His sister makes him jealous

This Story is part of Jealousy Series

This is a new story called “His sister makes him jealous” let’s begin….

I had always been close to my sister Rose…or rather “Nova” as she preferred being called these days. With only two years difference between us, it had never seemed an obstacle for either one of us. She knew my friends…and I was well acquainted with hers. One in particular.

We both still lived at home in order to cut down on expenses while I attended a local university, the same one that Nova had begun attending as well a few months after graduating high school. Along with her best friend Xavier, who I was currently seeing, and had been dating now for several months. The odd part was, most of the time, our dates consisted of the three of us going out together. Like I said, I’d always gotten along well with my sister, so having her come along with us seemed quite natural as opposed to her being a third wheel.

We had double dated on a few occasions, but Nova didn’t really have any guy special at the moment, so lately it seemed like she was far more content to just tag along with us. Admittedly, it put a cramp in my love-life to some extent, but Xavier and I had managed to fit in some intimate personal time for ourselves here and there. Though whenever we did, or made it obvious we needed some alone time, Nova’s mood and demeanor would noticeably change during those times.

Nova and Xavier were similar in appearance too. Very often people would take them for sisters, not quite twins…but they looked, and dressed alike a good deal of the time. I found myself quite frequently enjoying the curious looks we got as the three of us strolled about the stores, or sat in the movie together, a beautiful girl sitting to either side of me. Each of them had dark brown well past the shoulder length hair, green eyes, full sensual lips, and though I couldn’t prove it exactly, pretty much the same figure and bust size.

Like I said…they looked so much alike, I’d even gotten a bit of teasing from my buddies because of it. Saying I had some sort of a twisted sister fantasy, which is why I was dating Xavier in the first place. I too had a full head of dark hair, and more like hazel eyes as opposed to being green like my sister and moms were. I was also a couple of inches taller than both, just under six feet give or take an inch.

I enjoyed playing tennis, and though I didn’t have a regular regimen or workout routine, I did take pretty good care of myself. I didn’t consider myself a hunk, not by any means, but I’d never had any real problems dating cute, or attractive looking girls all through high school, and then into college either. Still…the thought that my friends found it odd that I was dating someone who looked a lot like my own sister, or that I might be a bit twisted in doing that, gave me pause on more than one occasion. Especially as I had secretly thought about my sister in times past.

But that was years ago. About the time Nova started looking like a true beauty, a true beauty with tits, which is about the time most guys first look at their sisters a little differently. I know I did. And so yeah, I spent a few nights secretly fantasizing about my own sister. But eventually I grew out of that. That…or forced those thoughts away whenever I found myself absentmindedly entertaining them. After all, that was incest.

And thinking about one’s own sister was pretty twisted and sick in a way…wasn’t it? So I didn’t much care to hear my best buddies saying it or thinking it either. Though maybe to them, seeing the three of us always hanging out together would seem to be a bit sick and perverted in some ways.

I had no idea at the time just how twisted and perverted things were about to become.


I normally worked after school at the university bookstore and library part time. I had as usual showed up prepared to work when Jerry, one of the guys I sometimes worked with, showed up as well.

I’d forgotten. Having traded shifts with him a few weeks back so he could have a particular night off, he’d agreed to come in and work for me one night. Remembering, and now delighted, I quickly headed off towards home, glad now for an entire weekend, especially as our parents had left early that morning for a drive up to San Francisco to spend some time with my Aunt as she’d recently had surgery. Nothing serious, but enough so, she was laid up and in need of some additional help.

That would leave the place to us for the entire weekend, and that also meant, I might in fact be able to convince Xavier to spend the night with me at least once. It had been well over two weeks since we’d had a chance to be together, and frankly…I was damn fucking horny!

Although I shouldn’t have been too surprised to see Xavier’s car sitting in the driveway, I hadn’t expected to see her of course until sometime Saturday. Obviously she’d come over to visit with Nova, and maybe…”just maybe” I thought smiling to myself, waiting for me in bed when I supposedly got off work that evening.

