One penny for your ideas – 5

“For me as well!” Sophia said, chiming in. “I honestly don’t think I’ve ever had an orgasm that intense before. It was as though…as though, hell Brian, I can’t even begin to explain it. I mean…I’m not even sure what you were doing, or what Grace was doing, but somehow I sensed, we all were, and then coming, actually climaxing together simultaneously! Simply put Brian…that was the best fucking orgasm of my entire life!”

We all laughed, easing the sudden tension a little. Sophia had essentially said the same thing Grace had, just taking a bit more time getting around to it.

“Ditto that,” I said sitting back between the two very beautiful, very satisfied women lying on either side of me.

But more importantly…I now knew what I was going to do with the rest of my life. But I also knew as I lay there fleshing it all out, I was going to need a partner. Someone I could trust, someone I could confide in, and perhaps share a few of my thoughts with, see what she might feel about all of this. I knew I’d have to convince her. But how? How much did I dare tell her, or show her even? Would she even believe me if I did? Though again other thoughts came to mind. Ways that I could. Things that existed and were performed, or believed in today.

I could, and would use those to my advantage. It would make sense, partially at least. But I knew now how I could make it work, and I knew as I did so…that person, the only person perhaps, that I could convince to do this with me… was Gayleen.


Planting the tiny seed was the easy part. I had long ago learned that people were far more convincing, and convictive in their own thoughts…if they believed them. I had called Gayleen, told her about an idea I had, and wanted to bounce it off her. She could tell I was enthusiastic and excited about it, and of course readily agreed.

I then took her to dinner, a nice quiet out of the way restaurant with good food, where we could talk privately and discuss my idea. As we sat looking over the menus, I initiated that little spark, planting the tiny seed, hoping that she would herself then help it to grow, bloom and burst into a floral display of her own making. If anyone would buy into it…I knew that she would.

I then let the flame wink out. From here on, I wanted her to think things through for herself, weigh the possibilities, and ask the questions I hadn’t already asked or foreseen myself. No better way to prepare oneself for the inevitable scrutiny and uncertainty of something that many might see or take as being unfeasible, unacceptable, if not downright charlatan in nature. Gayleen I knew would raise those issues and doubts. But if I could convince her, I knew I could most likely convince anyone.

As we began eating, I slowly began laying everything out for her. I saw her bemused expression turn to one of honest curiosity, and then doubt, and then careful scrutiny as the questions finally came.

“Ok, yes. I’ve heard of Tantra meditation. Even a little bit about this “Tantra sexual energy,” you’ve been explaining to me. I can sort of see how it works, and honestly believe that people can feel that, or do that, without actually touching one another. But you’re sitting here telling me that you can take it several steps beyond that. And what about the hypnosis thing you mentioned.

You said there’s a little of that, only to the point where it allows someone to relax and allow themselves to open up to what you’ve been telling me. But you know…as well as I do Brian, people really can’t be made to do anything they wouldn’t normally do, no matter how open-minded or truly uninhibited they are.”

“I agree with you Gayleen. I don’t think people CAN be made to do anything honestly and truly against their will. Maybe hypnosis isn’t the best word to be using here. Suggestive thought perhaps, just getting people to consider the possibility of actually experiencing something like this. Like I told you, it’s been something I’ve been working on for years, studying up on, getting to understand myself how it works, how it could work.

But like I told you, I now believe it will work. And I think I can prove it to you, simple suggestive thought, something that if one is already leaning towards doing, they actually might do it, given a helpful nudge, a little push in the right direction.”

“Ok, let’s say I believe you up to a point. I think I’ve proven to you I have enough of an open mind myself to at least look at the possibilities before denying the feasibility of something like this actually working. So I’ll give you that much. But I also am one of those people who needs to see results, see confirmation, something concrete before I’m willing to fully commit myself.”

I sat back smiling as we finished our meal. “That’s why I considered telling you all this in the first place. I want you as my partner in this Gayleen. But only if you are yourself one hundred percent convinced, and are willing to support me in this. So…having said that, how about I put on a small little demonstration for you? Something that only you and I know, something that can’t be rigged, or created as a hoax of some kind. Proof positive as they say.”

“Like what?” Gayleen said, sitting back in her chair now. Enthusiastic yes, but cautious too. Just what I needed her to be.

“So you’ll trust me on the hypnosis thing then, because it’s not really that…more suggestive thought like I said.”

“I can’t be hypnotized…but I already told you that early on. Even tried doing it a few times, but no one’s ever been able to put me under as they call it. So…ok, I’ll trust you in that. But you still have to convince me about the suggestive thing,” she added.

“And that’s exactly what I am going to do Gayleen…in two parts. The first part I’ll do directly with you. The second part will come later, which I will also explain later, after you give me your hand, and your undivided attention just for a moment.”

She looked at me speculatively, only for a moment, and then smiled, holding out her hand.

“Well, I guess it’s safe, especially here. Not like you can make me take all my clothes off or anything.”

I laughed at that. “Well maybe not here, but hopefully later,” I added, accepting her hand, and then getting a slightly serious expression on my face. “Ok, you say you’ve got an open mind, so prove it to me. All I want you to do is literally look at me, eyes wide open, and then tell me what thought or word suddenly pops into your head, the moment after I let go of your hand. Agreed?”

I watched the little spark of flame suddenly fill the back of her eyes. Gayleen nodded her head in agreement. I let go of her hand.


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