Reality or the consequences

“What do you think?” I challenged back…”Strip!”

Once again Jincy looked for help from her older sister, though none was forthcoming. “That’s not fair! If I have to…so should she!” Jincy said glaring at Bincy now.

“Nuh uh…I told the truth, you didn’t. Strip sis!” She said smugly now, starting to enjoy all this.

“Fine!” Jincy said, emulating the exact same words I’d spoken earlier. In seconds, she’d removed every stitch she’d been wearing, and was now standing there bare assed naked just as I was. Admittedly, I was at a loss for words. I’d caught glimpses…brief glimpses of everyone before of course, but I’d never been treated to a full on view before, and certainly never this close.

“Wow,” I actually breathed looking at my own very gorgeous sister. “So…” I found myself beginning to ask her. “Are you and Bincy truly identical in every way?” I wondered curiously speaking my thoughts aloud.

“Almost,” Jincy answered, still glowering at her sister. “Can I get dressed again now?” She asked, getting an affirmative shake of the head from Chris, though not from me, though I too finally reached down retrieving my own underwear, slipping them back on just as my sister did.

“What’s…different,” I actually asked while doing that, though neither of the twins answered as Leoherself then stood putting a quick end to all this anyway.

“I think that’s enough of Truth and consequences for tonight,” she exclaimed. “I’m going up to bed before any of this gets truly out of hand. And I suggest the three of you do the same,” she added to that, turning…and then left the room heading towards the stairs. I sat back down, after retrieving my throw pillow. There were still a few minutes of the movie remaining though we’d all but forgotten about it.

Not at all tired…certainly not now anyway, I wasn’t about to head off to bed, determined to stick around, finish the movie…and hopefully, if the girls did head off to their own bedroom, put in another one, an X-rated one, and enjoy getting myself off as aroused as I honestly now was.

The problem was…neither one of the twins seemed to be in any big hurry to leave either, especially now that Leohad gone off to bed.

“I have to admit Max…you’re pretty big,” Bincy suddenly announced. “Bigger than any I’ve seen anyway.”

“Yeah, you are,” Jincy said, joining in. “Just how big is it anyway?” She too wondered aloud.

“Shit, I don’t know…not like I’ve actually measured it or anything,” I proclaimed, once again feeling nervous and uncomfortable here discussing this with my own sisters.

“No shit? Really? You’ve actually never measured yourself? Don’t all guys do that?” They almost spoke as one, talking over the top of one another as they each asked the questions.

“No…we don’t. At least I haven’t anyway,” I said, speaking for myself at least. Which is when the twins sat looking at one another with smiles on their faces.

“I’ll get it,” Bincy said standing, and then scurried off over towards the desk there in the den.

“Get what?” I asked, though I now had some kind of an idea as to what they were suggesting here. Sure enough, she pulled an old wooden ruler out of the desk drawer.

“This should work!”

“Get real,” I said looking at her. “You don’t really think for one moment here…”

“Come on, be a sport Max,” Jincy said. “Aren’t you even the least bit curious yourself?”

“It’s not about the size…the quantity…”

“I know, I know…it’s the quality,” Bincy laughed. “But we still want to know. Come on…now that we’ve already seen it anyway, why not?”

“Because for one thing, I’m not exactly…hard again,” I proclaimed, which was true…I wasn’t. “So you wouldn’t get an accurate measurement anyway. And I’m not about to sit here and wait until I am again either,” though I paused…suddenly with an idea coming to my head. “Unless you give me some sort of incentive, something to help,” I then added looking at the two of them once more.

“Like what?” They both said again in exact unison.

“Show me…the differences,” I grinned back at them. “Do that…and then you can.”


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