It’s my own damn fault – 4

For the first time, I saw a look of real uncertainty in my sister in law’s face, her own nervousness clearly showing through. I right then and there made up my mind to do whatever I had to, in order to get through this for one thing, and not disappoint her for another. I had no real idea what was in store for me, but had now made up my mind to leave here without any strikes against me, or them if I could possibly help it.

Satisfied, Jessica once again spoke briefly with the other two women, though what they said I couldn’t hear as they finally came to a consensus.

“You may remove your clothes now,” Jessica told me. I was indeed nervous, all three women were very sexy, strikingly beautiful in fact. I had worn very little in preparation for this, deciding ahead of time that the less I had to wear, the easier it would be to get undressed, and then redressed again afterwards. I pulled the fresh clean tee shirt over my head, and then undid my jeans, stepping out of them. I was naked.

After a moment or two of almost unbearable scrutiny, the girls once again nodded their heads in approval, even though I was entirely flaccid…still nervous standing there like this in front of so many attractive, and still very dressed women.

“You now have ten minutes to get hard…without using your hands. If you can’t, that will be your first strike. After ten minutes, you may then use your hands, but you will only have five minutes in order to make yourself hard. Understood?”

“Yes…I understand,” I responded back, once again glancing over the heads of so many young girls sitting there looking at me, quickly finding Chris, her eyes almost pleading with me to get hard for her.

That first minute passed without much happening, a few snickers and giggles within the room, though a simple glance from the three soon quieted everyone down again. I closed my eyes…thinking back now. How did I get here in the first place? What had happened since all this had begun, that crazy conversation with my wife, that day in Mia’s sewing room…the tequila of course, and finally…watching Chris fuck herself with the wine bottle.

“Very nice…and in less than three minutes too!” Jessica announced. “You passed the first test. Now…for the second one. As you know, you are here representing three of our possible sisters. You came here knowingly, and willingly on their behalf. But I must now tell you, you’re not here to simply jerk off…come, and then leave. What we expect and require of you…is to convince us, that you truly are pleasuring yourself…

for us, while we watch you. In other words, we want to see you actually enjoy doing it. You must convince us that you are. Do things to yourself while we look on, that you only usually do in the privacy of your own room perhaps. Touch yourself in ways…that you perhaps have not done, shown, or shared with anyone else.

Make us believe you are truly enjoying your own body. And finally…do not climax, do not come without asking permission from us in doing so first. Make us believe.”

It was interesting. When very often alone, I did things, tried things, touched myself in different ways to bring about unique sensations. Very often which I didn’t do, or hadn’t done…even in front of my wife, let alone Mia, or Chris for that matter. I began doing so now. Keeping my eyes closed helped for a moment while doing that, but pretty soon one of the three girls decided they wanted me to do it…with my eyes open.

It was the redhead with the gigantic breasts that were nearly spilling out of the low cut blouse she was wearing…Diane was her name, that then told me to open them.

“I want you looking at us,” she told me. “So please…open your eyes as you do this, let us see you…and you see us as we look at you.” She had said it almost formally, as though speaking an incantation or a chant even.

I stood, palming the knob of my prick, not simply or merely working my shaft up and down with my hand, but palming it, rubbing the tip, encircling it around and around.

“Very nice,” Jessica commented. “And why is it you do that? What is it about touching yourself in that way that you particularly enjoy?”

“Because it feels good…” wasn’t the answer I figured they wanted to hear. The question as asked, in the way it was asked, had an underlying tone to it, perhaps the lustiness in her voice hinting at me, that what they wanted…what she wanted, was a lot more than that.

“Because doing this at first…makes me even more aroused, very horny…very wicked and naughty feeling,” I said, speaking candidly, surprising her with my answer perhaps. I saw the bemused smile in her eyes upon hearing that. She nodded her head, once again conferring with the other two.

“How else do you enjoy touching and pleasuring yourself…what is it that you think about while you do? What fantasies or thoughts do you entertain?” Samantha questioned. She too was a bit of a busty blonde, though not quite so much as Diane was, or even Jessica, closer to Chris’s nice breasts perhaps, which I envisioned now, glancing once again across the room at her. This time seeing her smile, pleased with the performance I was giving at least.

I now split two fingers running them over the tip of my cock and then along down the sides, scissoring my prick as I did so, and then bringing them back up again. It was a gentle tease, firm yet soft, a quick flip of each against the tip of my cock, and then down again.

“This feels a little like the sensation of two women’s tongues licking me, their lips kissing me…kissing my shaft, one on one side, one on the other. And then kissing one another, my cock sandwiched in between the two of them. I have very often fantasized about Chris doing this to me…kissing and licking my cock like this, though she never has.”

Once again I saw a rather surprised look on her face, though she smiled, even perhaps blushing a little. Glancing around, I now noticed several girls seemed to be squirming in their seats, a few hushed whispered words, even a few breathless sighs…but no more giggling.

Even Samantha’s hand had come up, cupping one of her breasts through her clothing as she sat there in front of me. I don’t even think she was fully aware that she had.

“And what else is it that you like to do to your cock…and why?” Jessica asked, her voice actually quivering a little as she asked the question.

“I like to make it dance.”

“Dance?” She asked curiously.

“Yes, dance. It amuses me. I like the way it feels when it’s as hard as it is…as it is now. I can control it better, cause it to twitch, to lurch, to throb even, and yes dance…all without using my hands.”

I began doing so, letting go of it, now standing there hands by my side, moving my cock with just muscle control, letting it bounce, twitch, dance and rock from side to side, all without moving a muscle anywhere else. In a way, it was like being the cobra, only I was the one hypnotizing the musician…or in this case, musicians.

By now…Samantha was not only fondling her own breast, but she had made a fist, placing it firmly against herself down between her legs. Diane too seemed to be casually toying with herself, as many others within the room had begun doing as well in one form or another. Including Chris and her two friends, standing against the far wall. She had lifted her short mini skirt, and though to my surprise was actually wearing panties, I could see her finger pressing inwards against the material.

“And…ah, ah…what, ah…what else do you enjoy doing to ah…yourself?” Jessica asked likewise squirming a bit more in her own seat, though so far, unlike her two companions, hadn’t as yet touched herself provocatively, though I noticed her hands all but clamped down on the arms of her chair, as though trying to hold on.

“When I am really aroused…like I’m getting now, I like to really spank it…slap it, let it sting a little. Feel the sensations, the intensity, how hard it really is now…like steel, knowing how good it would feel, sliding in and out of a nice wet succulent slick pussy.”

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