One penny for your ideas – 5

We had parked my car a short distance away from where we normally parked, and then came in to work for the evening. When at last the opportunity presented itself, I asked Marjorie if she had a moment so I could speak with her. I turned to Gayleen, smiled knowingly as she smiled back, and then followed Marjorie into her office on the pretext of asking her about my upcoming performance review, to which she was all business of course as she sat down at her desk across from me.

I lit the spark, saw the small flame in the back of her eyes and with more than enough privacy, statuized her. Just long enough to ‘suggest’ to her what I wanted to, though covering that with the thought that she’d only remember the two of us discussing my performance.

Which overall really had been good, but leaving her with a sense we’d had a good discussion about it, which would also leave her in a better than average mood. It was important to get her thinking about Edward, and what I’d essentially told, or rather suggested to her, to do.

I had basically told her that she needed to be bold, and brave enough to express her feelings towards him. Though I took it even a step further than that. Telling her that throughout the day she’d begin by just thinking about him, wanting to share how she felt.

But then as time went by…the more she thought about it, the more aroused she’d become, thinking about the possibility of actually seducing him out in his truck later after work. The thought of which would of course get her more and more aroused as she considered it. With that, I stood up, having already told her that would be when she’d be herself again, and as far as she’d know and remember, we’d been having this performance conversation the entire time. I did so, seeing her perhaps smile for the first time in a long time, and went back to work.

“How’d it go?” Gayleen asked curiously as I rejoined her in boxing up orders.

“Good. Now all I have to do is speak to Edward briefly, which I will do as soon as I can get him alone for a moment too. But keep an eye on Marjorie…she’s got a smile on her face for one thing, but hopefully, perhaps we’ll see her eventually move off to speak with Edward at some point, and then we’ll know if this is going to work or not.”

Just then we saw Edward coming around the corner hauling trash out.

“There he is. Now’s my chance.”

I had, just before coming to work that evening, taken an old empty wallet of mine, stuck a few dollars in it as a reason for approaching him. As he neared, I stood, wallet in hand.

“Edward? Found this out in the parking lot just before coming in tonight. Didn’t see any identification, but there was a few bucks in it. Thought maybe you could give this to Marjorie for me, see if she could find out who might have dropped it.”

Even though we spoke, he never slowed down, always busy about his work, so it was hard catching his eyes long enough to do what I needed to do. I finally did so as we stood there just outside near the large dumpster, finally turning towards me in order to accept the wallet I had supposedly found. I flicked my Bic, saw the flicker in his eyes, and held him briefly for a moment.

I have to say…for the few short moments that I shared his mind and thoughts with him, Edward proved to be one of the most interesting individuals whose thoughts and mind I had ever had a look at.

Although Edwards mind library was small, it was uniquely organized, clean and tidy. It was an interesting way to look at people this way perhaps. Something about how they organized their thoughts maybe, privately and subconsciously. But in Edwards’s case, it even looked clean too. I didn’t see or feel him as being simple minded or anything, he wasn’t. Smarter than he even looked, or acted perhaps. But whatever it was…he had a way of organizing things, and then keeping things extremely simple and efficient after that.

The most amusing thing however, unlike everyone…he didn’t appear to have any secret hidden rooms within his mind. There was but one other door leading down the pathway, which I curiously followed. Again, all this happening and taking place within mere moments of time. There didn’t even appear to be a door, or if there was, it remained open, informing me as I saw it, sensed it…that whatever purpose behind this second place, was an open-book to his thoughts, how he felt, not really trying to conceal or hide them from anyone.

Edward was indeed an upfront, nothing to hide kind of a guy, which surprised me. He was the only one I’d encountered who had been.

I almost didn’t go in, wanting to hurry, though again only seconds were ticking by during all this. But that second room intrigued me, so I wanted to look before planting the very simple thought I had planned on giving him.

If my thoughts had feet, they would have stumbled as I entered his special room. Once again, perhaps it was the way I had to see it to grasp and understand it, though I sensed I was seeing it the way his own subconscious thoughts handled it as well. A simple, though again clean, sturdy looking chair sat in the middle of the room. It too was labeled, an interesting curiosity. Neatly printed in large bold lettering, it read: “My naughty thoughts place.” I sensed even in reading it, that the expression itself spoke volumes.

There was no guilt, no disgust, no sense of it being a bad thing, or an evil or wicked thing. If anything, I wanted to smile just being there. This was simply put, the place where he could go, feel good about it, and enjoy himself. With no harm or intent against anyone, or anything. And there, all around as I looked, hundreds upon hundreds of mental images of just one person…Marjorie.

It was obvious he had no true reference as to how to honestly picture her. Only the face remained the same, though with differing looks perhaps. But the bodies were different, though general in appearance perhaps as to how Marjorie might look…naked. Medium sized breasts, though he must have imagined again hundreds of combinations of how her nipples, and to some extent the shape of her breast might look once unconfined by bra or loose fitting work shirts. In addition, her pussy too.

