I’ve been in love set up ch-02

I had gone home, grateful that everyone was still out for the evening. My folks had gone to a drive-in movie of all things, and Jacobie who currently worked as a barmaid at a local pub nearby, would no doubt still be working. But even though she was due to get off soon, she usually went out with friends, or very often her boyfriend at the time, and would get home even later than mom and dad would. I went upstairs to my room, and literally fell apart.

I didn’t hear my sister come home. The fact that I never cried about anything, spoke volumes. And even when Jacobie came into my room, sitting down on the edge of my bed, I pretended to be ill, and nothing more than that. I wasn’t fooling anybody. And though it took a while, she was patient. Eventually I told her everything. Everything that had happened. And then she laughed. Not at me, but at the stupidity of my now ex-girlfriend.

“She has no idea what she’ll be missing,” Jacobie stated. “Hell, I’ll be honest with you Jake, even I’ve wondered what it would be like to play with that thing you’ve got between your legs. Trust me…I’ve seen it. And I’ve always marveled at how it can get so damn big from being so damn small. And you know what I mean by that too,” she added.

Now here’s the thing. Jacobie was wearing one of those white peasant blouses, which she wore to work in. Sitting on my bed there in the dark, she was back-lit from the light out in the hallway. Sitting as she was, I had a very clear outline of her tits. Jacobie always had near perfect tits too. I mean they weren’t overly large, or small…but they were about as pert as a pair of boobs could be, and Jacobie very often went without a bra whenever she worked, claiming that since she’d been doing so, she’d gotten a hell of a lot more tips because of it. And I could certainly see why.

But now, here she was, or rather here we were. Talking about my dick, and how she’d actually fantasized seeing it and playing with it even, and her there with her tits poking out, even if it was just a silhouette of them, soon had me actually starting to stiffen. The thing was, I was naked…even though I was under the sheet. Which was all I was under.

Aware of my own predicament, and laying there more than a bit uncomfortable because of it, I shifted. Or at least made some effort at doing so. But because of the placement of the sheet, and my sister’s sitting there, it drew attention to my state. Especially when she shifted, as though realizing she’d somehow contributed to my discomfort, though she had placed her hand down in an effort to readjust her own self.

Basically, she brought her hand down to rest right on top of my rapidly hardening prick. I half expected her to suddenly jump up off the bed, if nothing else. Or at the very least, swipe her hand away. But she didn’t. What she did instead, was grip my prick through the sheet, lovingly if you will…holding it.

“Ja…Jacobie,” I sort of moaned, filled with bewilderment here.

“Shh,” she said, her finger coming up to press against my lips. “Close your eyes,” she added, which I did. I felt her pulling the sheet down, and knew damn well she could see me now, fully and completely. And once again her hand surrounded me, flesh on flesh now as she sat there exploring me with her hand as well as her eyes. I didn’t dare speak. Too confused perhaps, as well as excited. So many past images, thoughts…secret and otherwise, all manifesting themselves in one glorious moment here. And then she stood up, heading towards the door.

I was sure it was over with then, not at all surprised of course. Sanity returning, Jacobie realizing, just as I was, what had been going on here. But no. I saw her blouse being lifted up and over her head as she reached the door, softly closing it, and then turning. The sound of her voice reaching out towards me. The sound of the zipper on her jeans coming undone. “Turn on your nightstand light,” she asked, which I immediately did. And then glad that I did, as it came on, only to illuminate the fully nude body of my sweet, beautiful sister.


“You…set me up!” I told her, still wondering why.

“Yes…we did,” she confirmed, glancing towards the beach where the girls now lay on their towels, soaking up some sun, neither one of them with a stitch on.

“Would you care to tell me why?” I asked, tearing my eyes away from the girls and back onto my sister, though that didn’t help much either. She was sitting across from me wearing a bikini, but at least she was dressed.

“Look Jake. You can tell that the girls have changed right? I mean even Sophia’s changed to some degree, but look at Hazel. You know how she was. Shy, reserved, introverted and totally unsure of herself.” Sure, I had to admit that she had changed, as had Sophia and even Jacobie for that matter, but what any of that had to do with me…with what had happened, still hadn’t become clear as of yet.

“I think a lot of that had to do with the way you treated them and looked out for them whenever they came to stay with you. They came to admire and appreciate everything you did for them while they were growing up, and especially during that nightmare I was going through there for a while.”

“Just doing my Uncle thing,” I responded back. “But that still doesn’t explain any of this.”

“Ok, let me see if I can clear that up for you a little then. You still remember that night right? And what happened, and why did it happen?”

“Of course,” I said, actually blushing a little. Though it had been years now since either one of us had actually brought up the subject. “So?”

