Putting together storm

or that either one of us would be as comfortable or as secure as we are now. So…I tend to overlook some of her shenanigans from time to time. Provided of course…she doesn’t go too far overboard with them.”

“Look, I understand. And in a way…I don’t blame her for being overly protective of you, no more than you’re probably just as overprotective of her too in your own way. You’re just looking out for one another, nothing wrong with that. So…if it doesn’t worry or upset you, then don’t worry about what I’m thinking based on whatever it is that she’s doing. So far, if she enMaxs yanking my chain a little, and teasing me a bit…even flirting with me. As long as you’re aware that she is…and may continue to do so. Then don’t worry about me. I’m not interested in your daughter. I’m really only interested in getting to know you better first.”

“It’s nice hearing you say that Tom,” Sophia said leaning her head into and against my shoulder. “I’ve enMaxed being with you…making love with you, and I’d hate to find out in the end that it’s been less than that. We come as a package deal. If in the end Max can’t or won’t accept you, it’s been our long term agreement,

if that’s the case, then I won’t commit long term to that man. I might continue to see him, even to fuck him from time to time. But it would never be anything more than that, not without Max’s approval. And the same goes for her too. If I don’t like the guys she’s with, or seeing. Same thing there as well. It’s just the way it is.

“So in other words, I have to win the daughter over too then, in order to win you.”

“If that’s your intention…then yes,” she smiled hopefully, wondering in fact if it really was. She kissed me, as I kissed her back, hotly, passionately…wondering as I did so…if those truly were my real intentions.


We went upstairs shortly after dinner and made love. And though still passionate, it had been a sweet tender coupling, leaving her exhausted, and soon after fast asleep there in her bed. She’d had a busy, stressful week, obviously exhausted as I turned out the lights, tucking her in, and then crept quietly out of the room heading down stairs once again.

I was still wide awake, not yet ready to turn in myself. That, and I was jonesing for a smoke, having not lit one up since I had been here. If there was a time I was going to do so…it was now, especially after having just had sex when it was usually the time I most enMaxed having one.

Just after midnight, it was quiet, all save for those same waves crashing below us. The sound of the surf pounding gave the night a bit of a surreal serenity as I stood there next to the rail enMaxing my smoke looking into the darkness beyond, the trail the moon blazed across the ocean beyond like a pathway into nothingness. The sound of her voice startled me, as did her actions. I’d not heard her come up from behind me.

Like a prowling cat perhaps, she’d crept up on her unsuspecting prey, and then pounced without warning. It had been her fingers coming up, pulling the cigarette from between my lips that had first alerted me to her presence. I stood there watching her take a deep pull on the cigarette before handing it back to me.

“Nothing better than a smoke after sex,” she informed me. She was again naked, but unfortunately…so was I. I’d been bold enough to have left the room without bothering to dress, thinking everyone was actually asleep, though in hindsight, I probably should have known better. And even more importantly, later asked myself if I hadn’t subconsciously gone down there like this, wondering if she might in fact actually show up. Which she had. And like I said…naked again too.

I took another drag on my smoke, using the time I did so to once again look at her, taking her all in, especially bathed the way she was in the moonlight. There was no denying it, Max had a beautiful young gorgeous body, and she obviously knew it, enMaxed flaunting it…showing herself off. Tempting and teasing me as she did so. Which was of course her game. But standing there naked, as I now was myself, was I not too…playing it? I wondered. Maybe I was. Looking at her was arousing. That much I at least had to admit.

And though I did indeed like Sophia, and was certainly enMaxing my getting to know her better than I did. What was it that I actually did hope to accomplish here? Sophia did indeed make a nice living, obviously had a beautiful home out here on the beach where anyone in their right mind would en Max living. Was there a future in any of this for me…for us? Or was it simply a passing infatuation that would soon end with my going back to my own little corner of the world?

“You’re hard,” she said, looking down at me as I polished off the smoke, pinching off the hot cherry, before crushing the rest of the smoke between my fingers, setting it off to the side to be picked up and tossed later. She was right. I was. Something about standing here outside like this always had been arousing to me. I loved being naked outdoors, always had, always would. And then added to that, doing so…with a young nubile, very attractive looking woman standing next to me likewise in the nude….well.

“Yeah…I guess I am,” I freely admitted. I mean after all…not like I could hide it or anything.

