Sharing a secret pleasure

“No one needs to know, besides…we’re just watching one another, not touching each other,” she argued, though I failed to see the logic in that. “Come on…please? For me? Watch me while I watch you,” she pressed as she slipped a finger inside herself, then withdrawing it, licking it off, sucking it like I could imagine her sucking my cock.

“Ok,” I said softly, “give in to heaven only knows what here.”

“That’s better,” she seemed to purr once again, fingering her slit, her hand coming back up to tweak the hard pointed nipple of her young supple breast. I stood there in front of her now slowly stroking my cock. Doing so had the desired effect on me she’d been hoping for obviously. “Oh yeah, that’s nice…really, really nice. It’s so big and so hard, I bet that would feel really, really good inside my pussy.”

“Henry…” I said slowly drawing out her name. She giggled, don’t worry Nora’s daddy, I’m just thinking out loud, fantasizing a little here is all. Same as I’m sure you were last night. You were, weren’t you?” she asked.

Under the circumstances, I saw no point in trying to deny that. “Yeah…I did,” I said simply.

“So, what did you think about? While you stood there listening to us, listening to Nora lick my pussy, and then me, licking hers…did that excite you? Did you cum?”

I saw no point in telling her I came long before they’d obviously switched off and done that. Though now, there I stood, jerking myself off, once again imagining Henry licking my daughter’s wet hot cunt…and then me doing the same to both of them.

“Yes…eventually,” I told her, already feeling the sensation of wanting to do so again.

“So would you like that?”

I was already hovering on the edge.

“Like what?”

“Watching us, watch us lick one another, maybe even the two of us licking you.” Henry was truly frigging her own clit now, my eyes glued to her doing that, hearing her words but unable to sort out my emotions on what she’d just said. “Our tongues, lapping up and down your cock together, me sucking your balls perhaps, Nora, sucking your hard stiff prick.”

“Oh fuck…Henry, you…you shouldn’t be saying that,” and me…so fucking close now, about to toss one hell of a load any second now, which I knew I damn well would too.

“Gonna cum for me? Come for us?” she asked, my knees already starting to buckle, one hand down on the kitchen table for support as I stood fisting my cock furiously now, watching Henry as she stood there doing the same.

“Us?” I finally asked, confused, bewildered though I could already sense the intensity of my orgasm beginning. Which is when I suddenly felt an entirely different hand on my cock, looking down at myself, for a moment wondering if I was tripping out, if Henry had somehow managed to slip something into my coffee or something. It had to be some sort of a hallucination, and then she spoke.

“Come daddy…come, go ahead, squirt it for me…for us,” she urged.


For a brief moment in time, I felt like I had somehow escaped the confines of my own body. Standing there looking down at myself, having grown a third hand, and then letting go. Watching this new hand, this feminine hand suddenly wrapping itself around my cock, stroking it up and down, ever so slowly, ever so sensually. And then on top of all that, the sound of my own daughter’s voice urging me to cum.

It was like watching it all happen in slow motion. Seeing her hand, turning to look into her almost angelic-like face. Her smile, wickedly devilish yes, but still that smile I had so come to adore. And then beyond that, her nudity. Her full perfect breasts, nipples all crinkled, amazingly hard, stiff and erect.

The bareness of her pussy, a pleasant surprise that now would forever remain within my memory banks, changing the criteria I had only once allowed myself to think upon. And even as I began to squirt, my semen exploding from the tip of my cock, shooting off into god knows where, she continued smiling, jacking…milking my prick, urging me on.

“Come daddy, yes…come squirt it for me, squirt it all out…shoot your juice for me daddy, shoot it…shoot it…shoot it!”


I don’t remember sitting down, but obviously I had. Spent emotions now a flood of guilt, remorse, fear, and yet still uncontrollable excitement and pleasure too as I continued to throb, my prick not yet flaccid as though refusing to do so.

“Well you were right Henry. I didn’t think it would work, but it did,” Nora said, now sitting down beside me. “Good thing we didn’t bet.” She then turned towards me, her hand coming up to my face, brushing away a lock of hair that had fallen down into my eyes. “I’m sorry daddy, but I didn’t know how else to raise the subject.”

“What? What subject?” I finally said more or less to myself.

“Well you see daddy, it’s like this. I don’t want to be a virgin any more, and I think I’m old enough to make that decision for myself. But…I want it to be with someone who knows what they’re doing too, not some kid who will hurt me, or ruin my very first time for me. And I want it to be with someone I love, someone I care about. I want it to be you!”

I was speechless, flabbergasted to say the least. “Nora, we can’t…we shouldn’t…it’s just not possible. I’m sorry!”

“So…you’d rather I let some other guy do it then, is that what you’re telling me?”

“No! Of course not! I’d rather that you wait…wait until the right guy comes along.”

“I’ve been waiting…for a very, very long time now, daddy. And I’ve always known who the right guy was. I just didn’t know how to approach you about it, until now.” I looked past her at Henry.

“The two of you were in on this from the beginning?”

“For quite a while now yes,” Henry admitted. “We’ve certainly talked about it, but until last night…until I knew, and then we both knew for sure you were standing outside the door listening, well…that sort of gave me the idea to do this. And needless to say, Nora went along with it.”

“So…so, you want me to…to…”

“To fuck me yes…to take my virginity, once and for all. Just once daddy, I’m not asking you to do anything more than that. Just do this for me, with Henry there…and then after that, I promise I won’t pressure you to do it again if you don’t want to.”

“But that’s the point!” I told Nora. “What if after we do it, I DO want to? What then?”

“How about we cross that bridge when we get to it? But in the meantime, will you at least think about this? Please?”

I told her I would simply end this discussion here and now. The alarm would be going off soon, and June would be waking up.

“I’ll think about it. But then we’ll talk too, long before anything happens. But right now…the two of you better get dressed before your mother comes down here and sees the three of us like this. There would be hell to pay if that were to happen!”


I was in a funk the rest of the day. So many emotions running around inside my head. There was no fucking way I could do this. And yet, I found myself sitting there imagining it, actually fantasizing about the way it might go, especially with Henry there.

“Shit, I just can’t!” I said at one point shaking my head, and saying it loud enough that my wife had actually heard me.

“Can’t what?”

“Pull this deal off as quickly as my boss wants me to on Monday morning,” I lied, coming up with the only thing I could think of to say.

“Steve, it’s Saturday for hell’s sake. Relax, quit thinking about work. In fact, I think I know just the thing to get your mind off of that. As soon as the girls take off, which they said they’d be doing shortly, how about I give you a very…very special massage.”

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