Naughty Revenge made her fall – part 1

She trembled, burying her head in my chest. “Slowly, Ethan, Ok? This is all so new to me.”


“Everything. It should be more difficult than this. It can’t be this easy. Nothing new ever is.”

I stroked her back, showering kisses on the top of her head. I decided to change the subject. “A friend of mine is having a Halloween party. Usually a pretty big blow-out. Would you like to go, Saturday?”

“I don’t do well at big parties.”

“What do you normally do for Halloween?”

“Dress up and pass out candies. I like to see all the kid’s outfits. We get a good sized crowd in my neighborhood.”

“Would you like company?”

“You’d be bored. You should go to your party,” she said.

“I’d love to spend the evening with you, passing out candy, and maybe watching a couple of old movies.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely positive. Please.”

She gave me a squeeze. “No later than 6:00 pm. Dress up.”

“Thank you. I’ll be there.”

“Nothing too crazy either. My parents always stop by. I can’t tell them no, just because I have a date. Not on Halloween.”

“Understood. Family friendly costume.”

She gave me a little kiss. “Was the Big Kiss worth that silly little burger?” she asked.

“Worth the whole friggin’ restaurant.”

She chuckled. “Why do you have to be so sweet?”

“It’s all the kisses. Chocolate and otherwise.”

“Mmm. Remind me to keep you fully stocked.”

I opened the door, before returning to work. Costume. I had an idea.

* * *

Two more lunches before the weekend. Both times were a delight. I wanted to see more of her, after work on a real date maybe, but I didn’t want to push her. The more I thought about her comments, how everything was new to her, the more nervous I got. Did she not date? Was I her first ‘boyfriend’. I felt the weight of responsibility settle on my shoulders to be as good as I could be, for her.

I found the costume I was looking for online. Paid a fortune for overnight shipping, and then set in to do some customization. Several hours Friday evening and a few more Saturday morning, before I was happy with it.

* * *

She’d said no later than 6:00, not at 6:00, so I felt fine showing up at 5:45. Early enough to allay any concerns about my being late, while giving her plenty of time to get ready.

I rang the bell, and a large man opened the door, dressed as Frankenstein. I had to look up at him, his head higher than the door. Jesus must have been close to seven feet tall.

He stuck his hand out, and it swallowed mine. “I’m Brian, you must be Ethan.” He looked at me, smiling. “I see you know my daughter pretty well.”

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