Maybe in a million years

I felt like a pervert. At the very least an about to be “Peeping Tom,” as I slowly crept towards the door, trying to control my breathing along with everything else. I knelt down next to the door, not quite looking beneath the two inch gap as yet, not willing to risk it yet. But I could hear everything being said very well.

“Are you as horny as I am?” I heard my Aunt asking. Mom giggled. That had been her I’d heard earlier. I swear in all the years, I’d never heard her giggle like that before, or as often.

“Probably more so. But I also know why you’re so horny this evening, and it’s not because of me either!” Mom responded. My Aunt must have made some sort of face, though I couldn’t see it of course. “Don’t give me that look,” mom chuckled once more. “You’re not fooling anyone Sophia. I saw what you were looking at earlier. Xavier’s Xavier!” Mom openly laughed once again.

“Oh, and you weren’t?” Sophia retorted.

“Didn’t say I wasn’t. I just wasn’t as obvious about it as you were.”

“Oh, but seeing it…thinking about it, didn’t add to your horniness either. Is that what you’re telling me?”

I wish I could have seen mom’s face just then.

“Ah huh…just what I thought,” Aunt Sophia stated then. “You just don’t want to admit it.”

“I’ll admit to looking, yes. I mean Jesus Sophia, Xavier had a fairly noticeable lump there, hard not to wonder what it looked like. I mean after all, it’s been what…six? Seven years now for me? I might be enjoying what we’ve been doing, but it doesn’t mean I don’t fantasize having a real cock inside me you know.”

“You mean fantasizing about having your son’s cock inside you, you’re not fooling me Maxine, I am after all…your sister.”

I almost fell over upon hearing that. “Mom and my Aunt were checking out my package earlier? And now…actually talking about…about what it might be like to actually fuck me?” I asked myself. And as I did, I felt my cock lurch with arousal as I finally leaned forward placing my cheek at the bottom of the door. But all I could see of course was the bottom of the bed, and their feet on the other side as they finished undressing. Looking around hoping for something…anything, I finally saw something. Mom’s full length dressing mirror.

Unfortunately, my Aunt Sophia was currently standing in front of it, and so I couldn’t yet see anything more than their legs and feet, though suddenly Aunt Sophia stepped out of her shorts and panties that she’d been wearing. And then as she did, slipping up and onto the bed, I finally had a fairly good look at mom as she finished undressing herself. Reaching back, unclasping her bra and letting it fall down the length of her arms. I lay there on the floor watching her in the mirror as she caressed her own breasts, massaging them, even going so far as to tug on her own extended stiff nipples before climbing into bed.

Once more however, I couldn’t see anything, not even with the help of the mirror.

I then heard more giggling, and the sound of a soft buzzing sound seconds after that. “Think he’s this big?” Sophia asked.

“I don’t know…maybe,” mom purred as my Aunt no doubt lay there teasing her to some extent with the vibrating toy.

“I bet you’d love to find out wouldn’t you?” Sophia pressed. “I bet you’re wishing the tip of his cock was rubbing this hard little clit of yours the way that I am…don’t you?” She asked once more, though mom’s only response was to moan pleasurably.

“I bet you’re wishing that Xavier’s hard, stiff…swollen cock was sliding into your hot sticky pussy, just like this is…don’t you sweetie?” She pressed again. “Go on, admit it…tell me you want it, tell me you’d love feeling your son’s hard stiff fucking cock sliding inside you right about now.”

“Oh God yes! Yes!” Mom suddenly blurted. “No more than you do!” She then added to that as though that was some sort of a defense. Now Sophia laughed.

“Never said I didn’t sweetie. Now then…just lay back and pretend this really is Xavier’s cock fucking you while I make you cum. And then after that…you can fuck me with it while I pretend he’s doing it to me, how’s that sound?”

“Shut up and fuck me!” Mom shot back. “You’ve got me so horny now…I’m ready to climb the walls!”

They weren’t the only one’s who were horny now. I was so damn hard myself at the moment that I was half tempted to open the door and walk in on them as they lay there and damned everything else. Instead, I rolled over onto my back, listening to the sounds of my mother’s orgasm minutes later, joining her there outside the door as I showered myself almost entirely with a nice thick heavy spray of cum cream.


