkwardness of asking her again. “But…since you obviously do need to know for some reason, and since I think I’m not going to know the reason behind it until I do…the answer is yes Howard. I have. So…now that you know I have a bit of a kinky side, why did you ask me that anyway?”

I took her hand in mine, heading towards the doors that would take us outside to the waiting limousine that Christine had called ahead for, and had waiting for us.

“Well it’s like this Maria. My neighbors…Mila and Thomas? They’re…well, you see, they’re lesbians, and we’ve known each other for a fairly long time. And well…you see, after I came home as you…well…”

And then I told her the rest of the story.


Somehow, we made it into my apartment without running into anyone. Maria walked over to the couch, throwing our purse down onto it, sitting down.

“You know the one thing that really pisses me off about all of this?”

I was almost afraid to ask. “What?”

“For years…I wondered what it might be like, feel like…to actually have a cock. And the ONE time I actually do, I can’t remember a damn thing!”

I actually breathed a sigh of relief. “Well Maria, if you want…I’ll be glad to give you mine, wanna see it?” I said actually joking with her, trying to lighten up the mood just a little.

She reached up, starting to undo the buttons on her blouse. “Well, that’s a start,” she said wickedly.


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