She is my time – 4

This Story is part of She Is Me Series

“None that I’ve actually met, no. There have of course been others, throughout history, which is the reason I’ve done the research that I have with regards to this. Trying to find the one key, the one thing that might help, that might work. Some of the ancient texts and writings I have found, have suggested that others did succeed, though there is no real substantiated proof of it of course. Mostly word of mouth, hearsay, or writings that many have interpreted as meaning something else. The one really interesting example I did find, that few have ever been privileged enough to see, actually involved a story about Cleopatra, and Mark Antony. You are familiar with history, yes?”

“Well, I did see the movie.”

Chris laughed. “Hollywood’s version of the event. Though history says there was another chapter to that, which was hidden, and remained hidden as far too many either didn’t want it revealed, or worse…explored, or adapted as an additional part of religious teaching and belief.”

I sat up again, interested in hearing this as Chris continued.

“The story goes, with the Roman army on Cleopatra’s doorstep, about to invade her palace, and already fearing that Mark Antony had been killed outside in her defense, she chose to end her own life rather than having it taken from her. She then allowed a King Cobra to bite her, thus ensuring she would indeed die by her own hand. Just as she collapsed, though not yet dead herself, Mark Antony broke into her private chambers, just barely ahead of the Romans who were pursuing him. Upon seeing what she had done, he was determined to take his own life as well…thus joining her.

Taking out his knife, he thrust it into himself, giving himself a mortal wound. As he then collapsed…it is believed that their spirits just then began to leave their mortal bodies.

Somehow, someway, in this neither world, this spirit world…this crossover point, they saw one another. And in the excitement, in the belief that somehow, somehow they could have one last moment together…they returned, but in the confusion of it all, did so in re-entering the wrong forms. What was translated for me, written on some ancient papyri, was an interesting exchange, supposedly heard and witnessed by several Roman soldiers who just then managed to break into the chambers as the two of them lay dying…again…together.

Cleopatra was then heard to say, looking over towards her lover…”My Queen…my queen. And he, looking somewhat startled, though quickly responding back to her in the old Egyptian language and dialect, which he never did learn how to speak, called her My Antony!” They both succumbed to their wounds and poisons once more shortly after that.“

“Wow,” I said, trying to digest this interesting little twist on history. But it was again yet another reminder just how difficult this was proving out to be. And the likelihood, that I and Maria may very well be trapped inside these bodies…just like Chris had been, and thus all of us remain that way forever.

“I refuse to end up like Cleopatra…or anyone else for that matter. This has indeed been an interesting experience Chris. But one way or the other…I will be Howard again. And Maria…will be Maria.”

“Then we just need to see to it that we do everything in our power to see to it that that happens,” she agreed. “There are a couple of other things I’m also going to try and do to see to a better chance of success for us both. While I’m doing that…and making the final arrangements and preparations for both Steven and Maria for this evening, I want you to start doing something as well.”

“And what’s that?” I asked.

“Well, don’t laugh…but I think it’s important that you do this. I want you to start arousing yourself. I don’t care what it takes, or what you do…but you need to make yourself as horny as you’ve ever been…unfortunately, you cannot under any circumstances, allow yourself to have an orgasm. You need to begin the process of building up the desire, the want…the need, to levels that are just short of reaching that. When the time comes…no pun intended, you and I need to be so close to that moment, so physically aroused, that we’ll join in that split second of time…outside of the bodies that we currently possess.

“So you want me to get aroused.”

“Yes, as much as possible.”

“And so do whatever I want…”

“Yes, just don’t climax…you need to be very, very horny tonight.”

“So anything I want.”

“Yes…I’ll even tell my staff to see to it that they get you whatever you need. They’re reliable, and trustworthy. They’ll do whatever you ask them to do. There is just one more thing we’ll need to be cognoscente about if this actually does work however.”

“Oh? And what’s that?”

“That we don’t get confused, and get drawn into one another’s bodies instead. There is a danger of that actually happening, and that would just make things a hell of a lot more complicated than they already are.”

“You can say that again!” I said now even more worried and concerned. Maybe being in a man’s body again wouldn’t be quite so bad…but it would also be giving up ten years if not more of my own life looking at it that way. Entering into an older body. And though Chris didn’t look half bad, and especially with all that money, it really wouldn’t be mine anyway, and it would just necessitate the two of us thereafter living, and very possibly having to work together, like it or not.

“Like I said…we have to make this work.”

“No shit,” I said in agreement. “Because I think we’re only going to have one shot at this…either way.”


I sat on the bed trying to think of something to both arouse and amuse myself. Unfortunately, this wasn’t one of those places where you could order in adult movies on the TV, so I was stuck trying to come up with another solution when it suddenly presented itself to me. A soft knock on the door followed by the sound of a woman’s voice.

“Yes?” I gathered the robe I had on around me. Though I already had thoughts bouncing around inside my head as the door opened. Sure enough, it was one of Chris’s staff members. I had seen her briefly before next door setting up and preparing the adjacent room.

“Chris asked me to stop by and see if there was anything I could get or do for you,” she said. I chuckled seeing her look.

“Well that’s a loaded question. I guess you’re fully aware of everything that’s going on?” I asked curiously. The young woman nodded her head. I vaguely recalled Chris referring to her as Diane.

