Maybe in a million years

Though wearing a bathrobe, it suddenly seemed to open as she leaned against the counter. She was naked beneath it, her full breasts suddenly fully and completely exposed. I’d maybe seen them once or twice growing up as a kid. But I’d never seen them looking like this, or like she did now.

Mom had definitely lost some weight. No…she wasn’t svelte or anything like that. But she wasn’t frumpy looking any more either. She’d actually toned up some. She still had a bit of a mature belly pooch, but it was nothing like it once was. And though her breasts certainly weren’t sitting high up on her rib-cage any more like they once might have, they were wonderfully full and round in appearance.

Each was capped by fairly large, dark brown areolas that drew my eyes to them like a beacon. I shook my head as though trying to clear my mind. Looking at my own mother like this, feeling a certain stirring below was not only inappropriate, but totally sick for me to be standing there gawking at her the way that I was.

I paused…taking another step in preparation of heading towards the door…knocking. But that’s when my Aunt entered into the picture, suddenly coming into view from wherever it was that she’d been sitting. No doubt at the kitchen table, which was currently out of my sight. When she did that, I nearly tripped over my own two feet.

Aunt Sophia was completely naked.

Once again I found myself frozen to the spot, unable to move, not daring to let outside movement might be seen by either one of them. As dark as it still was, I knew I was covered in the darkness outside, the light inside masking my even being there, for the moment anyway. Mom again laughed as my Aunt approached her, once again animated, though so was my Aunt as she closed the distance between them.

And then suddenly, she was standing there right in front of mom, both hands coming out to capture, and then cup my mother’s heavy pendulous breasts in her hands, hefting them…as though weighing them. Gently shaking them up and down just before her thumbs seemed to find both of mom’s thick extended nipples at once, thumbing them, rolling them, and finally pulling on them as she stood there playing with my other’s tits, teasing her nipples.

I finally took a breath, realizing only then I’d been holding it as though afraid that had I actually taken a breath, they’d have heard it. But by the way they stood there facing one another, mom’s hands finally coming up, and now beginning to do the same thing to my Aunt’s breasts that she was doing to hers…neither one of them would have been aware or even remotely concerned or worried about any other presence standing there outside the window area.

“Fuck!” I actually said out loud, though knowing as I did, neither one of them could have possibly heard me. “What the fuck?” I then asked again, though this time silently to myself as I stood there watching the two of them, no longer sure about walking a few feet further towards the door, or letting them know I was actually there. “Would they then realize that it was very likely I had actually seen them? Seen this? Seen them doing what I now stood there watching them do?”

I was confused beyond words. Shocked…appalled even. And eerily aroused.

As I stood there watching the two of them fondling one another, I noticed that my Aunt had changed as well. Where mom had definitely lost weight, my normally almost too skinny Aunt had gained it. The thing was, she looked as good as mom now did, having done that.

The two of them are almost identical in shape and size now, though Aunt Sophia was still an inch or two shorter, just barely over five feet. She always had, had slightly larger breasts however, and by the looks of it…still did. Which is what I was now gawking at as the two of them embraced, their breasts heavy, pressing against one another as I now watched them actually kiss.

“Holy fucking shit!” I exclaimed, this time loud enough that I was afraid I actually might have been heard, quickly ducking down well below the window before daring to stand up again in the event I might have. The fact that my mother…my aunt…were being obviously intimate with one another was something I was having a very difficult time wrapping my head around.

“How long has this been going on anyway?” I now silently asked myself. I thought back as far as I could, but there was nothing I could even remotely put my finger on that pointed towards anything ever going on. Aside from my Aunt’s occasional flirtatious teasing towards me, I’d never once caught any sign or indication of anything else. And especially towards mom.

And…knowing mom, not that she was prudish or anything like that, but sexual topics and discussions were never the norm around home or when I was growing up anyway. And now…seeing her like this, basically naked even if she was wearing a bathrobe, standing there in the kitchen with my Aunt as the two of them openly fondled one another was the furthest thing I’d ever expected to see.

And I knew then, there was no way in hell I was going inside, not now anyway. Not until I’d had a chance to sit down, collect myself…and think about what I’d just walked in on. I stood up, but the two of them had already moved off…god knows where to do god knows what. The thought of which STILL bothered me, both good and bad. I was oddly aroused, still confused, and quite unsure of how I was going to approach this, if I even approached it at all.

I found myself back out on the sidewalk shortly after that, and then down to the corner store where I called another cab, and then took it to a nearby hotel room. I figured I’d make my grand entry by coming home. AFTER I had called first, and told them I was on my way. It took me a long time to finally get to sleep. And then only after I had jerked off, thinking about the two of them standing there in mom’s kitchen, fondling and playing with one another. I was still aroused, and yet feeling guilty about it for some reason as I finally drifted off to sleep.


It was late that same afternoon when I actually showed up at the door. This time, they were expecting me as I’d called ahead, letting them know I’d arrived. There were hugs and kisses all around, my normally stoic mother in a surprisingly good mood…though I certainly had to wonder at that.

Aunt Sue was her usual, normal self…perhaps too normal, as once again I swore she allowed the press of her full breasts to linger a bit longer than usual against me in greeting. But then again, it may also have been my own overactive imagination having its way with me. We spent the next hour or so catching up, and I had just begun to really relax, finally chasing away certain thoughts I was still entertaining as the evening wore on. Especially when we sat down to eat.

Things seemed perfectly natural…normal again, with no hint of anything going on between them. I had even looked for it, checked for signs. Nothing. I had even almost convinced myself that what I’d seen earlier that morning was just some sort of silly horseplay between them that had possibly gotten out of hand, and that I’d then read far more into it than what was actually going on. By the time I headed upstairs to bed, I had basically convinced myself that what I’d seen…was far less than what I’d thought it was, and soon put it out of my mind.

I woke up a couple of hours later, needing to pee. And once again, was given reason enough to think otherwise.

Though it was late, it wasn’t quite midnight yet. As I headed down the hall back to my bedroom, I could hear voices coming from downstairs. From the bits I gathered, my mother and Aunt were just then preparing to head off to bed themselves. I could hear them moving about, turning off the lights, and then giggling. I quite naturally perked up, trying to hear what was being said, but they were still too far away, and speaking quietly so as not to be heard, though their suspicious sounding giggles now seemed far more than innocent.

I crept towards the stairway peering down, seeing the last of the living room lights being shut off. I could hear them as they made their way down the second set of stairs leading to the downstairs bedrooms. I hadn’t even considered the fact…up until now anyway, that they might actually be sleeping together. As soon as I was sure they couldn’t hear me, I made my way down the rest of the stairs, soon inching my way down to the lower floor where once more I heard voices.

This time a bit more clearly as they no longer whispered the way they had been doing. And though they had indeed closed the bedroom door, there was a good two inch gap beneath it, the light showing through indicating that they at least had the small bed stand light on.

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