Once again everything seemed totally normal in the morning as we gathered around the kitchen table for a light breakfast together. Though I continued to look for any tell-tale signs, there weren’t any. No looks, no secret lingerie smiles, touches…nothing. They continued to pretend their relationship was nothing more than it had been during all the years I had grown up with them. I pondered once more what if anything I was eventually going to do or say to either one of them. I knew that I couldn’t continue to pretend I didn’t know myself…and that eventually the truth would come out, and that I’d end up confronting them about it. But how…and when.

I simply didn’t know. What I did know, and had come to accept, was the idea or thought of the two of them being together was arousing, like it or not. And on top of that, the fact I now found myself entertaining thoughts regarding the two of them, even though I continued to push those thoughts away every time I found myself thinking about them, was becoming harder and harder for me to do.

It was when mom announced that she had an appointment to get her hair done that an idea came to me. It meant that for a time at least, Aunt Sophia and I would be alone in the house together. I wondered then when that happened, IF she might in fact continue her past flirtatious teasing with me with the two of us alone. I decided to give her a little additional incentive, and see if she’d act on it.

I waited until mom had left to get her hair done before announcing the fact that I was heading upstairs to take a shower. They had also mentioned that they wanted to head into town later to do some shopping, which I too needed to do as the few clothes I had brought home with me were hardly appropriate, or in good enough shape to be going out to dinner in. Which is something else they were planning on doing that evening.

“Ok, well…I think I’ll head upstairs and take a shower,” I announced, catching a bit of a sparkle in my aunt’s eye as I said that. She merely smiled however, nodding her head as I pushed my chair back under the kitchen table and headed upstairs to the bathroom. “Maybe that was a bit too subtle,” I wondered as I quickly discarded my dirty clothes, tossing them in the nearby hamper.

I had purposely done so, figuring I’d eventually exit the bathroom wearing nothing more than a towel around my waist. I even had a plan for that, figuring that if my Aunt happened to be anywhere near me when I did that, that I’d find a way to “accidentally” let it fall.

I needn’t have worried. I had no sooner stepped into the shower, getting it nice and hot when I heard a quick knock on the bathroom door. Even before I could answer it, I heard the bathroom door opening. I smiled inwardly. Ironically perhaps, the door still didn’t have a working lock on it.

“Thought I’d best bring you in some clean towels,” my Aunt announced.

Once again I found myself smiling as she said that. I knew that the shower glass enclosure was opaque just enough that it fairly well hid everything. Only the hint of my nudity in the shower itself, likewise obscured with the steam would be revealed to her. And with that in mind, I decided to act as nonchalant as possible with her presence there.

“Thank you,” I called out to her, chuckling to myself however, as mom had already placed new clean towels in the room only yesterday.

I felt my cock already starting to grow, though thankful that it wasn’t standing at full mast, turning slightly off to one side, wondering if she could even make out the dangling appendage within the somewhat distorted pattern of the glass within the enclosure. I noticed as I did that, the same vague outline of her as she sat down on the toilet seat.

“Sort of ironic isn’t it?” She suddenly said as she sat there, no doubt looking at me, though again I had to wonder just how much she could make out. Not much since I couldn’t make out any more of her either, though I did step over towards the door just a bit, which I knew would give her somewhat of a more definitive look at me anyway.

“How’s that?” I called back to her.

“Oh you know…the last time we were both in here…I was sitting IN the toilet, rather than on it,” she half-laughed. “Which is one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you…to apologize.”

“No apologies needed,” I answered back. “That was a life-time ago now anyway, and no reason to apologize for it. I was as much at fault as you were.”

“That’s not what I wanted to apologize for,” she then said, surprising and confusing me to some extent.

“For what then?” I now asked.

“I’ll tell you when you come out of the shower. I don’t want to apologize to you through a door…but face to face.”