“I am…yes. Everything,” she informed me. “As part of the staff, Chris likes to keep us well informed so that we know precisely what’s expected of us…and why.”

“So you obviously do know all about me too then.”

Diane smiled, nodding. “I’d imagine that it’s been very difficult for you, much as it’s been for Chris, just in a different sort of way.”

“You have no idea,” I told her. “Admittedly, it’s been interesting. And I’ll probably never look at another woman in the same way ever again. It’s been…insightful, I will say that.” She laughed, stepping into the room further. Diane was a fairly attractive looking brunette with short dark, almost coal black hair, large hazel colored eyes, and a beautiful bright smile. She didn’t have bad looking tits either. Especially wearing what I am sure was supposed to look like a very professional, though private nurses uniform on. There was still plenty of cleavage showing.

“So IS there anything I can get or do for you? Chris was very specific about that, she told me that you might need some help in preparation for this evening.”

Was she hinting at what I now hoped she was hinting at? I wondered. “Just how far is that direction…” I didn’t finish, feeling suddenly a bit shy and bashful to even be considering such a thing.

She walked over, standing directly in front of me, her hands suddenly slipping into the opening of my robe, parting it as she cupped my breasts. “This answer your question?”

It did, and it had. I reached up, undoing the next button on her nurses uniform, and then another, and another until her full breasts were almost fully on display, clad in nothing more than a rather sheer, lacy looking bra. Even her dark nipples could be easily and clearly seen through the material as I helped her to slip the blouse off.

“Don’t mind saying…I’m sort of curious to see what it might be like…being with a woman, who obviously thinks like a man…and is of course a man inside. And yet…”

I was getting a clit-on again, and told her so. She burst out laughing. “I’ll have to remember that one…I think I’m getting one too!”

In moments, she was naked, removing the robe I had on as we all but tumbled down on the bed there together. “I wish for hell…”

“I know. Chris said that regardless of anything else, you weren’t supposed to come. But I’d enjoy taking you right up to that edge…as many times as you think you can stand it,” she told me. “Think you can handle that?”

“I don’t know…but I’m certainly willing to find out,” I agreed excitedly as she slithered down between my legs, leaving a hot trail of tantalizing kisses beginning with my super-sensitive breasts, belly and then finally my very aroused sex as she lingered there softly licking and kissing without actually doing anything specific. I was dying to feel her tongue parting the wanton folds of my flesh.

The way she pleased and teased me without going immediately to my sweet spot told me she wasn’t a novice at doing this. And especially as she appeared to be quite thoroughly enjoying herself while she did it. After twenty minutes of pure heavenly torture when she finally did begin flicking her tongue over and around my hard little clit, I was climbing the walls.

“You…you’d better stop,” I heard myself saying, wishing otherwise, but so fucking tempted to just let her take me over the edge regardless of everything else. Without question, without asking, she moved up, sliding over my body. Suddenly I was looking up at the pink glistening folds of her own sensual looking pussy.

“Go ahead, do me for a bit until you’ve had a chance to calm down. Then I’ll lick you a bit more and take you to the edge again.” As she lowered herself down over my face, I reached up, seeking and then finding the hard pointed tips of her breasts. As I pulled and played with those, I similarly did the same thing to her clit and labia with my lips. Gently sucking, and chewing on them, listening to the sounds of her contented moans that likewise escalated and heightened my own obvious arousal.

Unlike me however…Diane was more than happy to come as I devoured her cunt. Hearing her cry out contentedly while doing so, tasting the sweetness of her more than ample juice as it poured into my mouth, damn near triggered an orgasm for me even without being touched. She had hardly even come down from her climatic bliss when suddenly her pager went off. Before I could even ask her what was going on, she scrambled out of bed, snatching it up, reading the message.

“What is it?”

“Green light,” She said, reading the two simple words that apparently told her everything. “It would appear, we’re pushing up the schedule. Chris color-coded every possible situation that might arise. Green light means…we have to act now. Your cousin is starting to wake up!”


In less than a few minutes, there was a sudden flurry of activity. Diane had dressed in what seemed like the blink of an eye, suddenly looking professional once again. I peeked around the corner looking into the room adjacent to mine. It was an odd looking combination of things.

On the one hand, somewhat clinical, like a miniature hospital room to some degree. Monitors and equipment, all set to go. Three beds, one single on each side of a pulled curtain, a fairly good-sized double bed sandwiched in the middle of those two, but with far more comfortable looking satin sheets, red in color even, along with large fluffy comfortable looking pillows. It looked rather odd from my standpoint, though I understood the intent to some degree.

I hadn’t considered the fact that we’d be doing this, right there in the middle of the two of them, though now it made sense that we would be as I stood there watching the final touches and preparations being made to the room. To my surprise, Chris suddenly appeared, helping two others wheel what was obviously her husband into the room. I was almost taken aback upon realizing who this was. Unlike my own body, looking as though it had merely been asleep when I had looked upon it, Chris’s body…though well cared for, appeared quite gaunt.

There had of course been a loss of muscle tone, her features looking thin and wane. I knew then the extraordinary risks and precautions that were being taken at this point.

“What happens if this does work?” I asked her.

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