Kiara and Gracie with terrific measures – 01

This Story is part of Exploiting measures Series

Cainockflorin should not be administered to patients with Asthma or other breathing difficulty, taking Corticoid-steroids or opiate painkillers as either could result in breathing arrest.

Pretty powerful stuff. Kiara immediately discounted the coma and death warning. She had come to realize that was more legalese than medicalese. All the big pharmaceutical outfits were covering their asses now with such disclaimers. Even her birth control pills had such a warning, but when she asked, Dr. Palmer told her no one had ever died from them that he knew of. Gracie didn’t have any breathing problems she was aware of, but it wasn’t like Kiara knew her full medical history.

Kiara decided it was just a nutty idea and on her way back to the nurse’s station, she stopped into the Pharmacy to return the paperwork to its cubby. She had intended to just leave, but she found herself alone and eyeing the two bottles of Cainockflorin. It only came in two oral doses, a .25 mg maintenance dose and a .5 mg intervention dosage. Anything more had to be given intravenously under a physician’s supervision. The Doc eschewed the .5 mg dose, preferring to give the .25 incrementally until his patients calmed. Thus the .25 bottle was three quarters empty, but the .5 mg bottle was almost full.

Kiara found herself doing some quick arithmetic. Five hundred tablets, of which, maybe twenty were gone. That was over the roughly six months it had been available. Last inventory had been in April, so…roughly five more months till the admins got their panties in a wad or the state came in, necessitating a new inventory. Her hand was on the bottle and she was spilling two tabs out before she even really realized it. Stashing them in her coat pocket, she returned to the admissions desk and spent the rest of her shift debating the consequences of her crazy plan.

“Hey babe, miss you,” Freby’s voice came over the line.

Kiara had just gotten in and was still half dressed when the phone rang. “Yeah, like I’m buying that. A weekend of fishing, lying and getting drunk is your idea of paradise,” she replied, but there was no venom in her voice.

“Damn, woman, I can’t even try to be nice to you, can I?” he chuckled.

“Sure you can, if Viagra is on sale.”

“Ouch. Low blow there.”

“You know I’m full of shit, babe.”

“Yeah, but the dick jokes gotta stop. A man has his pride.”

“So how’s it going?” Kiara asked, as she tossed her eighteen-hour bra into the hamper.

“I….Look, I know she’s your friend and all, but Stevie’s mine. She’s killing him, babe. She can’t even loosen up a little bit. Even when he can get it, the sex is missionary only and she acts like it’s a chore. It’s just destroying his self-esteem. He loves her, but he’s at the end of his rope.”


“I even approached him about some swappin’, but while he was hot as hell to get into your pants, he said there was no way she’d try it. I don’t think this marriage is going to make it, babe. I’m sorry for that, she’s a sweet girl sometimes, but I can’t try to convince him to stay. Not after all he told me on the trip up.”

Freby…” she said, her tone turning icy.

“Awww, shit, don’t do that, babe. I’m not gonna egg him on to leave her, but I just can’t lean on him to stay. I know I’d be outta there in a heartbeat.”

“If she loosened up some, do you think they would make it?” she said after a deep sigh.

“Sure. He’s still in love with her, and he’s about the proudest papa I ever did see. If she dropped the Princess crap and was even close to normal, he’d gut it out.”

“All right, you tell Brian to hang in.”

“I’ve heard that voice before. Are you about to read her the riot act?”

“No. I’m going to cut some corset strings and see what busts loose.”

“Uh oh.”


“Nothing. I love you to death, babe, but I’ve heard that tone before. I know I wouldn’t want any part of it. I’ll keep Brian-o from bolting, but you have to tell me if nothing happens. I ain’t sending the poor boy home any more of what he’s been gettin’.”

Kiara pulled into the potholed parking lot and killed the engine. She checked her purse for the .32 she habitually carried, and took a deep breath. Getting out, she approached the garishly lit entrance and passed through the dilapidated door. Just inside, a kid with more tattoos and body piercings than a sideshow freak looked up from the book he was reading. She glanced at the title and laughed, Plato’s the Republic. College kid, she decided.

“ID?” he inquired in a bored voice.

Kiara showed it to him and passed through the dark curtains and into the interior. She hadn’t been to an adult store in ages, but they were all the same. She had picked this one, despite the bad neighborhood, because she knew one of the clerks. She just hoped Dana was on. She spotted her friend, helping a fat man in conservative business attire select a butt plug. Dana looked up, smiled and winked and went back to her customer. Once she had made the sale she came over and gave Kiara a hug.

“Fancy seeing you here, Freby not living up to his rep?” the tall girl said as she hugged Kiara.

“He’s still the man of the house,” Kiara said with a laugh.

“So what brings you to Homo central?”

“I need some help.”


“Yeah. I got a girlfriend who needs to get her ass laid, but good.”

“Are you planning on doing the laying?”


“Bren, I don’t mean to be bitchy, but you aren’t a top.”

“Tonight I’m gonna be.”

“Cool, what do you need?”

“Damn if I know, that’s why I came to the expert.”

“Well, tell me a bit about this girlfriend, then.”

“She’s a good girl, Dee. But she’s about to lose her husband and a lot more. She’s got some hang-up that keeps her from enjoying sex, and I think that’s what has her so fucked up. She’s a ball of stress and she won’t relax or loosen up even a tiny bit. She’s been playing princess for the past year or so, and it’s just worn thin on everyone. I think she even knows it, but she seems incapable of stopping herself.”

“So how are you planning on bedding her? Think she might be a closet dyke?”


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