“Well, a couple of months ago, Hazel and Sophia got involved in a situation that could have torn this family apart emotionally. Thankfully, as different as they’ve always been in so many ways, they’ve still remained close too. Hazel had actually started seeing a guy, and had gone out with him a few times.

It looked as though she was actually starting to come out of her shell a little, and was even starting to take some of her sister’s advice on make-up, clothes to wear etc. You know as well as I do, that she was never as popular as her sister had been when growing up. But now finally, she had a guy of her own, someone that was interested in her, someone she could get close to…perhaps even become intimate with. And then everything fell apart.”

“What happened?”

“According to what the girls told me, one day this boy had come over, and at some point found himself alone with Sophia while Hazel was upstairs doing something. He made a pass at her. Not just a goofing around sort of thing, he actually asked her if she’d be interested in going out with him.”

“Shit!” I said, imagining it. “Then what?”

“Well, Sophia had the presence of mind to keep from bashing the dumb-fuck up the side of the head, and even intimated that it might indeed be a possibility. And then left it there…for the time being. After he had left, she quite naturally told Hazel all about what had just happened, which of course basically devastated her. Though it made her angry too…maybe even for the first time in her life she was really angry, and wanted to do something about it. It took some doing on Sophia’s part to calm her down enough until she could convince her to go along with an idea that she had.”

I shook my head knowing Sophia. Once again looking down towards the beach as Hazel now sat beside her sister rubbing suntan lotion onto her back. Getting a nice side-view of her fairly large breasts once again taking me back to that moment of Jacobie sitting on my bed with hers so wonderfully detailed in the back-light as I saw them that night.


Jacobie laughed. “You know Sophia. It didn’t take her long to convince Hazel to go along with a plan she had cooked up. And though given the fact that Hazel was still pretty shy and reserved back then, for her to even remotely agree to go along with it, just proved how hurt and angry she really was.” I nodded my head in agreement. I could just see that.


“Anyway, Sophia actually approached the boy and asked him if he’d be interested in having a threesome with the two of them.”

“Holy shit!” Though Jacobie continued.

“Naturally, he was more than interested. I am sure this kid thought his wildest fantasies were about to come true. Anyway, they convinced him to come over late in the afternoon one Saturday. As angry as they both were, they still managed to fawn all over him together, really getting the pump primed as it were. Then they said he was to wait in the foyer until they called down to him to come up and join them once they were ready.

But he was also to do whatever they told him to do in the meantime, just to ensure that he really was ready for them by the time that they called. Needless to say, they told him to take all his clothes off, and stand there playing with himself, getting himself all nice and hard and horny for them. Which obviously he did.”


“What he didn’t know at the time, was the fact the girls were broadcasting this to every friend they knew, and had told ahead of time about. How they managed it, I don’t know, but they got him to actually bend over, and slap his own ass…as hard as he could as a way of proving just how horny, and how worthy he was to be with the two of them. On and on it went, for like ten, fifteen minutes until he started to become suspicious…finally.

Only then did the girls come back down stairs, still dressed of course, and then revealing to him that all his friends had seen and heard what he’d been doing. And then of course, why they had done it to him, because of what he had done in the way he had treated Hazel.”

“Probably got what he deserved…but I am still at a loss as to why…”

“I’m still getting to that,” Jacobie told me. It was after that, that I found out what had happened. And even though Hazel had gotten her revenge, she was still pretty torn up about the whole thing. Once again she seemed to become withdrawn, didn’t want to go out or have anything to do with anyone for a time. Wouldn’t even talk to me much, which was really strange since we’d always been able to sit and talk to one another.

I figured then the only person that could truly help, would be her sister. So I asked Sophia to do whatever it took to see if she could get her sister to confide in her, and open up to her. Which she of course agreed to do. She was as worried about her as I was. A couple of weeks went by, and low and behold, Hazel actually seemed to be coming around. Even more so than I had hoped.

Whatever Sophia had done, or said to her, seemed to be working. I was of course curious, and had asked. But then Sophia said it was a “between” sisters thing, and that she had promised to keep things between the two of them.

As much as I would have liked to know what she’d said, or done…the end result was well worth it. Things were back to normal again…better than normal in fact. There was obviously a lot more love and affection going on, even towards me. Little did I know until I had come home early myself one day, not feeling well. And then I found out why things had changed…for the better. Even though at first, like you…I was totally confused by it.”

I had a pretty good idea where this was going. Pieces now suddenly falling into place, though where and why I came into all of this, especially after what had happened, still hadn’t been revealed to me as yet.

“So you walked in on them I took it?” Once again glancing over towards the girls. Hazel now lay down on her back as Sophia sat up, rubbing suntan lotion onto her sister, specifically her breasts at the moment.

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