Nicolas uncovered the truth of milf’s new job – part 1

But other than her, no older woman had done it for me and even Amelia was mostly because she was the first woman I knew who I thought was sexy. So I found it odd this ad grabbed me the way it had. I’d only found it by accident when John and I were working on our first Craig’s list ad and for fun he had decided to click on the adult services. While he was joking about which ones he would pick or wondering if any of them were fellow PC students he had spotted this one and clicked on it.

John had laughed and said, “Man, imagine fucking someone your mom’s age?” then after a moment had added, “Bet a woman that old gives a hell of a blow job.” He had clicked off of it, but the ad stuck in my mind and later that night I’d looked at it again. After that I’d gone online and watched some milf porn, which I’d formally had no interest in and became hooked.

Now it was all I thought about, how much better an older lover could be. The girls I had been with were fun, but fun for my age, which is what they were. They were still a little shy and hung up on some things, a woman that age? She would know exactly what she wanted, how to get it and would be damn good at it. But even though I was watching movies my thoughts kept turning back to that ad, the fact there was a woman that age available that would do whatever I wanted was killing me.

Finally after three weeks of jerking off, including several times while staring at the picture in the ad it occurred to me why not do it? I could save up the money and it’s not like anyone would know. I’m sure it was something my parents would frown on, and I wouldn’t tell any friends, especially John because I would never hear the end of it.

Once I’d decided to chase my fantasy I’d looked at the ad every day hoping that whoever she was she would keep doing this. Right now all my bills were paid including the money to my parents to go in the bank. I had a hundred and sixty stashed and after a couple of jobs today would have two. Staring at the ad I wondered if I should contact her now. No, I had to get to work and…

“What are you doing, looking at hookers again?” I jumped as John came up behind me. “Shit, all the hotties we saw and you’re looking at the old lady?”

“Like you wouldn’t tap that.” I responded, pointing at her.

“I wouldn’t pay for it.” Slapping me on the shoulder he laughed, “Hey, Nicolas you want to bang a cougar, Miss Jennings is single!”

“Ugh.” I gave a mock shudder, “Dude, she has false teeth.”

“Then she can take them out and give you a gum job!”

I shut the computer off and got up to see John tossing a t-shirt on. “Are you ready to go?”

“I have to shower.”

“Why, we’re going to get all sweaty.” He reminded me, “But really, you know if you want some desperate housewife to go hit the bar over on Broadway a lot of lonely ladies there.”

“How do you know?”

“Oh, well…” he looked away.

“No! You fucking dog!” I exclaimed “Have you really…?”

“I’m not proud.” He made a show of hanging his head, “But she was lonely and upset and I took one for the team and made her…”

“How old was she?” I asked.

“I don’t know, maybe thirty,” he grinned wickedly, “Old enough to know some tricks.”

“You never told me.”

“It’s none of your…”

We looked up at the sound of heels coming down the hallway.

“What’s your mom doing up before nine on a Saturday?”

“I have no…”

He stopped at a knock on the door and Amelia called, “Hey you guys decent?”

“Yeah,” John called back as I reached down and grabbed a Red Sox shirt from my bag and started to put it on.

“I should say as decent as a two twenty year old boy can be anyway.” Amelia laughed as she entered the room.

“Morning, Amelia, I…” I stopped in mid sentence when I saw her.

Amelia was wearing a black skirt so short I doubted she could bend over in it and a pink short sleeved blouse that wouldn’t be anything special if the buttons were secured. Instead the top half was wide open exposing a red shirt beneath it that was low cut to where I could not just see the top half of her tits, but a red lace bra.

Her long blonde hair was down despite how hot it was outside and I noticed she was wearing eyeshadow to accentuate her blue eyes and her lips were painted a deep red. Catching myself staring at her chest, I dropped my eyes down and was now confronted with her almost totally exposed legs. Amelia sun bathed by the pool every day and her legs were not only long and well shaped, but as tan as I was from working outside all summer.

Her legs were made to look even better by a pair of what had to be four inch black heels. Unable to help it, my eyes worked the length of her legs right up to the hem of the skirt which I swore couldn’t be more than a couple of inches lower than her crotch. If she sat across from anyone today they would be getting a show.

She was standing with her legs slightly apart and I couldn’t help staring at the inside of her thighs. Like the woman I was hoping to meet tonight her thighs weren’t slender, but still had a nice shape, thick some of the guys at school would call them.

“Mom!” John spoke up, “What the hell are you wearing?”

“I’m going to work.”

“Like that?” he pointed, “Can you sit in that thing?”

“I’m working at the lounge today.” She shrugged, “I won’t get tips in jeans.”

“Is the lounge open this early?”

“I…” she paused, then smiled, “No, but I’m seeing Jimin for breakfast first and figured I’d give him something to think about.”

“Him and everyone else.” John shook his head, “That’s way too short of a skirt, mom.”

“I’ll keep that in mind dad” she said with more than a little annoyance in her voice.

“Yeah, okay.” John sighed.

“Anyway, I came in here to tell you I’ll be home for a little bit later, but I’ll probably be gone for the night before you get back. There’s left over pork chops and mashed potatoes in the fridge.”

“Where are you going?” he looked annoyed, “Jimin’s again?”

