Naughty Revenge made her fall – part 1

She giggled and brought her lips to mine, kissing me softly, lingering, her tongue brushing my lips for a moment. She brushed her hand against my cheek, as she pulled away. “Still feel gypped?

I shook my head.

“You can have the other one after you take me to lunch. 11:50. Don’t be late.”

At 11:40, I looked up into my admin video feed, and she was playing with the M&Ms. She moved her hands, and I saw she had created a heart, the dark red M&Ms on the outer edge, two interior rows of light pink, the rest of the center filled with the dark pink. She ate three of the dark pink ones, leaving a hole in the middle where she quickly placed Red, clear case and all.

She looked up, glancing around and quickly re-segregated them into three piles. She put Red away, and turned off her monitor.

I minimized the camera feed, grabbed my wallet and keys, and hurried to her area, glancing up at the big clock facing her desk. 11:49. At 11:50 she stood and passed me her jacket. I opened it for her, helping her put it on. She pulled her purse out of the bottom drawer, locking her desk.

In the parking lot she took one look at my car and came to a dead standstill. After a few seconds she looked over at me. “Can we take my car?” she asked.

She gave me her keys, and I unlocked the doors, opening hers for her, closing it securely once she was inside. I got on the driver’s side, adjusting the mirrors and seat. “Any place special?”

She smiled. “I imagine any place you take me will be special.” She looked down at her watch. “Fifty-four minutes.”

Plenty of time for almost anywhere, but I didn’t want her stressing. I had a feeling I knew someplace she’d like. Call it a hunch.

We pulled in front of the large restaurant. It advertised a Chinese buffet, but the real prize was the sushi. Usually twenty or more types, with two sushi chefs behind the counter constantly restocking. The lunch buffet was $8.99, $12.99 with the sushi.

Nova was in heaven. She went through the buffet, selecting half a dozen different types, a few of each. She made patterns, by size and color, before eating the first one. I saw a beautiful smile appear on her face. “It’s good,” she said.

“You like sushi?” I asked.

She giggled. “A little late to ask.” She picked up a second one, tuna. “So far I do.”

“Your first time?”

She nodded, blushing. “In a lot of ways. Thank you, Ethan.”

I showed her how to take the wasabi and mix it with the soy sauce for dipping. It took her a couple of minutes to get it the way she wanted, then tested it with a piece of Salmon, evening her plate down to two each of five different types. Four pieces as spikes of a wheel, with two pieces of spicy volcano roll in the middle.

I got a kick out of trying to teach her how to use chopsticks. I thought it was interesting that she had no problems with the new type of food, and utensils. Then again, what did I know about that kind of compulsion?

It was nice. We chatted about work, about the upcoming holiday, the merits of M&Ms vs. Kisses. There was little awkwardness, and a surprising level of comfort.

With ten minutes to spare, I had paid the bill, and was helping her with her coat. The restaurant was less than 5 minutes from the office, but I didn’t want her getting nervous if I pressed the time.

She grinned as she got in the car. “I would have been good for a couple of more minutes,” she said, almost apologetically.

“I’ll remember that next time.”

“You think there’s going to be a next time? After that stunt you pulled off kidnapping Red?”

“Kidnapping? I was the one who saved her. I had heard she was going to be eaten before 4:30 pm. Such a cruel fate.”

I hadn’t started the car. And our time was ticking away. “I had an ulterior motive for leaving early,” I confessed.

“You? Ulterior motive? I’m shocked.”

“I was hoping to collect on my missing kiss.”

She leaned toward me smiling. “I think that’s only fair. It was a very nice lunch, thank you.”

I met her halfway, our lips coming together gently. Hers parted against the pressure of my tongue, allowing me access, teasing and tasting her. I hated to pull away, but time was of the essence.

I started the car before she was even leaning back in her chair, turning into traffic. I looked over at her, eyes almost closed, smiling at me enigmatically. “You’re not what I expected,” she said softly.

“Ditto, and then some.”