It was then however that I felt her hand reach out, wrapping itself around my shaft. It was already slick as she did that.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Letting you enMax a little ‘Max Juice’,” she quipped, continuing to fondle me. I realized then, she had taken a bit of her own lubrication, now applying that to me. Admittedly it felt good…too good in fact. My resolve was shaken as I stood there. Yet determined even so.

“I didn’t ask to fuck you,” I told her, though my voice certainly wasn’t in agreement with myself.

“I know, didn’t hear you ask either,” she said just as easily. “Though the offer still stands.” She continued to slowly stroke my cock however, using her own juice to further pleasure me with, taking a bit more, her hand down between her legs again, which she now switched, using the other hand as she went back to slow-stroking my cock for me.

“If you’re going to insist on standing there and jerking me off…fine. But you need to know Max, I have no intention of letting this remain a secret between us. If you’re thinking you can tell your mother that I wanted this…allowed this, without mentioning it to her, then you’d better stop.”

“So you’re actually telling me, you will tell mom I did this to you then…that’s what I’m hearing?”

“Yes…it is. And don’t think that I won’t either. I’d rather she heard it from me first. So…if it’s your intent to get me aroused,” you’ve succeeded. I’ll be the first to admit that I am, already was when I came down here to begin with. And you doing this…isn’t making it any easier for me. But…I have no intention of fucking you, or asking to fuck you either.” I told her.

“I see,” she said, letting go of my cock finally, backing up to support herself against the railing again, though she spread her legs slightly, her hand once again down between them. This time I could see, she truly was fingering herself in front of me, openly and without any reservation or inhibition in doing so. “Very well…suit yourself, but I am horny now too…admittedly. And if you like, if you want…you can watch me get myself off. Even join me perhaps. And…if you’d also like, we can keep this between us, or you can tell mom what I did…or even what you did. I won’t say a word either way. And that…I do promise you.”

“Tell you what Max,” I said already having given this some thought. It was a bit risky perhaps…no telling how Sophia would in fact react to it in the morning, but if anything…I would at least perhaps give myself some credibility in both of their eyes. “I’m aroused enough that I’m certainly not going to stand here and not give myself a bit of release…especially now that I need to. And…if you’re going to stand there and play with yourself in front of me, I’m not about to look away while you do so either. I’ll stand here, enMax looking at you,

and jerk myself off. In the morning, as soon as your mom’s up however…I will tell her myself what happened here. So…now it’s your choice. You can remain, pleasure yourself in front of me while I watch, while I jerk off…which I intend on doing whether you’re here or not now. But whatever story I tell your mom…is now entirely dependent upon you.”

On the one hand, I was really hoping she’d leave. On the other of course…I hoped she’d stay, continue to fondle herself while I watched her doing so. I mean…after all. Either way however, I would tell Sophia what had happened here, especially before Max could…which I felt she would do, regardless. Sophia might in fact ask me to leave, be upset, who knows. But I was bound and determined, even if she did that, at least she’d know…as would Max, I hadn’t been lying to either one of them.

Max began working her own pussy even more purposely, once again lifting a hand to likewise begin mauling and fondling that exquisite breast of hers. A sore temptation…trust me, as I wished that I could do that to her myself. I refrained however…somehow, though certainly no longer refraining from Toming my cock. Toming it up and down now as Max stood on, watching me as I played with my cock right there in front of her, walking towards the railing.

Amazingly enough, we came simultaneously, one or the other of us perhaps triggering it, but nevertheless…hearing her mewled expression of pleasure, the look in her face, the way she stood there with her fingers clamped down on one of her nipples…stretching it. I felt my own balls tighten, knew the familiar tingle of release, which was already at that very moment racing up the length of my shaft.

That triggered the intensity of the eruption, the split second when my spunk leapt from the tip of my dick, momentarily highlighted in the moon light before falling off into the darkness somewhere below us, out over the railing as I stood there. Purposely aiming it that way now, not wanting to spoil or stain the deck. Max cried out, watching it…watching me shoot, over and over again.

Her own deep-throated cry of release mingling now with my own, she turned, facing the railing. I watched in wonder…surprise, even disbelief as the sudden highlighted appearance of her own pearly jettison of female spunk likewise arched away from her, and then disappeared into the depths below us. Glittering briefly for a split second, caught in the moon’s soft caressing glow.

“Now I need a cigarette,” Sophia said walking out onto the deck. “Maybe we all need one.”

To be continued…

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