I really love that Playful hours – 2

“OMG” I typed back, meaning every letter. The truth was, now my mother was involved…and I could only sit there and wonder now. “Had that been what the two of them had been doing? Standing there at the sink? Aunt Victoria reaching over to fondle perhaps, slip back inside maybe…the banana that I now think my mom also had inside her?”

“And…she’s here with me now,” Aunt Victoria typed. “Want to see the banana in her pussy too?”

I actually came, squirting everywhere at once, all of a sudden, without sensing it ahead of time. It just happened. I was in shock, looking down at myself, watching my prick release what felt like a torrent of cum. It splattered literally everywhere, on my monitor where I sat watching it hit, running down as I grabbed for a shirt, the only thing I had close by, catching it before it went anywhere else.

“Yes? No?”

“YESSSS YESSS YESSS!” I typed quickly, flabbergasted, shocked, excited as hell, even though I had just squirted all over everywhere and everything. I was about to see my own mother’s pussy, and though the thought of that hadn’t fully and completely registered with whatever ramifications came with that later. At the moment, I was too fucking excited to worry about it either.

I felt lightheaded, dizzy, my climax still causing my cock to throb, cum still dripping out, as I collapsed down back into my chair. I saw movement in the shadows just off to one side of the screen, a dizzying blur then for a moment as my Aunt obviously made some attempt to readjust the camera. And then she appeared…I blinked, blinked again.

“Ready?” Naughty Time typed. “Ready to see another banana filled pussy?”

I was once again staring at the same identical outfit I’d seen earlier. They both had them on!


Now sitting side by side, the camera readjusted to include both of them, I sat watching as they each began moving the bananas in and out of their respective cunts. Even those looking damn near identical, a small tuft of hair gathered at the top, neatly trimmed, shaped, not quite bare. But it was the sight of those twin bananas being worked, easing in and out of one another that once again caused me to feel a tight knot forming in the pit of my stomach.

If I thought the one I’d felt earlier was big, it was nothing in comparison to the one I was feeling now. And not too surprisingly, I was also fucking hard again too! And then I saw hands reaching over, no longer doing themselves for me, but obviously doing one another.

I sat, wanking my cock like there was no tomorrow. The simple fact that I was sitting there watching my own mother, her sister…my aunt, fucking one another with those two obscene half green bananas was driving me insane with lust and desire. But the fact remained now, I knew something I could never, ever reveal. And worse, I could never mention it, even pretend to know, or act any differently around either one of them ever again.

But I was curious. “Who was…Naughty time?”

I really had no real way of knowing. Even as they sat there still masturbating for me, as we carried on an ongoing discussion over the keyboard, I kept asking myself that question over and over again.

“Which one was which? I just couldn’t imagine it starting out being my mother, it had to have been my Aunt as she was always the one to instigate things, somehow drawing mom in on her obviously naughty escapades. And yet…mom had been unhappy for a very long time now. She had always been a sexy, sensual woman in her own right…years ago at least. Has that same desire,

same emotional need resurfaced? And it was for that reason that she’d gone off on her own, searching the web for release? Curious enough to become this Avatar, this “Naughty Time,” seeking pleasure, adventure, excitement in her own way? Feeling as she did, safe at home in her own secret environment, unaware that fate, happenstance, coincidence, had brought the two…now three of us together?”

I had to know!

I had watched as they both climaxed, or so they said that they had. Though by the visible obvious signs, I had to believe that. One…which one, I still had no idea, had actually squirted a little. A small sliver of juice suddenly erupting from the depths of her cunt, the hand from the other…mom? My Aunt? Reaching over, allowing it to spray against her palm, tickling it, and then capturing some of her essence, patting her own sweet succulent looking pussy afterwards, smearing this very same female cum juice around on her own person.

I had come as well. Again. Not as copiously as before perhaps, but nevertheless just as strong and hard, nearly seeing stars when I did. But the added measure of knowledge, that I had just watched, just seen my own Aunt, and my own mother, masturbating for what they thought and felt was a total stranger, had added to the intensity of my second climatic bliss of the night.

After we had all done around back and forth, Naughty Time then reminded me that now it was my turn to do a favor for her. Curious about that now, for obvious reasons, I was still also trying to come up with a way of finding out more about them too, and came up with something on a spur of the moment.

“Are you ever on, or able to get on during the day?” I asked.

“Not normally…no, why?”

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