I really love that Playful hours

I’d gotten so involved in browsing the net, in particular one site where all the women posting personal photos on it were considered “mature”, that I didn’t hear the quick brief knock on my door for a second. By then, my AuntVictoria, having made her presence known, simply opened the door and walked in.

Unlike mom and dad, she didn’t stand there and wait to be invited inside, especially as I hadn’t locked the door. Thank god I wasn’t naked. Bad enough I had to hurriedly shut down the screen. Worse, that I was sitting there with an erection, having to wait just for a second as she closed the distance between us coming over to give me a hug.

Only then did I stand when she was close enough that she wouldn’t have seen the tent I’d created in my jeans. I hugged her, bowing in the middle just a bit to ensure that I wasn’t pressing anything against her that would give away my predicament.

“Studying?” She asked.

I doubt she had seen anything, though I know I looked flush in the face by the time she had reached me. I could feel it.

“No, not really. Spring break,” I said lamely, sitting down again, inviting her to do so as well, though she sat down on the corner of my bed when she did.

“And you’re spending it here?” She asked surprised that I would be. “You should be out chasing a few bikini clad girls rather than wasting your time hanging around here!” She said exasperatedly.

I don’t know why I said it, but I did. Maybe it was because I was after all still damn fucking horny sitting there. But my AuntVictoria, ever since her divorce, had tended to wear somewhat revealing clothing. She might have been sixty-one, but I’m here to tell you, she looked a hell of a lot sexier than most women my age did. Like mom, she too had a nice set of breasts, though she tended to let them “hint” at you a bit more than mom ever would.

Even now, the blouse she was wearing had one more button undone on it than most women would feel appropriate wearing that way. As such, when she leaned forward even a little bit, you caught a glimpse of her well rounded, smooth orbs peeking out at you, along with a bit of lacy edge to her bra as she also tended to wear far more sexier one’s than was also otherwise normal.

I’d even seen her go without one before when she’d worn cashmere pullover sweaters and such in times past.

“I’m not really into young women, or even a lot of women my own age,” I informed her. “So it’s obviously a bit more difficult for me, finding someone a bit older who is interested in any kind of a long-term, more formal, or even intimate relationship with someone like me.”

I saw my Aunt’s eyes suddenly turn into saucers at the revelation, along with a hidden smile on her face that she’d allowed herself to show.

“I see,” she mused. “Well…let me say this, I for one would find someone like you a blessing in disguise,” she chuckled. “Not many women my age, or your mother’s age, are lucky enough to even consider having a younger man for a companion, or lover. Usually, it’s the other way around, which is why I’m no longer married to Fred,” she laughed, finally standing up. “Anyway, I just thought I’d come down and say hello.

Your mom and I are putting dinner together here shortly, we’ll call you up when it’s ready,” she turned towards the door, once again stopping, looking back and smiling at me. “You can bring your naughty pictures back up if you’d like,” she laughed. “Though I would have been interested in seeing them as well,” she added, and then left before I could comment on what she’d just said.


Dinner was a delight. Not only because of the fair we’d been eating lately, but because my mother was acting far more animated than she’d been lately. Laughing, telling off-colored jokes even with me there, and generally having a really good time. I had my AuntVictoria to thank for that though, somehow she always did bring the best out in mom whenever the two of them were together. Though I also attributed part of her more relaxed attitude towards the two bottles of wine we’d already managed to polish off.

Even then, there seemed to be a bit more going on as well, which they’d obviously, and somewhat secretly kept from me. I’d caught them more than once leaning over, whispering, giggling like school girls over a dirty secret, laughing openly about whatever it was, and then hushing one another if I got too close, or too curious about what it was that had been said.

At least they were obviously having fun, and I just assumed they were no doubt making and sharing rude comments about dad, or possibly old Uncle Fred. There was one very strange thing however, that I almost didn’t see, which had thrown both mom and AuntVictoria into fits of giggles afterwards, though they both refused to tell me what had happened, or why they had.

I was just bringing in the last of the dinner dishes from the dining room table when I walked into the kitchen, mom spun around towards me faster than you could blink an eye. She and my Aunt were standing at the sink washing and drying the dishes, or so it appeared anyway. When I walked in. For the briefest of moments, as she spun, it was clearly obvious that the back of her sundress had been hiked up. My Aunt’s hand just then pulled away as mom spun around. It came down of course, immediately as she accepted the last of the now empty wine glasses from me.

“Thank you,” she nearly burst out laughing, her face beet red handing off the glasses to my aunt, and then almost as quickly collapsing down into one of the nearby kitchen chairs.

“Are you ok?” I asked worriedly, having watched her do that.

“I’m fine,” she still giggled asVictoria too stood at the sink likewise chuckling to herself. I figured then it had to be the wine, and since mom really wasn’t much of a drinker, it had gotten to her pretty quickly, even though we’d just eaten. Still that didn’t account for the reason my Aunt had had her hand on my mom’s ass, though I then figured it was just the two of them fooling around, annoying one another the way they must have done when growing up together.

Having finished up with everything, I then turned to leave the two of them alone, letting them get back to their own silliness. Which is when I looked over towards the fruit bowl only to discover that two of the bananas I had put there this morning were gone. That in and of itself wouldn’t have been odd…but the fact they weren’t quite ripe yet, and now missing…was.

I headed back down the stairs to my room without saying a word, though still trying to puzzle it all out. And then I laughed. “No way!” Mom would certainly never do anything like that…maybe my AuntVictoria would, though it was possible she had coaxed, or convinced her into doing something like that. But once again, I was more inclined to think I was allowing my own wild imagination to run away with me than consider the other possibility as realistic.

Especially as I myself had suggested something similar to “Naughty Time,” asking her to use some sort of fruit on herself for me. Still, stranger things had happened, and whenever those two got together, that was usually the case. Even so, I still couldn’t quite imagine or accept that as being very logical, and assumed there had to be another explanation for the two missing bananas.

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