Revenge is sweeter when done slowly – 02

“I didn’t doubt that they were,” Kathy offered, though taking advantage of the invite to explore that confirBruceion for herself. She could feel Izabel’s nipple, already hardened beneath the soft silky-like bra she was wearing.

“Ooh, that’s nice,” she purred once again, actually tilting her head back just a bit, closing her eyes. “I love having my nipples played with.”

Kathy took that as a suggestion to continue on, even more so. Which she did. Glancing only once back over her shoulder towards the side door of the club, though no one else was currently standing outside with them yet. For the moment at least, they were all alone. A simple tug pulled the shirttail out of the woman’s skirt. Once Kathy had accomplished that, she reached up and behind, the clasp coming away in her hands a second later.

All at once, her hands were filled with the fullness of Izabel’s soft full breasts as she pushed the cups up and away from them, likewise pushing up the front of her blouse along with it so that she could actually see what she was playing with. Izabel was wild with desire as she’d done that. Suddenly drawing Kathy’s head down in order to suckle one, simultaneously begging her to do something else as well.

“Finger me. Finger my cunt. I’m not wearing any panties,” she exclaimed.

Kathy quickly confirmed that aspect as well. With one hand still cupping a breast, fingering the taut nipple she found there, and her mouth busily engaged on the other, she quickly wormed her free hand downwards, and then easily up the woman’s now parted skirt. In moments, she had one finger, and then two, plowing in and out of the woman’s wet juicy split.

“Oh yes, yes! Fuck me baby, fuck me! Finger my cunt baby! Finger me, make me cum!”

Kathy revealed in the moment, for several reasons. But the truth was, she really was enjoying this too. It had in fact been a while since she’d actually played with another woman, let alone anyone else. And she found that she had missed doing so. She enjoyed the feel of power as well, the manipulation and direction of the woman’s pleasure as she guided it first one way, and then the other.

Only when Izabel’s voice threatened to alert anyone who might happen to be within hearing distance of them did she finally relent, now determined to get the woman off one way or the other. She pushed Izabel’ down into her car seat, sitting sideways, as she lifted one leg, anchoring it through the car window. With a wicked grin on her face, Kathy actually knelt down in front of her then, and just as quickly began to assault the woman’s near hairless pussy with her lips and tongue.

It was perhaps a good thing that Kathy hadn’t been wearing a wig, or Izabel’ would have no doubt yanked it off her head. Even then, she pulled just enough for it to hurt a little, though Kathy weathered all that easily enough, more content to bring this woman a very intense and satisfying orgasm. It was her intent after all, to do so again.

“Fuck that was good!” Izabel’ finally managed, only then straightening herself up some. “Better than good in fact,” she added, fishing out a mirror from her purse in order to give herself a once over before going in again. “And now…it’s your turn,” she offered, turning to face Kathy.

And as much as she would have liked that, Kathy knew that she wanted to set the hook a bit more firmly in place. “I wish I had more time tonight, and I would,” she explained. “But it’s getting late, and I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow.” She saw the look of true disappointment in the woman’s eyes. “But I really would like to see you again, perhaps meet up somewhere, and soon too.”

Izabel’s look turned to one of pure relief upon hearing that, especially as Kathy wrote down her cell number, giving it to her. She had long ago programmed her phone for personal reasons so that her name would never appear, only the number. “And how about yours?” She hoped.

To her delight, Izabel gave it to her. So now at least, if she did call, Kathy would know which name to use when answering the phone whenever she did.

“I need to run in and say goodnight to my friends,” Kathy explained. “And while I’m doing that, you should probably enjoy that smoke you never had.”

Izabel laughed openly at that. “Yeah, I think I will. Especially now,” she giggled even more, actually lighting one up, but not before sharing a brief farewell kiss with Kathy, before she headed back into the bar again.

Kathy looked back briefly before entering, saw Izabel’ wave at her, and waved back. And then headed quickly over to where Susan and her friends were. One look told Susan it was time to head to the bathroom again.


It was two days before Kathy received the phone call she’d been hoping for. It was Friday morning, and she nearly screwed things up when she answered the phone. She had always answered by saying, “Hi, this is Kathy,” just catching herself, and saying simply, “hello” instead, recognizing the name and number upon answering.

“Samantha? Izabel’. Listen, I was wondering if you might be free this evening,” she said, hopefulness in her tone of voice. Kathy paused for a moment as though thinking.

“No, no real plans on this end Izabel’ what do you have in mind? The club?”

“No, I was thinking more along the lines of dinner together, and then maybe…well, I’ve sort of taken the liberty of booking a room, thinking that maybe we could have an after dinner drink together…or something.”

“Or something sounds nice too,” Kathy teased back. “Where? And when?”

She hung up the phone, shaking her head. Ironic as hell that it was at the same fucking hotel that she’d once caught Bruce and his co-worker in. Maybe it was a sign. And if it was. She was good with that.


Kathy had chosen to wear one of her more provocative outfits, without going totally overboard again either. One of her favorite little black dresses, just elegant enough to be worn on any occasion, with thin spaghetti straps over her shoulders, just enough support to keep the front of her somewhat low-cut dress from revealing too much boob, especially as she’d be going braless this time, and a skirt just short enough to not reveal too much thigh either. Knee high nylons, no panties this time, with black pumps completed the look.

Izabel was already waiting for her outside when she arrived. She too was dressed sexily, without drawing too much attention to herself. She had worn a red pleated skirt, that hinted at a school-girl look without actually going there. She likewise wore a somewhat form fitting, lightweight cashmere sweater that really did accentuate the woman’s full breasts.

And even with a bra on, the tell-tale sign of twin hard little nipples pressing against the Bruceerial was a dead give-away as to the woman’s arousal. Once more they came together, though kissing chastely, as dear friends without making a scene should anyone be looking. Though Izabel did take that moment to whisper into Kathy’s ear when she did.

“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” she half moaned, half breathed. “And I’m so fucking wet, I’m apt to stick to my seat after sitting down.”

“I take it you’re not wearing any panties either then,” Kathy offered, seeing a nice surprise, and now knowing the look on the woman’s face. Once more they walked hand in hand into the restaurant, and then stood waiting to be seated. Their host approached.

“Would you care for a table? Or a booth?” He asked.

“I think a booth,” Izabel said , answering for them both, though turning, and receiving a look of approval from Kathy as they followed him over to one side, well away from several other patrons.

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