I really love that Playful hours

When I reached my room I glanced at the clock. I still had three hours to go before hopefully, “Naughty Time” would be online again. Mom said they’d call me again when coffee was ready, which would be served along with some pie that we’d also picked up at the store for dessert. That would maybe kill another hour at least, after which, I’d feign being tired, and say my goodnights, and then retire back to my room for the night. A short time later I heard my Aunt Victoria knocking on my door again, this time seemingly waiting to be invited in, which I did.

“Come on in!” I called out having immediately and safely closed down my browser, so that now a game appeared instead, which looked like I’d been playing as Victoria opened the door walking in. She immediately glanced over, somewhat surprised to see that perhaps, expecting something else.

The thing I noticed however, was that she’d changed since the last time I’d seen her standing in the kitchen. It wasn’t exactly a nightgown, or something too terribly revealing or even sexy…and yet it still was. Mainly because of who was wearing it, and especially this early in the evening still. What she had on was a thin breast hugging satin like beige colored camisole that did little if anything to hide the contours or fullness of my Aunt’s magnificent full breasts.

Even the shadow of her dark colored nipples could be seen, not to mention the hard tipped little points pressing against the clingy material. The bottoms were comfortable looking full boxer types, giving her the appearance of modesty in a sense, yet simultaneously hinting at sexiness, especially the way she looked while wearing them.

“Coffee and deserts ready,” she announced, taking notice of the fact I was staring at her. “You like?” She suddenly added seeing the look on my face. “Just got it today, thought I’d put it on and show your mother, damn fucking comfortable,” she added.

That did make me laugh, and likewise helped me to close my mouth again, which I only then realized was hanging open. That was a word I’d never once heard mom use, and had never heard my Aunt Victoria use it around mom either, though it wasn’t the first, and no doubt the last time she’d use it around me.

“Looks like it would be,” I finally said, finding my voice, only then tearing my eyes away from those sensual peeking nipples poking out at me. “You look great in it, Aunt Victoria,” I told her sincerely, though once again feeling my face flushing a little.

“You’re just saying that because I happen to be one of those older women you enjoy jerking off too,” she then said.

I figured it was the wine talking, though she had in the past teased and messed around with me like that before, though perhaps not to such an intimate extent as she just had. The thing was however, I had also in the past entertained one or two fantasies regarding my own Aunt, masturbating furiously, conjuring up impossible scenarios while getting my rocks off. But never before, even with the way she most normally dressed, had I been given quite this much of a view, or a hint as to how those breasts of hers really looked, let alone anything else.

But…being as horny I was, obviously looking forward to later, seeing my Aunt dressed as she was, standing there in front of me, and using the wine as an excuse perhaps to take advantage of the situation, I decided to fight back, at least for the naughty fun of it anyway.

“Well, if half the women looked as good as you do right now, I’d probably be doing that a lot more often!” I responded back, surprised at myself for doing so, though she seemed to take it in stride, responding back.

“So you think I’m good enough to jerk off material huh?” she quipped, and I swear her nipples seemed to grow some having just said that, though maybe it was the way she suddenly stretched her arms up over her head, purposely causing them to do so. Either way, I was suddenly hard as a rock sitting here, which she then pointedly looked down towards. “Please don’t tell me you got that by playing a game. No way could it already be that hard in just the few seconds that I’ve been standing here.”

Now that comment floored me. It was one thing to hint, suggest, even to tease about perhaps. But now she was staring directly down at my crotch, and making no bones about the fact that she was, or that she could clearly see my arousal. And the fact there was no point in trying to cover it up, or hide it was obvious. I clearly was.

“You caught me,” I said instead. “No…admittedly Kath,” I said using the shortened version of my Aunt’s name, which I sometimes did whenever we’d spoken less formally, even more intimate in the past when I’d come to her with some question or concern as I long ago used to do. “I was indeed looking at a few sites just before you came down. Don’t want to embarrass anyone having them walking in…seeing what I’ve been looking at.”

