One penny for your ideas – 5

“Most every day, yes. And yes…I do, doesn’t everyone?”

“Oh honey. You just made my day baby. Now get over here, let me show you what it actually feels like to make love to another woman. Are you ready for that?” She giggled again. “Never mind…I can see that you are.”

Gayleen managed to have a semi quiet little orgasm of her own, and then felt me as I neared my own, suddenly spinning around, taking me into her mouth, stroking me, sucking me. “Think you can manage a second one yourself? After we get back to my place?” She asked.

“Count on it,” I assured her. And then poured a nice thick load down her sucking throat as we stood there listening to Marjorie as she quite erotically, took Eddie’s cherry from him.


We made it safely back to the car, got in, and then burst out laughing.

“So…Eddie…or rather Edward,” she said, as we both knew we could never dare call him that ourselves. “And Marjorie…are now an item maybe?”

“Count on it,” I assured her. “Though I am sure they’ll still be careful around one another at work. But…I think it’s safe to say…they’re about to have the best night of their entire lives, out there together, in the back of Edwards old beat up truck. So…now do you believe me when I say I think I have a gift? Something we can do something useful with to help others?”

“Yeah…maybe you do. Maybe you’ve convinced me you can. So now what? Where do we go from here? What do we do?”

“Well…the first thing is. We go back to your place and fuck. Until morning at least. After that, you and I are going to make a few phone calls, invite some friends over, and have a very informal party, where I am also just as sure, we can convince them to invest in this idea.”

“Good luck with that,” she told me. “But we’ll worry about the financial aspects of all this tomorrow. Like you said…AFTER you’ve fucked me all night,” she grinned as we drove out of the parking area with the lights off until we were safely out of sight from where Marjorie and Eddie, no doubt continued on fucking…as they obviously would be after having heard about Eddie’s talent.

“No worries there either, trust me,” I assured her.

The truth is. I could have perhaps just gone into a bank, maybe even robbed it, it might have been easy enough to do given my newfound gift. But as I’d maintained all along. I didn’t wear a black hat, and didn’t consider myself to be a really dishonest individual. Of course, I didn’t wear a pure white hat either, a bit more on the light gray side perhaps. But I also knew…for those who I could convince, without too much prompting, I’d ensure…were well compensated afterwards for having done so. With that being said, once we had the funds I figured we’d need…we’d then go looking for a nice place to set up shop.

And I had just the place in mind too. Now all we needed was to convince the owners of the resort to sell the place to me. I was fairly confident they would too. And I would make it more than worth their while in doing so.

Things were looking up. There was a whole new future ahead of me, ahead of us perhaps. And I was more than anxious to get things rolling on it.

But not before…fucking Gayleen’s brains out. I was really looking forward to doing that too!

To be continued…

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