Shaved, totally bushed…which made me laugh in seeing the various combinations of that, as well as everything in between. Obviously, Edward had spent a great deal of time thinking about how Marjorie might actually look, and had collected every image of her possible in doing that. I couldn’t help wondering how often he came here and spent time actually thinking about her, and pleasuring himself in some way.

It was time to plant my thoughts, turn him loose and get back to work.

“Take her the wallet,” I said simply. “Listen to whatever she might have to say to you, be bold and brave enough to agree to whatever that might be, and most importantly Edward, enjoy yourself.”

Edward accepted the wallet, and immediately headed off to seek out Marjorie.

Gayleen and I sat watching him head off towards her office. “Ok, now we see how the suggested thoughts work,” I told her with a big smile on my face. I was pretty sure they would…I mean after all. But I was curious to see if even the simple thoughts would eventually lead towards much, much more than that.

We soon found out just how much they really did.


Thirty minutes before our shift ended, Marjorie came out and announced that everyone could finish up whatever they were working on, and then leave early. It was like watching rats leaping off a sinking ship after that. It was rare that she ever did that. And especially this early, in making the announcement. As expected, everyone seemed to put things into high gear at this point, and within a very short time, began leaving work as though expecting Marjorie to suddenly change her mind for some reason.

Like everyone else, Gayleen and I quickly exited as well, though heading back over towards my car, and the safety of the thick wall of hedges separating the two parking lots. There we hid, watching as everyone else cleared out of the lot until only Edwards lone beat up looking truck remained behind, along with Marjorie’s car, still parked out in front of the building.

“What if…they do something inside without our being able to see, or be aware of it?” Gayleen asked.

“They won’t. For one thing, Edward wouldn’t feel comfortable letting that happen inside where he works. Regardless of how he feels about her…his job is too important to him to allow anything like that to happen. He’ll need a separate place, a safe place. A place where he knows he can be himself. Physically, that place would be inside his own truck, baring going someplace else. As for Marjorie, I more or less “suggested” to her where they might go…after work, knowing Edward would be uncomfortable if she were to approach him like that. Trust me…it will be in his truck, eventually…”

As it turned out, we didn’t have too long to wait either. Ten minutes later the two of them came out, looking a bit nervously perhaps, though ensuring the parking lot was completely devoid of any other cards before sauntering over towards Edwards truck.

“Well I’ll be damned!” Gayleen chuckled quietly as we hunkered down even lower behind the hedgerow until they had both opened the door to his camper, and gone on inside.

“Come on…follow me,” I whispered as we left the safety of our little spot and made our way over towards the side of his camper. One window was partially open, just enough to stand beneath, and clearly hear everything that was being said.

“What is it that you said you needed to see and talk to me privately about?” Edward was asking, though Gayleen and I both wished to hell there was some way of actually looking inside the camper without being discovered. There wasn’t however, not really, thus we’d have to be content with just listening. Though that at least, was coming through crystal clear at the moment.

Just by the sound of Marjorie’s voice I could tell she was excited, though nervous as she answered, him, telling him that she’d been having these thoughts…these feelings for quite some time now, and had finally decided to tell him how she felt about him, perhaps see how he felt…about her, in doing so.

Gayleen was looking at me with a surprised look in her eyes, as I looked back at her, smiling knowingly as she finally realized there was something to what I’d been telling her.

“I know I’m not pretty to look at,” Marjorie had begun, and far older than you are as well Edward, but I think I’ve seen you looking at me too a time or two, so I thought to myself…nothing ventured, nothing gained…especially if I didn’t just come right out and tell you I’d been thinking about you.”

“But…but, you ARE pretty!” He stammered almost defensively. “So don’t say that. And…and…I think about you too!” He told her, now almost as excitedly as she sounded. “All the time in fact!” He then added to that hurriedly. I wish I could see the expression on his face, and hers as a brief moment of silence followed. I could almost see him blushing, and she too for that matter, as the realization of what they’d just told one another finally sank in.

“You do? And what do you think about Edward, whenever you think about me?” She was now asking, her voice taking on a sultry tone to it.

Once again, we could hear his shy, reserved response to that, just imagining him standing there, shuffling his feet, looking down at his shoes perhaps.

“Just…just stuff.”

“What kind of stuff?” Again a pause, more feet shuffling perhaps as I tried holding in a chuckle. “Go on Edward…tell me. Tell me what you’ve been thinking, and then I’ll tell you what I’ve been thinking. And here’s a hint…I’ve been thinking naughty thoughts…about you. There, I said it…now it’s your turn to tell me.”

“Nau…naughty thoughts?” He asked curiously excitedly. Obviously. “You…you have? About me?”

“Yes I have Edward. So…now it’s your turn. What kind of thoughts have you been having about me?”