“Yes,” she asked him, “Why do I need permission?”

“No, just wondering why he never stays over here.”

“Maybe he’s afraid of my guard dog son.” She reached out and touched his cheek, “I love that you look out for me John, but I’m a grown woman and I feel more comfortable at his place. I don’t have to look around his house and be reminded of your asshole father. I’ll be home for breakfast okay?”

“Sure.” Amelia kissed him on the cheek and as she turned away gave me a little wave. “You boys go out and make some money today!”

“Maybe I should wear a short skirt.” I laughed and ignoring John’s dirty look went on, “Maybe I would get better tips.”

“Nah, you don’t have the legs for a skirt.” She told me, then surprised me by adding, “But you do look good with your shirt off, bet some of the horny housewives would tip you extra then.”

“Mom.” John sounded aggravated.

“Oh, honey.” She laughed, as she turned away from us “It was just a joke.”

She left the room and I saw John still looked pissed. “Everything okay? I was only joking about the skirt.”

“I’m not mad at you. Mom’s been acting weird. She comes and goes all the time and she’s dressing like…well you saw her.”

“Yeah, but she’s a cocktail waitress right?”

“Yeah that was all she could find when her office closed, but she works a messed up hours. She’ll be gone for three or four hours, come home, go back out later, she says she splits shifts.”

“I take it you don’t like the boyfriend?”

“I might if I ever met him.”

“You never met Jimin?”

“Nope, not yet, and I don’t know why. I mean he’s banging her every Saturday night and some Friday’s too, so I guess it’s serious, but she won’t bring him around.”

“Maybe she thinks you’ll give him a hard time.”


“Hey, John, she’s single and she is pretty damn hot. Good for her.”

He stared at me, then smirked, “Your sister is single and pretty hot too, maybe…”

He stopped when his cell started ringing and picking it up off the desk he answered, “Hi, yes this John.” He gave me a thumbs up, “Sure Miss Clancy, we can get there today, how’s eleven? Great, we’ll be there.”

Ending the call he smiled, “Miss Clancy and her double lot, another forty apiece for us today.” He reached out and slapped my arm, “Going to be a good day, Nicolas.”

“Yes it is.” And hopefully a much better night!


I pulled into the driveway and all but ran into the house. My parents went over to a friend’s to play cards every Saturday afternoon so after tossing half of today’s earnings into the cookie jar, I raced into my room and closed the door behind me in case Kelly came home early from work. Stripping off my sweat soaked t-shirt; I tossed it in the hamper and threw myself in the chair at my desk.

Flipping open my laptop I went to favorites where I had book marked the adult personals and started scanning for the ad

“Please, please, please.” I muttered, then smiled when I found my hot little milf halfway down the page.

That meant she’d bumped it at some point today so she was around. Hopefully she wasn’t booked so to speak. I clicked on reply to and with my fingers trembling with excitement typed;

“I love your ad and am looking to have some fun tonight. Any time that works for me, are you available?”

I added my email address then frowned, but really didn’t know what else to say and it’s not like I could ask anyone how to approach an online prostitute, so with fingers crossed, I hit send. Sitting back in the chair I let out a deep breath, well I’d started it rolling, but now who knew how long it would take her to get back to me? Getting up, I grabbed a clean pair of shorts and another shirt and started to leave the room to take a shower.

Behind me I heard the loud beep of an e-mail notification coming from my laptop. My heart pounding, I ran back to the desk and clicked open my yahoo page.

“Oh, yeah.” I breathed when I saw an email with the heading “CL Ad” opening it I read,

“Why hello there! I am so glad you love my ad, but I bet that’s not love written on your face right now, LOL! I am available tonight sweetie, but before we hook up you need to text me from a phone I can text back to so I know you’re for real. Here is mine.”

I pulled my phone out, and then stopped. Did I want her to have my number? Would she call me after this, would she find out who I was? Try to get me in trouble? Tapping the phone nervously I thought it through; She was a prostitute who more likely than not fooled around with married men. She could end up in more trouble than them if she tried to blackmail them. And as for me? I was a college kid, what could I have that she could get from me? Taking a deep breath, I texted the number she provided.

“Hi, texting about your ad.”

I sat back and the phone vibrated less than a minute later.

“Hey, baby, are you looking for some fun tonight?”

It was a local area code which made me feel better, some of the women on the personals were from Mass and Connecticut and I’d have to explain where I was for that long.

“Yes,” I texted back, “I’d really like to hook up tonight.”

“How old are you, baby?”

I thought about lying, but if anything I looked younger than my twenty years.

“Twenty, is that okay?”

“20, oh, honey that is more than okay! A young stud like you is going to give it to me nice and hard aren’t you?”

I sat there staring at the words and felt my cock growing; oh my God this was going to be worth every penny! The phone jumped in my hand.

“Have you done this before, baby?”

“No” I sent back. Part of me wanted to lie, but I was pretty sure I would be nervous and may as well own up.”

“You’re a virgin? LOL!”

“NO!” I typed back, “First time I did this.”

“I know, I was playing.”

Great, I slapped the side of my head. I was looking like a fool over the phone,

“Okay.” I sent it back.

Nicolas uncovered the truth of milf’s new job – part 1 will continue in the next page.

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