Reality or the consequences

“Strip!” They said exactly at the same time, though this wasn’t the only time the girls seemed to be on the same wavelength. “Now you have to…” “Show it!” One began, the other finishing the exact same thought.

“Yeah…right!” I said, grabbing my pillow once again, hiding my obviousness now. “Like I’m really going to show you my dick,” I said trying to laugh it off, which is when Leosat up leaning forward, looking at me purposely.

“Consequences Max, come on, be a sport. You know damn good and well you’d make them pay for lying about something.”

“Yeah? Well…this is different!”

“Oh? And how’s that? If you’d just answered honestly in the first place, that would have been the end of it, maybe we’d have teased you a bit more regarding it…but since you out and out lied about it, that’s why you’re sitting here where you are now,” Leostated boldly.

“Yeah…and with a hard on too!” Bincy giggled. “Come on bro…let’s see it, pay up!”

“Fine!” I said exacerbated, once more removing my pillow, tossing it at the twins though they ducked it as I missed the two of them, laughing. Though I certainly wasn’t. I lifted up my ass, pulled down my underwear as my hard cock sprang up right in front of them. “There! Satisfied?” I asked putting it away again almost as quickly.

“Nope! Not good enough!” Jincy exclaimed. “We said strip. You didn’t. That means take them all the way off…and stand up now as an additional penalty for failing to do that!” Once again I looked towards Chris, but she was no help at all, still sitting there with glazed over eyes, licking her lips again. I just shook my head, stood up, pulled down my briefs and kicked them off entirely. Now with my prick pointedly standing fully out in front of me. However this time, I made no attempt at either covering, or retrieving my shorts either.

Standing there, looking at my three sisters looking at me, was starting to turn me on. And even more so when Jincy likewise absentmindedly reached up and fingered her nipple for a second until she realized she’d just done so. Almost shamefacedly putting her hand back down.

“Is looking at your own brother making you horny?” I asked, staring my sister down. She looked up, shaking her head.

“Of course not…I was just…”

“Liar!” I said, spitting it back at her, looking over towards Leoagain as she openly laughed.

“Ah oh…” she mused, still giggling.

“Consequences,” I returned looking at Jincy, though including Bincy even as I said that. “And what about you sis? You get horny looking at your own brother’s cock?”

She at least was honest about it, though it took her a moment to answer the question, and even then, she only really answered it with an affirmative nod of the head.

“Pay up,” I said, turning back towards Jincy again. “Now it’s your turn.”

“To do what?” She asked worriedly.

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