“I’ve ah…I’ve ah…been having naughty thoughts about you too,” he told her boldly, once again pleased that he had. His self confidence hopefully bolstered perhaps in having done so, as I had again suggested he might.

“What kind of naughty thoughts Edward? Thoughts about these?” She asked.

“Fuck I wish we could see what was going on,” Gayleen whispered into my ear, though I agreed with her. Still…we were both getting a pretty good idea of what was actually taking place inside his camper, even if we couldn’t see anything.

“Oh my,” Edward moaned. “Ah yes…those, and…and other stuff too,” he added now, sounding even more excited than he had been.

“So you’ve been thinking about my tits then. Wondering what they looked like maybe?” She asked. He must have been nodding his head, as we heard no real answer to that. “And what about this?” She then added. We again could only guess as to what she was indicating, until she helped clarify that just a little. “You think about my cunt Edward?”

“Your….your what?” He asked.

“My cunt baby, my pussy…this.”

“Oh, didn’t know that’s what that meant,” he told her honestly. She giggled at that, not laughing at him, though obviously surprised he didn’t know what that had meant.

“You do know what pussy means though right baby?” She asked almost teasingly. Again no verbal answer, though her giggle told us he must have told her in some way that he did. “Cunt…is just another really naughty way of saying pussy,” she said. “Go ahead baby…say it, say cunt.”

“Cunt,” he responded.

“Now say tits. You do like looking at my tits, yes? Do you like my nipples? The way they’re shaped?”

“Yes,” he moaned rather deeply, audibly…and then added the simple word, almost in a whisper. “Tits…boobies…breasts,” he then added to that, suddenly enjoying the naughty game they were now playing.

“That’s it! Yes…tits, titties, boobies, breasts, knockers, fun bags,” she laughed, as he now did. “Are you…are you aroused Eddie?” she now spoke, using a form of his name perhaps, though I don’t think anyone had ever referred to him that way. “Are you Mike? Like I am?”

“Uh huh.”

“Let me see. Let me see how Mike you are Eddie. Let me see…your cock.”

Again, more silence, but then Gayleen and I both heard Marjorie gasp.

“Oh my god Edward! Holy fucking shit! Your…your…fuck, your cock is huge!” She suddenly exclaimed.

“It is?”

“Jesus baby! Don’t you know that?” She asked almost incredulously. “That’s the biggest fucking prick I have ever seen!”

“It is?” He said again, a bit more confidently this time.

“Oh yeah, BIG time. And you know what I want to do about that?” She now asked, and then answered before he could. “I want to suck it…and then I want to fuck it. You do know what that means don’t you Eddie? That I want you to put that big fat fucking cock of yours all the way up inside my cunt?”

“Really? Inside you? You…you’ll let me, let me be nasty inside you?”

“Nasty hell babe….fucking dirty nasty. Say it baby….tell me you want to fuck me. Tell me you want to fuck my wet, hot, juicy slippery cunt. Say it baby, I want to hear you say it.”

“I want to fuck your naughty, nasty…hot…juicy…slippery…cunt!” He almost bellowed, chuckling excitedly now.

“And you will…but first sweetie, come over here, lay down on your bed here while I suck on it for a bit.”

“Ok, don’t laugh,” Gayleen told me. “But this is making me damn fucking Mike too!” She whispered once again. She then unzipped her jeans, pulling them down her legs. As usual, she wasn’t wearing any panties beneath. I then unzipped as well, stepped behind her as she leaned against the side of the truck, hands extended bracing herself as I placed the head of my own dick against the slick wet furrow of Gayleen’s pussy.

“Oh…fuck!” Edward wailed loudly from inside.

“You like that huh?” Marjorie questioned. “Never had your cock sucked before?”

“No!” He whimpered softly this time. “Never…never anything,” he then informed her.

“Really? You mean to tell me, you’ve never…you’re still a virgin?”

More was said, though we couldn’t quite hear it. It was still very erotic though, standing there just below the window, my cock sliding slowly and smoothly in and out of Gayleen’s equally wet hot pussy as we stood there listening to them.

“Oh baby! That’s ok…don’t worry about that. It happens to everyone, especially their first time!” Marjorie suddenly exclaimed, the sounds of Eddie’s obvious mind-blowing orgasm having taken place just seconds ago. “We’ll just wait…take some time, but I’m pretty sure…”

There was a long pause this time.

“Holy shit. You’re still hard! Way hard!” She exclaimed.

“I usually am, until after the third, or fourth time,” he told her.

“Excuse me? Fourth time? How…how often do you jerk off anyway?” She now asked him.

“Every day. Usually twice in the morning, then twice again around lunch…in here usually,” he added almost shyly. And then sometimes, but not always, two or three times just before bed.”

“You…you mean, you’re actually telling me then, you…you cum every time? You do this every day?”

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