I figured we’d have to play nice for a bit, especially with my sister around. But I also knew that Xavier was much like me in respect to getting a bit cranky if we didn’t fool around some, or go too long between having sex. Something else I loved about her, she could be a real animal…a real dirty, naughty animal in bed once she was aroused. And I needed some animal loving tonight in the worst way too!

With Xavier’s car in the drive, I was forced to park my own car out in front. Usually I entered through the back door, but with the closer proximity of the front door now facing me, I entered that way instead. And though my room was upstairs, Nova’s room was downstairs, the far larger of the two. The moment I stepped inside I could hear voices, a bit of laughter, and knew that the two of them were obviously downstairs in her room.

I sat my backpack down on the floor next to the couch in the sitting room and started to head over towards the stairs leading down to her room and the den area. Which is when I heard something else, a whole lot different than laughter, almost like a deep guttural moan. There was no mistaking it either. It was the sound of someone enjoying a nice little orgasm, no question about it.

“What the fuck?” I thought silently to myself, and then deciding to remain silent, I quickly slipped off my shoes, now taking the stairs as quietly as I could in stocking feet. Obviously they weren’t expecting me home, not for a few more hours as yet.

And as mom and dad were certainly away, they had no reason to suspect anyone would come stumbling in on them. The problem was…this was my girlfriend…and sister I could hear fooling around together. Even as I slowly descended the stairs, I had mixed emotions regarding what I might soon discover. On the one hand, this was every man’s fantasy wasn’t it? Two girls…enjoying one another in the most intimate of ways? And yet…on the other, this was my sister who was one of them…with MY girlfriend! Even though Xavier had been Nova’s best friend long before we’d ever started dating. Which then raised the question, “How long has this been going on anyway?”

I continued to creep down the stairs as quietly as I could, still listening to the sounds of heavy breathing and moaning, only now…I realized it was coming from the den, and not from her bedroom. Reaching the small landing, off to the right down a short hallway was my sister’s room, another full bathroom, and the laundry room. To the left, the family den. I now saw the flicker of light coming from the TV as I turned left and approached the doorway. It was open, as they’d obviously seen no need to close it.

I slid up along the wall before daring to peek in, knowing where the TV was, and knowing they’d be on one of two couches, and perhaps both. But I also knew, if they were indeed watching something on TV, they wouldn’t notice me standing behind them. And if they were doing something else other than that, they wouldn’t be worried about me yet either. I felt relatively safe as I eased my head around the corner peeking into the room.

What they were doing was watching a porn movie together, though where they had gotten it from I had no idea. The moans and groans I’d been hearing came from that, and not them, or at least not all of them anyway, though the obvious laughter had been…nervous excited laughter perhaps.

On screen as I stood there back behind the door in the darkness, I could see two women and one man, actively engaged in stimulating one another. At the moment, the two girls knelt before the guy sharing his cock, sucking and licking it together. But as interesting as that might have been to watch any other time, what I now found myself actually looking at had garnered my entire attention. And I knew I must have been standing there with my mouth open when I did.

They were indeed sitting on opposite sides of the “L” shaped couches. All I could see was the back of Xavier’s head as she sat on one side of the couch. But it was my sister who I could far more clearly see, as she sat on the other side, facing off to one side before me.

For one thing, she had her hand down inside the waistband of the panties she was wearing, her shorts long discarded, laying on the floor beside her. And though she was also wearing a tank top, she had one side of it lifted up over her bare breast. One hand toying with her hard taut nipple. I had on some few rare occasions, caught glimpses of my sister before, but it had been a couple of years now since I’d last accidentally bumped into her when she was naked, and that had been the all too briefest of moments as she screamed, covered herself with her hands, and had ducked back into her bedroom.

To be honest, I hardly had time at all to take anything in. Not like I was doing now. And I realized I was holding my breath, almost afraid to breathe for being heard and thus discovered. But this was too good of a thing to pass up, watching my own sister sitting there on the couch, masturbating! And obviously…though I couldn’t see her at the moment, I could surmise by the subtle movements I was seeing…that so was Xavier.