She laughed. “Oh, I know I’m seriously fucked up, but you…you surprise me.”

“I hope in a good way.”

“Definitely. Most definitely. Thanks again. I was very nervous about this, and I can say, without the least hesitation, that was the best date I’ve ever been on.”

“I get to call it a date?” I teased.

“It ended in a kiss, didn’t it?”

“I’d like to date you again.”

“Me too. Let me have a little time to digest this one first, alright?”

“Whatever time you need.”

I got out of the car, and ran around to her side, to open her door. She’d started to open it but stopped, and waited for me. I helped her out, closing the door behind her, and passing her the keys.

“You didn’t open the door for me on the way there,” she observed.

“I didn’t know we were on a date. I’m sorry.”

She leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Forgiven. I like sushi.”

* * *

Our second lunch date, three days later, and less than a week until Halloween. I had called ahead to the restaurant, and asked them to have the food ready when we arrived. Nova was surprised, but delighted when an assortment of finger-food appetizers was presented to us, on two large platters.

“Appetizers for lunch. I hope I wasn’t too presumptuous.”

She was already making patterns from our snacks. She was giggling, in a great mood. “Double kisses for you today. This is the best ever. I can take what I want, and you get stuck with the excess. It’s perfect.”

She took a bite of something deep-fried. “What are these round things?” she asked.

“I have no idea. Probably fried zucchini or something similar.”

She put them on my plate, opening up space on hers for arranging. “I hope you like them. They taste like poop.”

“Thank you so much for letting me have the good stuff,” I kidded. She was right. They weren’t very good. “Reminder to self. Double mini-burgers, no fried poop, next time.”

Nova smiled and reached for the last slider. I beat her to it.

“No! He’s mine. I saw him first. I opened a space for him and everything,” she whined.

“You snooze, you lose,” I told her, lifting it teasingly, for a big bite.

“Please? You can’t devour him, it’s not fair. He has to go last.”


“He’s the tallest. Last. It has to be.”

“What will you trade for him?” I asked.

She pouted. “I already promised you double kisses,” she said softly.

“From your plate. I have to eat too. Not just the fried poop. Trade for him.”

“Oh,” she said blushing. She eyed her plate, moving the food around, and freed up three items. “Fair?” she asked.

I tried to act like I was thinking hard. First to the bottom of the chin and everything.

“What? It’s a good deal,” she griped.

“Sorry. You got me thinking about the kisses. Much better deal.”

She grinned. “You like?”

“Very much.”

“If you can be by my car at 4:35, one Big kiss. Fair trade?”

“More than fair. I feel like I’m cheating you now.”

She took the slider off my plate, moving the other three items onto mine. “That wasn’t the deal.”

“Eat. You’re going to need your strength.”

She was right. At 4:31, I was standing by her car waiting. She walked over casually, unlocking the car from a distance, opening the passenger door and putting her purse inside. She walked around the car and slid into my arms as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

I was expecting the kiss, but was very glad for the long extended hug.

She looked up at me expectantly, and I brought my lips down to hers. It started slowly enough, brushing our lips together, puckered little kisses. She pressed her little teeth against my bottom lip, tugging softly. I ran my tongue across her upper teeth, feeling their sharp, perfectly aligned bottoms. Her mouth opened, pressing forward, her tongue pushing against mine, sliding around it, her breath flowing into me.

I let my legs slide outward, pulling her body closer, connecting from hips to chest, my arms drawing her tighter. She made the sweetest little whimper, opening her mouth and letting me explore.

I felt her tremble, and backed away slowly, worried that I had pushed things too far. “Are you Ok?” I asked, looking into her eyes, looking for any signal she was uncomfortable.

“No. I’m scared.”

“Why, Nova? What did I do wrong?”

“Nothing. That’s the problem. It’s all too good. It has to blow up in my face. I don’t deserve this,” she said nervously.

I kissed her forehead, her narrow little turned up nose, her soft lips, her sharp chin. “Give us a chance, don’t be afraid of something good happening.”

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