My Cleaning Lady – Ch. 02

This Story is part of My cleaning lady Series

I had a three-sided window there in my kitchen, forming itself around a little alcove where my kitchen table sat. It afforded me the luxury of standing there looking over into her yard without really being seen. And good thing, as I was still naked of course, though no longer sporting the erection I once had. Five minutes, and then ten passed, with no sign of her. I was starting to get nervous, worried that something had happened, or that she’d been found out, seen running around in her cute little birthday suit.

A few minutes more passed, and then suddenly this blur, realizing it was her as she came around from the back side of her house. I watched in amazement as she cleared the short fence like an Olympian, jumping it easily, though once more enjoying the titillating spectacle as her breasts bounced, wobbled, and flopped wildly about as she did all that. In seconds, she had reached the back door, rushing in, a wild look in her eyes…excitement.

“Come on…wait until you see this!” She almost shouted at me.

“Come on where?” I asked, looking down at myself. “You don’t seriously mean…”

“Don’t worry. No one can see us. Too many large trees for one thing, besides the fence. We’ll be perfectly safe, now come on!”

Even so I hesitated. She dropped her finger down between her legs again. Giving her pussy a swipe as though running a credit card, holding it up towards me. “You want some of this? Come on…trust me.”

Like the idiot I was, especially around her, I found myself stepping outside my back door, following her as she once more raced across the yard, though this time using the small gate that existed between them. I didn’t dare be so foolish as to attempt to jump the fence myself, even though I was fairly certain I could do so. Already I was reading the headlines inside my head as I dared not tempt fate.

“Man is robbed of family jewels, found naked and bleeding to death in the neighbor’s yard.”

Prudence dictated caution here. Which was ironic, as I was now running behind this eighteen-year-old nymph also in my birthday suit. And though nervous as hell, I likewise felt exhilarated. Finally catching up to Val on the backside of her house. Glancing worriedly about it, I was at least relieved to see she was right about anyone seeing us. From where we stood at the moment, the large trees running along the backside of the property, effectively kept anyone from actually seeing us. Even so, that didn’t hold true for her mother inside the house.

“What are we doing?” I asked breathlessly, trying to whisper, though the excitement in my voice still sounded like it was too loud.

“You’ll see,” she grinned as she then lifted one end of a nearby bench seat that was normally used for the picnic table. “Help me with this,” she stood staring at me. Against my better judgment, I picked up the other end as we hurriedly moved it a few feet beneath a window that was situated a bit higher than the rest.

Val climbed up onto the bench seat once more peering in through the window. She giggled, and then looked down at me, motioning for me to step up and join her. “There’s a mirror on the wall, you’ll need to look in towards that,” she stated. I was still hesitant however, and not at all too keen about being a Peeping Tom. No matter how tempted I might be to see whatever it was she was trying to show me.

“Don’t worry, she won’t be able to see you. I know. Because I’ve done this before. Almost a hundred percent of the time after daddy leaves, she’ll go back into her bedroom, close and lock the door. The second time I noticed her doing this, I got curious. And ever since then, like I said…most of the time she does that. Just like today. Which I was waiting to see as I hid outside on the patio, waiting to see if she’d walk back into her room. She did. Now come on, step up here and join me. And like I said, look into the mirror.”

I stepped up, but I was still worried. “Won’t she be able to see us in the mirror too?” I asked, not yet daring to look in.

“No,” she giggled again. “It’s too high for her to see into, as long as she’s laying down anyway. So unless she suddenly stands up for some reason, we’re still safe.”

I actually dared to peek in. Even then not looking into the mirror yet. But because of the shape and design of the room, all I could see was the end of the bed itself, and two feet, which appeared to be spread just a little. I then scanned for the mirror Val had told me about, quickly finding it, and in doing so…catching the image of Val’s mother, Jocelyn…laying down on her bed. At the moment, she didn’t really appear to be doing much of anything, perhaps just resting as I saw it, even though all she had on at the moment was a pair of bikini briefs and nothing else.

I had a quick flashback to when I was still a kid growing up. Jocelyn wasn’t that much older than I was, having had Val late in life, and quite unexpectedly. She had even sat for my folks a few times when they had gone out for the evening. And I of course had held a minor secret crush for her at the time.

I had even recalled trying to spy on her once or twice after it was time to send me to bed, hoping to catch her doing something…anything, but never with any luck. And now…here she was, a bit older perhaps, but nevertheless, her breasts clearly revealed as I stood there on a bench seat peering in on her.

“Is she taking a nap?” I questioned.

“No…watch,” Val giggled again. “It’s actually quite interesting. I’m not sure what she’s thinking when she does all this, but whatever it is…she’s obviously aroused and turned on by it. Always the same too basically. And don’t worry, it’s not like I have this thing for my mother, I don’t think about doing anything with her, or to her. It’s just sort of exciting watching her, which I’m sure you’ll soon see what I mean.”

I looked back into the room again, though more specifically the mirror this time. I saw now that Jocelyn was actually pulling on her nipples with her fingers, and quite firmly this time. Pulling hard enough she’d stretched them into almost a cone-like shape, letting go, and then doing it again. A few moments of that, and then she surprised me even further, slapping them…each one independently, and hard too!

“Damn!” I exclaimed, though immediately ducking down again, fearful I might have been heard.

