- Kiara and Gracie with terrific measures – 01
- Kiara and Gracie with terrific measures – 02
- Kiara and Gracie with terrific measures – 03
“Do you mind letting me up? I’m starting to cramp.”
“I will, if you promise to let me tie you down again,” Kiara said with a half smile.
“That’s some fucked up shit,” Kiara said as she sipped her coffee.
“I guess, but if you’re raised in it, you don’t know any better.”
“So when your momma gave you the birds and bees speech all she told you about was the pain and suffering?”
“Yeah. Scare tactics, I guess. Or maybe she really believes it. God knows she and Daddy never showed any interest in each other.”
“I can’t believe that shit still goes on in the modern day.”
“You haven’t ever left the city, Bren. There are communities out west that might as well still be in the last century. And there are some where people like Pastor Wiggins are God on earth in all but name.”
“Why didn’t you tell Brian?”
“Because I didn’t know! I was raised that way. I just assumed everyone was that way.”
“Everyone ‘except me.”
“You’re black,” she said apologetically, “you’re supposed to be depraved.”
“Give me a little credit. I got past that part of my upbringing without any help,” she said, sipping bottled water.
“Sounds like some kind of cult or something.”
“Not really. Just a very insular community. It got better when we moved to the city.”
“Peoria’s a city? Since when?” Kiara asked sarcastically.
“It’s a lot bigger than Wigginsville.”
“So this fucked up religious guy owns the whole town?”
“Not all of it, just the good parts. His father bought all the property up and laid out the town. Some kind of commune experiment back in the sixties, I think. The son got into fundamentalist religion and ran all the ex-hippies out when his dad passed. He owns the whole commercial district, so if you want to have a store there, you play his way. Same for the subdivisions. If you want to buy a house, you have to meet his demands. He won’t allow any other church to move in and he’s Mayor, as well as Pastor and Chairman of the board and Justice of the Peace and…you name it.”
“Someone ought to sue.”
“They have, but he’s a big contributor to all the local and state politics. Someone will get around to filing a federal suit, but you gotta understand something, Bren. The people who live there like it just the way it is. My folks only moved because Daddy got a better job and they were forever pining for “home”. They’ll move back as soon as dad retires. Some people just like it all laid out for them.”
“All right, so you’re upbringing was fucked, still, you had to have known, girl. I mean, you watch the tube, go to the movies, read magazines. You just can’t possibly have been totally in the dark.”
“No, not totally, but you have to understand. This was something I was raised to believe. It takes a lot to get past it. Even harder than the race thing. At least there, I had the evidence of my experiences to help me take the blinders off. With this…Brian was my first and only. And my first time was just as painful and awful as mom said it would be. I really wanted to believe it was fun and romantic and wonderful and all that, but every time we tried it, it wasn’t.”
“You have to put something into it for it to be fun.”
“You tell me that now and I’ve got….some pretty incredible proof it can be fun,” she said with a pretty blush, “If you told me that last Friday, it would have been against my experience.”
“That’s just too out there for me, like something from the twilight zone or the outer limits. The girl who couldn’t cum or some shit like that”
“Yeah, well. Getting fucked silly by my best friend is pretty out there for me,” Gracie observed.
“Fair enough. But you ain’t pissed at me or nothing, right?”
“I’m not really thrilled that you decided on this method. It’s pretty humiliating,” she said archly, but her face softened, “On the other hand, I don’t think anything short of cumming like I did would have given me any chance of getting past it. Now that I’ve experienced what it can feel like, there’s really no way I can go back to believing it’s an unpleasant obligation. So I should be thanking you, but I’m not there yet. I still feel like I ought to be pissed, but what I really feel is relief.”
Kiara had to smile at that, and Gracie smiled back.
“So now what?” Gracie asked.
“Well,” Kiara said, drawing the word out, “We got till Monday before the boys get back and I was just starting to enjoy having a dick.”
“So, what?”
“So, I think it’s time to take your hot little ass upstairs and get back to fucking.”
“I guess I could use some more practice,” she said gravely, but Kiara could see the smile in her eyes.