It’s my own damn fault – 4

She was still going at it when I did return, climbing back into the seat, starting the car after putting the bag with the wine in it between us. I began backing out of the lot again, as she reached over removing one of the bottles. I glanced over, and then realized what she was doing with it.

“Jesus! Chris!” I said once again swerving the car.

“Just what I needed,” she quipped as I watched her slide the neck of the bottle inside herself. She began seriously fucking herself now, those same slick juicy sounds being heard again, even more so than before. With two hands, she plunged the bottle in and out of her cunt, her breath coming ragged and heavy. I sat driving with a stiff prick once again, watching her, stunned that she was doing this for one thing, and equally surprised that I found myself actually getting off on it.

Two blocks from the house she came, just in the nick of time as I pulled into the drive. By now at least, she had straightened herself up again, jumping out of the car heading into the house having put the bottle back into the sack once again, taking it inside. It took a moment longer for me before I could follow her. Still partially erect even then, at least it wasn’t tenting my pants out as I walked up the steps entering the house.

Chris was already helping Stella to set the table. I looked over towards Mia who was just then reaching into the sack removing the two bottles of wine. She held one up, looked at it for a moment, and then sniffed it.

“Hmm, interesting vintage,” she said glancing towards me, and then over towards Chris. “It’ll be interesting to see what it tastes like…bet you were wondering the same thing yourself…weren’t you Thomas?” She asked.

I felt my face turn crimson a little as she handed me the corkscrew. She chuckled to herself turning back towards the stove.


Like I said in the beginning. Here I now stood, in a room full of women…naked, working my prick for them while they watched. It some ways, it felt like a dream. How I had got here, everything leading up to this moment seemed like such a long time ago. Amazed that I was in the first place, my young sister in law and her two friends standing off to one side nearer the back than the front, my prick about as hard as it had ever been, and now…enjoying myself as I stood there.

It had been easy enough to find, arriving well before the appointed time, Chris, Mandy and Cynthia all standing outside waiting for me.

“Nervous?” She’d asked.

“Hell yes…wouldn’t you be?” She laughed at that.

“Don’t be…it won’t be nearly as bad as you think it will. Try and relax, have fun with it even…you’ll like the girls, and like I said, they won’t make you do anything you’re too uncomfortable with. Just try and follow instructions…for me, for us,” she said, turning towards her friends.

“I’ll try,” I told her, meaning it, though I still didn’t know what was totally in store for me of course, figuring that Chris wasn’t telling me everything, which honestly wasn’t much of a surprise. They soon led me inside the building, the Sorority itself as evidenced by the Greek lettering and signs nearly everywhere. Chris and her friends then led me up a flight of stairs, and then up another one.

“One more…this one leads up into the attic area,” she informed me. “They’re waiting for us up there.”

I followed behind, Chris leading, and then entered the room. It was clean, spacious and obviously decorated for formal and semi formal meetings perhaps. A small platform stood off to one side, and I was led towards it. The room was indeed filled with several young women, though three chairs seemed to be centrally located in front of the platform on which I now found myself standing.

The young women seated in front of me now introduced themselves after conferring together first, nodding their heads in agreement, and then nodding what was obviously approval towards Chris and her friends. I saw my sister in law smile appreciatively, obviously relieved.

“I am Jessica, this is Diane, and Samantha,” she said, introducing the three of them to me. “You do know why you’re here, yes?”

“Yes,” I answered simply.

“Good. Are you willing then to do for us as we ask you to do, without question?”

I thought, but saw no real alternatives here. And besides, the sooner we got on with it, the sooner I could leave. Once again I nodded my head yes.

“Before we begin then, it’s important for you to know. If one of the three of us ask you a question, or ask you to do something specific, you are again to do so without question. If you do question, or refuse, that will be one strike against you, and against them,” she said once again looking back at my sister in law and her friends. “Three strikes…you’re out, and so are they. Understood?”

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