Val laughed. “The windows are double-paned. Short of a siren, it’s virtually impossible to hear anything.” I stood up, looking inside again, seeing her as she continued to slap her own breasts, which now began to look reddened and angry. To my surprise, my very flaccid cock throbbed just a bit, alerting me to the fact I was becoming aroused by this rather macabre scene taking place. One that I had no business watching, feeling more and more like a real pervert myself by the second. Especially standing outside her bedroom window, without a stitch on, slowly getting an erection. If anyone did see us, or catch us…I was screwed.

It was fucking exciting.

It was then that I noticed she had reached over towards her nightstand. Grabbing something off it, I was curious.

“Like I said,” Val paused looking in, though I now felt her hand reaching over, wrapping itself around my slowly stiffening member. “This is where she really gets wild.” I didn’t dare look away now, even though I was tempted to look down and see what Val’s hand was doing to my dick. Whatever it was that Jocelyn held in her hand, she seemed to slip it beneath the waistband of her bikini briefs. I watched her poke against the material with it, a small bulge forming, and then suddenly, she broke through.

“What the hell’s she doing? And what is that anyway? A knife?”

“Yeah, a little one,” Val confirmed. “You’d be surprised how many pairs of panties she’s actually ruined doing this.”

I stood mesmerized, watching as Val’s mother literally cut away an opening through her panties, now tearing an even wider hole open with her hands, effectively shredding them apart. Hidden beneath her pillow, she now brought forth what was clearly obvious, as a very real looking, almost life-like dildo, in the shape of an enormous penis, complete with cock and balls. As though struggling with it, she then rammed it into herself. I could see her mouth opening, knowing full well she was crying out, though I honestly couldn’t hear her. At least that brought me comfort in realizing if I couldn’t hear her, she certainly couldn’t hear us very well either.

When Jocelyn suddenly rolled over however, I nearly toppled off the bench we were standing on in a panic.

This time Val really did laugh, and loudly too. Maybe she wasn’t worried about being heard through the windows, but I sure as hell was. “Keep watching! Keep watching! She’s getting to the good part now!” I was pretty much at wits end here, the ups and downs of arousal, excitement, fear and paranoia playing havoc with my emotions. But excitement and curiosity won out however, with the help of Val’s hand of course. I peered inside once again, Val’s mom now on her tummy, though she had placed her knees beneath her. Of interest however, which I had obviously missed, was the fact she had torn away one entire side of her panties.

One leg entirely free from them now, though the rest of her torn, shredded garment seemed wrapped in tatters about her other leg. Once again she reached beneath her pillow, and this time produced what appeared to be a slim, though wicked looking vibrator. She quickly coated it in what appeared to be some sort of lubricant, and then reached around behind herself. It didn’t take long to guess where she intended to put that one, especially as she was now basically sitting on the fake cock, which was still buried to the hilt inside her pussy.

“Keep watching,” Val instructed as she slithered down my torso. Before I knew what she was up to, I felt her mouth suddenly surround and envelope my now very hard cock. “Not me…mom!” She exclaimed once again, obviously looking up towards me as I momentarily looked down at her. I stood there looking in through the window, watching Val’s mother as she obviously knelt there fucking herself in the cunt and the ass simultaneously, all the while Val sucking my prick, doing heavenly things to it, that nearly buckled my knees.

“Oh my god!” I couldn’t help saying. It was almost too much. Too long since I’d even had a nice blow job for one thing, but for another, to be given one now standing on a bench, outside, peering in through my neighbor’s window…watching her masturbating. Well fuck…my entire body was suddenly on sensory overload here.

Jocelyn was thrashing about wildly now, and then suddenly flipped like a gymnast onto her back again. This time I didn’t duck, or even flinch. Had I done that, Val would have most likely bitten my cock off. As it was, I could only stand there staring. Val’s mother suddenly yanked the prick out of her cunt, literally tossing it. And as she did, a stream of liquid suddenly exploded from her pussy, not just once, but several times, easily shooting several feet across the bed hitting the floor.

“Oh…my…god!” I cried out upon seeing that, and simultaneously felt my own cock’s release, not even attempting to warn Val of it, not even really aware that I was until it was happening. I simply succumbed to the unbelievable ecstasy I was now feeling as torrents of my nectar filled Val’s still hungrily sucking mouth. I finally pried my eyes open, only then ducking well below the window, fearful now that her mother had likewise climaxed, she might be more aware of her surroundings, and hence anyone peering in.

Even then, my mind didn’t register what I was seeing as it looked almost silly. Val’s cheeks though holding her breath. She looked up at me, and then with both hands on either side of her cheeks, she pressed them in. It was like watching someone popping a gigantic, really nasty looking pimple. As soon as she did that, all the cum she’d been holding in her mouth came flying out, flying everywhere at once, coating me…her, and half the wall we were standing in front of now.

“Cool huh?” She grinned.

Once more I just stood there staring at her, no intelligible response coming to mind.

“So…did you see mom cum? See her squirt? Wild isn’t it?”

That was an understatement…but then again. So was Val. “You’re crazy…you know that?”

She winked, dribbled some more cum from the corners of her mouth allowing it to drip down onto those magnificent tits of hers, though there was plenty of spunk still clinging to them from the pimple pop she’d just emulated.

“Come on. Help me put the bench back before mom sees us out here.”

That was enough to shrivel my dick in a hurry, though it was also all the prompting I needed to do that too. In a flash, we were back through the gate and into my house once again, though it still took me a while to calm down even after managing to do that.

“Well…where do you want to go from here?” Val asked as she picked up her bucket of cleaning supplies.

And I found myself asking the very same question.

To be continued…

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