“Show me,” she then said, walking over to lean over my shoulder. “I’m curious…and interested,” she then added very seriously.

I couldn’t believe I was actually showing her, but I quickly killed my dummy game, and brought up the page I’d been on once again. Her eyes widened a little when I did. There was an entire page of them, older women. Some of them just posing alone, though obviously touching themselves. Others…very much involved in some decadent, obscene sex-act, most of which were with younger men, not too unlike myself.

“Wow!” She said, “So do you belong to the site? Or is it free?” she asked.

“It’s free…though you do have to sign up and then enter a screen name to log on,” I informed her.

She reached over my shoulder placing her hand on my mouse. As she did, I felt the soft press of her left breast pushing against me. I didn’t pull away, holding still, enjoying the sensation as she clicked on a particular photo, enlarging it. I looked over, holding my breath. The woman in the image looked quite a bit like my aunt, though perhaps even more like my mother. She was kneeling there holding her fairly large breasts together, the young man standing in front of her…squirting. His discharge of semen perfectly caught in mid-air as it arched out prepared to once again coat her already cum-covered tits.

“Hmmm, been a while since I’ve felt that myself,” Aunt Victoria said, and then minimized the screen. “Well, anyway…deserts ready if you want to… come up,” she said, pausing, making me wonder if she’d done that on purpose, smiling at me as she said that. She then turned and left the room, leaving me to sit there and wonder…

“Had she?”


I had to sit there for several more minutes, finally willing my cock to go down. There was no way in hell I was going upstairs in that condition, no matter what. As I opened the door to the kitchen, they were just then serving the pie and coffee up. Mom was still dressed thankfully, though I was once again immediately reminded of the way Victoria looked, wearing that very sensual, somewhat revealing outfit of hers. I quickly crossed over taking a seat across from the two of them and dove into my pie.

“So, what have you been doing all evening?” Mom asked. Though unfortunately with a mouth full of pie, Aunt Victoria answered for me, taking advantage of the situation perhaps.

“He seemed to be playing with something…playing a game,” she quickly added as though having made a mistake, “When I went down to invite him for coffee and pie.”

Mom simply nodded her head. “Not surprised, you really do need to get out more,” she then told me. “You spend far too much time down in your room all cooped up like that.” Victoria was grinning from ear to ear looking down at me. I merely smiled back, nodding my head.

“Yeah, I know.”

Which was about the time I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. My Aunt was standing just back of where mom was sitting, just out of direct sight. She lifted the corner of her camisole top, just briefly, almost too quickly, baring her breasts for a moment before pulling it down again. But there was no mistaking the fact…she’d just flashed me!


There was nothing else that came out of that however while I sat there eating my pie. There was no mistaking the fact that my Aunt had flashed me however, showing me her tit, even if it was all too brief. The fact was…she had!

Almost immediately I contributed that to the wine, though making a mental note to pick some more up tomorrow, especially with Aunt Victoria spending a few days with us. Who knew that I might get her to do it again, though for a bit longer next time. One could only hope.

I had soon after excused myself , feigning the need for sleep, which both mom and Aunt Victoria had hinted at as well. It was kind of interesting in a way, as the new guest room which was just down the hall from my parents room, happened to be my old bedroom, which is where Victoria would be sleeping.

I bid them both good night, and then returned to my room as mom got up and turned off the rest of the house lights preparing to go to bed herself. It was now 10:45, just fifteen minutes before “Naughty Time” was scheduled to meet me again. And to which I hoped desperately, she’d be just as horny and aroused as I was. Especially if she had done as I’d asked.

I logged on, logged in…went to the site and waited for that familiar naughty ping on my PC.

I even jumped when it did, grinning…already turning on my webcam in preparation.

Naughty Time: “Are you as horny as I am?” she asked, her own picture just then beginning to clear coming on. I had typed.

“Oh fuck yes…waiting for you,” I said only then looking up.

Sitting in front of me, in front of the camera I was staring at, was the very same beige colored camisole I’d been looking at earlier.

To be continued…

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