Heavenly love

While I was making a sandwich, I looked outside, spotted them laying on their own little beach there. Next thing I know, mom reaches over, starts playing with dad’s dick, and then suddenly she’s giving him a BJ, B.J.,” he says grinning at me. I let it go this time however, without commenting on that.

“So…you watched mom giving dad a blowjob huh?”

“Watched em fucking too,” he then added as though this was the real reason for the canary look. I didn’t have the heart to tell him. Nor did I really want to. “Bet you’ve never seen them doing that now have you?”

“Nope…you’re one up on me there Rocky,” I smiled back. “But I will say this, we’ve…been here less than a day already? I have a feeling we’ll both be seeing that, and perhaps a bit more…so don’t be surprised by it if you do. And more importantly, don’t make an issue out of it either, if you do…otherwise, you might bring an end to it. And I don’t think either one of us would want anything like that to happen, now would we?”

He thought about that for a moment, shaking his head in agreement with it. “Still pretty cool though, sick and twisted as it might be…watching mom and dad actually fucking. Don’t mind telling you Brad, it really was pretty hot.”

“I hear you,” I told him, now picturing it in my own mind, remembering what mom actually looked like, and now finding myself actually getting a bit aroused here. “But…like I said, just don’t be too surprised by things around here Rocky. We’ve got two full weeks here, who knows what the hell might happen while we are here?”

He looked at me speculatively, smiled knowingly nodding his head. “God…one can only imagine, and hope,” he added, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

I had to agree with him on that one.


We took the launch over to the main island shortly before the sun went down. It was an enjoyable dinner, sitting there on the veranda, a nice tropical breeze blowing, as we sat sipping Mai tais together. Just watching the sunset over the Pacific Ocean was breathtaking enough in and of itself. But sitting there looking at four, yes four, very attractive, and obviously very sensual women, simply added to the majestic scenery of the evening.

After we finished watching the sun sink far off into the sea, we took a stroll around the resort, stopping at a window shop. There was a club with dancing, which mom and dad of course wanted to do, as did most everyone else including me. All save for Bincy who had been acting a little strangely most of the night. Not so much that anyone else had really noticed, but I had. Especially when I saw her resigned look at the mention that mom and dad planned on staying at the club for a while. I could tell she wasn’t too keen on the idea.

“Tired?” I asked.

“Yes!” She said hopefully, as though wishing that someone might in fact take her back to our own little island. I made mention of the fact to everyone that she was, and then offered to take her back, and then actually come back for everyone else at a specific time, not wanting to leave her all alone on the island either.

I too feigned being tired, even though I wasn’t, so it was agreed that I’d return at midnight. Just before I left however, dad came back informing me that they would be taking the resort launch back, so I didn’t have to worry about doing that. As such, Bincy and I soon headed back without much being said along the way. I could tell however that something was bothering her.

Walking back to her bungalow, I wasn’t at all surprised when she invited me inside.

“What’s troubling you sis? And don’t tell me nothing is, I know…something is, I could see it in your eyes all evening.”

“You always could,” she responded knowingly. “I never was one to be able to hide anything from you was I?”

“Nope! So, tell me…what gives sis?”

Bincy plopped down on one of the really comfortable looking beds, and then patted at a spot next to her, which I took, sitting down beside her.

“I want to ask you something.”


“Was it you…or Rocky, that was sitting on top of the plateau earlier today?” She asked straight out.

Obviously she had seen me after all, though curiously, she’d made no mention of anyone else, so I didn’t either. “It was me,” I answered directly. She actually smiled, even giving a small sigh of relief upon hearing that.

“Good…that’s a relief,” she smiled almost brazenly, yet blushing simultaneously at the same time. “I wasn’t sure. When Emilia and I walked back up to the beach, I happened to glance up, saw someone…but the sunlight was partially blocking my view. I knew someone had seen us, obviously a male…but wasn’t sure beyond that. Obviously…” she paused for a moment, even reaching over to place her hand on my bare thigh. “You saw us.”

“I did, yes.” I said easily enough, enjoying the sensation of her hand on my thigh, the sudden unexpected intimacy of such a simple act.

“Were you…you know,” she stammered slightly, her hand now softly circling, caressing my thigh gradually inching upwards as she did that.

“Jerking off?” I answered back, speaking truthfully to some extent as I pictured the moment in my head. I had been…up until the moment that Jin suddenly leaned over taking my cock into her mouth anyway. Which is no doubt why Bincy hadn’t seen anyone else sitting up there with me.

“Yeah, that,” she giggled then, her hand actually brushing over the now growing bulge of my cock through my loose fitting shorts.

Bincy and I too had played those “I’ll show you mine, if you’ll show me yours,” games when we were younger. And she also had the distinction of being the only one amongst all of my siblings (not counting my mother) who had actually caught me in the act of masturbating. The day she had, I’d been in the bathroom just coming out from a shower. Since we shared a shower, and as there was rarely any time to do anything in there, especially clean up before someone else was pounding on the door wanting to use it, I never jerked off in there.

I stood, one hand on the wall behind the toilet leaning forward, legs slightly spread, hand on my cock jerking away, pointing it downwards towards the toilet bowl. I hadn’t locked the door, nor did anyone really. Had I done so, the girls too would have no doubt gotten into the habit of locking it as well in retaliation for my doing that. Keeping it unlocked had become somewhat of a game we all played on one another from time to time.

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