Maybe they weren’t actually doing anything to one another, but the two of them obviously were masturbating in front of one another while watching the porn flick. And once again, I found myself asking the still curious question. “Just how long have the two of them been doing things like this? And had they…done more than that?”

The sound of Xavier’s voice shocked me back into reality, and I hurriedly stepped back around the corner, fearful that my sister might suddenly look over in my direction and catch me standing there looking at the two of them.

“He’s got a nice cock. Almost as nice as Tom’s is,” Xavier suddenly stated, moaning pleasurably as she did. Standing as close as I was to her, only a few feet away I could easily hear the slippery sounds her pussy was making as she quite decadently sat there fingering herself.

I loved hearing her when she did that for me. She always was one to get quite juicy, and she certainly was now too, showing no inhibitions, or shyness whatsoever as she sat there finger-fucking herself, right in front of my sister. Though Nova too, was pretty much doing the same thing herself, finally lifting her ass, and now pulling her panties completely off so she could more easily spread herself, and begin fingering herself in earnest now.

“Oh? Whose is bigger? Hi? Or Tom’s?” Nova asked curiously, to which Xavier chuckled a little. Though I was more surprised at hearing my own sister’s curious question being asked of Xavier.

“Hard to tell really, perhaps about the same size in length anyway, though I think the head on Tom’s dick is a bit larger. I know that it takes some doing to get my mouth over it whenever I suck it for him,” she added giggling. Nova moaned, her attention once again glued back on the TV as I chanced it, once again peeking in around the corner looking over at her.

Nova now held what obviously appeared to be a life-like looking vibrator, a hell of a lot longer than I was even, though admittedly, the head of the fake cock I now saw my sister rubbing against her cunt was far slimmer than my own. As was the guy’s dick they’d been talking about in the movie.

“So you like sucking my brother’s cock do you?” She laughed, though once again moaning a bit even as she said that, only then slipping in the first couple of inches of the toy cock she was teasing herself with as she now glanced over towards Xavier. “Bet you wish you were sucking it now don’t you?” She then added.

Xavier giggled. “Yeah, but later tonight, I’m sure I will be,” she moaned herself once more, the sounds of her deliciously wet pussy seemingly louder even as she sat there slapping and fingering her cunt, something I personally loved seeing her do.

The fact she was doing so in front of my sister, made it even hotter yet. But what was also making things hot, though I was struggling emotionally with the sense of it all, was the fact that I was extremely aroused, watching my own sister doing all this. I just couldn’t tear myself away from standing there listening, and watching…so long as I didn’t get caught. “God…I wish he was here now!” Xavier groaned once more. “I need to feel that nice hard dick of his inside me!” Nova moaned once more herself, and then almost too softly to hear, adding…

“I’d enjoy seeing that,” she said almost in a whisper.

Xavier laughed nervously. “I bet you would.” I stepped back behind the wall once more as though the sound of my rapidly beating heart might be overheard somehow. “I knew you were standing outside the door the last time we were together,” she then added. “Why didn’t you just open the door then and peek in?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“I was too scared for one thing. What if he’d seen me, or heard me doing that? I’d never hear the end of it for one thing. But for another…Tom IS my brother after all, even though I’d just once…like to see someone actually doing it, and not just on some porn movie, you know…for real.”

“What was this telling me?” I asked myself. “Was Nova still a virgin?” It sure sounded like it. Though why on earth she wanted to watch her own brother fucking his girlfriend was beyond me. Still…

“Tell you what Nova. Later this evening, when we’re really going at it, go ahead and peek through the door, I’ll make sure I’ve got his full attention. But that way, you can watch us a little at least, just don’t make any noise, or we’ll both have some explaining to do. I can’t even begin to imagine what your brother would think if he were to find out that you and I have been masturbating in front of one another for years now, or that we once…”

His sister makes him jealous will continue on the next page

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