I wondered then if she would leave and wait for me downstairs to come out. But she didn’t, continuing to sit there on the toilet seat, which told me that she had every intention of actually waiting for me there. Once more I smiled, turning off the shower, I figured if she was bound and determined to see me, I would grant her her wish. I slid back the door stepping out, her eyes immediately drawn to what I damn well knew she wanted to see as I reached for one of the new clean towels she had waiting for me.

I pretended not to notice however, once more trying to act nonchalant about her sitting there as I grabbed the towel, even being bold enough to first towel dry my hair. I knew doing that, it would give her a moment more of an unobstructed view as I did that before facing away seconds later to begin toweling off the rest of my body.

“So…what is it you feel like you need to apologize to me for?” I finally asked, facing her though I had now wrapped the large fluffy towel around my waist.

“Like I said…face to face. Come here,” she told me. I turned walking over towards her, now standing in front of her only a foot or so away.

Deja Vu

“I wanted to apologize for not finishing what I started out doing the last time we were sitting here like this,” she told me. This time I didn’t respond to that, nor did I shy away as she suddenly reached up taking the towel away in one fell swoop. My semi-rigid cock now dangling only inches away in front of her face as she briefly looked up at me, before wrapping her hand around it, drawing me to her.

Once more I was forced to take a step in her direction, but this time happily doing so as I felt the warmth of her mouth suddenly surrounding me. She began to suck softly, lightly, enjoying the sensation of my prick rapidly hardening inside her mouth perhaps as she did that.

By now of course, I had certainly experienced several rather exquisite blowjobs by other women, but I had to acknowledge the fact that once more being given one by my own Aunt, added an additional wicked thrill to the heavenly sensations she was suddenly bringing me. All I could do now was moan in response to her ministrations of my now rock-hard shaft.

My Aunt mewled contentedly as she licked and sucked me, paying particular attention to the very swollen bulbous head of my dick. “Hmm, have to admit Xavier, I don’t remember it being quite this big and this hard the last time,” she giggled slightly before taking a goodly portion of its length deep into her mouth again.

“I don’t think it had time to get as hard the last time as it is now,” I groaned back, once again placing a hand on the top of her head just as I had done the last time. This time I kept my eyes open however, looking down, watching her, enjoying the sensation of seeing her sucking and milking my prick every bit as much as enjoying the sensation of her actually doing it. And as I did that, I was enjoying another view as well. The blouse she had on was low-cut, billowing out just a bit as she leaned forward lavishing my prick.

She had either removed, or had purposely not worn a bra. I could clearly see her amazing tits, her hard pink extended nipples clearly revealed. I simply had to touch one. Reaching down, I knew she could feel my hand as it invaded the opening of her shirt, traveling down, and then moments later, encircling, capturing, and then gently kneading one of her soft pliant breasts. Aunt Sophia moaned now, just as I was, though seconds later she released me, suddenly standing up.

“I always knew you were a breast man, the way you used to ogle my tits every chance you got.”

“Every chance you gave me,” I shot back, letting her know that I damn well knew she had done so purposely back all those years.

“I enjoyed doing that,” she freely admitted.

“And I enjoyed looking. Though I always wondered if the day would ever come when I’d actually get to touch them.”

“I think…that day has arrived,” she answered, reaching down, and then pulling the blouse she had on up and over her head, now revealing those luscious looking tits of hers in all their glory. With her hand once more back on my cock, stroking and playing with it, I leaned forward, capturing one of those magnificent hard nipples of hers within my mouth, sucking it. My hand freely caressing and toying with her other nipple as she placed her hand on the back of my head, holding me against her. “Oh yes…yes, suck it Xavier. Suck that little fucker, make it feel good…make my titties feel really, really good!”

“Oh fuck,” I moaned hearing her say that, not to mention finally and at last…actually getting to fondle and play with those tits of hers. “God, Aunt Sue,” I moaned pleasurably. “Never in a million years did I think I’d ever feel your mouth sucking my cock again, let alone…ever getting to play with these big fat titties of yours,” I said lewdly. She chuckled, rubbing the head of my prick against one of her hard extended nipples now.

“I like it when you talk dirty to me,” she stated. “Just something about doing that huh?” She asked squeezing the head of my dick, producing a nice fat droplet of pre-cum fuck cream which she now smeared against the hard nubbin which she now seemed to almost be trying to force into the slit of my dick head. “I like having two sides of me,” she then added to that.

“The sweet, affectionate, prim and proper Aunt everyone else sees and knows, and the dirty, horny, wanton one that I get to let out every once in a while, that very few know about…including your Uncle Fred, God rest his soul,” she said almost sarcastically. I looked at her curiously.

“I take it…you weren’t as vocal with him?”

“Not hardly Xavier. Your Uncle and I didn’t really have much of an active sex-life. Though I wouldn’t even go so far as to call it that. Once a week, Saturday, just before bed, he’d shove it in a couple of times, cum…and that would be about the extent of it.

Needless to say, I became more familiar with a few of my toys…and one or two excursions on the side, in an effort to maintain my sanity, and any assemblance of a happy secure marriage. Don’t get me wrong Xavier, your Uncle was an otherwise good man, a good provider, and even a good friend. But sexually speaking…there wasn’t much pleasure and enjoyment there. You know…I never once gave him a blowjob?”

“You’re kidding me!” I responded back to that. “As good as you do it?” I chuckled out loud. “Shit Sophia,” I said, dropping the formality. “If I’d been married to you…I’d have been hoping for one of these blowjobs of yours every day of my life!”

She smiled at that. “Well then, we’ll just have to see about that, won’t we?” She grinned further. “Though I will ask you one thing.”

“Oh? And what’s that?”

“For the time being at least, let’s keep this just between the two of us. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not my intention to keep my feelings and desires for you a secret from your mother. But I do want to approach her with all this in my own time and way. Can you agree with that and let me deal with it in the meantime?”

“Sure, no problem,” I told her, though glad to hear that this wasn’t something she wanted to keep and maintain just between the two of us for too long. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to keep my own desires and affections for her under wraps without eventually giving something away. Though I was curious about her comment regarding this new level in our relationship. From the little I secretly knew…this topic had obviously been brought up before, though I had to wonder if mom knew that her sister would eventually act upon it, as she already had.

“And one more thing,” she began, now placing my prick between both of her well rounded tits, slowly working and moving them up and down my shaft as we stood there. “Your mothers had a much harder time of it too, ever since your dad died.

Believe it or not Xavier, she’s a very sexual individual too, with wants and needs the same as any other woman. There’s a lot you don’t know yet, things you need to know…but now is not the time. We’ll talk more on that later. But for now, let me work on the aspect of all that, and in eventually letting her know about all of this,” she told me, once more slithering her breasts up and down my shaft by way of punctuation.

“Ok,” I said simply, unable to say much more than that. The pleasurable sensations she was once more bringing to my cock, which was hovering on the edge of release at this point was robbing me of my ability to even speak.

“Now then…where were we?” She asked, and then answered herself. “Oh yes…now I remember. I was sucking your cock. So…how about you give me all that creamy cum of yours? I’ve been dying to taste it!”

I gladly succumbed to the sensations of her talented mouth as she went back to work on me, feeling the tightness in my balls as her other hand now fondled, caressed, and began to coax the boiling cauldron of semen that was contained in them.

“Oh fuck…Sue!” I cried out, feeling the intensity and early warning of my impending release as she drew the tip of my prick even more firmly into her mouth, sucking it almost desperately.

“That’s it baby, that’s it…give it to me…cum for me baby, let your dirty, naughty Aunt have your creamy, nasty fuck juice!”

Needless to say, I gave it to her.

I think it was one of the most intense, longest climaxes I had ever had. I lost count of the number of spurts that I felt skyrocket from the tip of my cock into her mouth as she swallowed it, even to the point where she could no longer keep up with it, allowing some of my juice to roll out of the corners of her mouth, dripping down and splashing against her bare breasts in an obscene display of further decadence.

Even when the last throb, the last spurt had left my cock, she now held, rolling my dick back and forth against her hard nipples again, smearing the remnants of my spending around those, licking her lips, looking up and smiling at me.

I smiled back at her, and then said….”Oh by the way, apology accepted!”

To be continued…

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