Heavenly love – 4

“Admittedly, it was pretty fucking hot seeing this reasonably attractive woman standing they’re playing with herself like that. So I began playing with myself while watching her, taking my cock out,” he said looking down at himself now, a large wet spot clearly showing through the lighter color of the material as he held it over the tip of his cock, still rubbing himself with it. “I remember looking away just for a moment, sort of checking to make sure no one could see where I was from the house, and then looking back. Except when I did…there she was.

Standing in the window right in front of me, looking down at me. Me…standing there with my cock in hand! I actually fell down, so startled upon seeing her, afraid of course that she was suddenly going to make a scene or something. You know…come running out, or worse…come over to the house and tell mom what she’d caught me doing. Only that didn’t happen. Instead, she continued to stand there, which is when

I noticed, she was still fucking herself with that damn hairbrush. And…she was smiling at me in a most sultry, horny way. Well fuck. I just sat there on the ground below, looking up at her, and proceeded to continue myself. Me jerking myself off watching her, and her doing the same…watching me.”

“Damn son,” dad laughed. “Who’d have thought Old Lady Green was such a horny old woman! But then I guess since she’d been widowed for a couple of years, that it stands to reason. Sort of makes me wish I’d have known that myself!”

“Mom would have skinned you alive,” I told him. “Back then anyway.”

“Possibly,” dad snickered. “Though I doubt it. It was about that time that your mother and I started to experiment with things just a little. So it’s entirely possible, we could have at the very least ended up in a threesome with her perhaps, though admittedly, I’m not sure Mrs. Green would have been accepting of that.”

“Yeah, I don’t think she would have been,” Rocky explained. “I know…because after that episode, we actually spoke about it once. About what happened. And that’s when she told me that she had enjoyed what we had done, and that we could in fact do it again from time to time too. But only watching one another. Never touching. So we never did. But I spent many an hour watching Mrs. Green with that damn hairbrush of hers, and she spent many an hour watching me jerking myself off. Man that woman had a mouth on her when she got horny. She’s made a sailor blush let me tell you!”

“Fuck, I need to cum,” dad suddenly announced. “Just thinking about the two of you doing that has got me almost there already.”

“Yeah…me too,” Rocky said, obviously the thoughts of those past moments still filling his head. As for me, I was myself lost in the memory of that day when mom walked in on me there in her bathroom. The way I had turned suddenly, only then realizing she was there, just as my cock began to unleash the torrent of cream that it did, drenching and covering my mother’s blouse almost to the point of transparency.

The sound of dad’s grunt announced the arrival of his climax. Rocky and I both looked over towards him, though more specifically at his cock. The green satin panties he was using appeared to be those I had seen Emilia wearing before. In seconds however, I watched the material darken considerably, and even some of his discharge appeared to actually seep through the thin material as he finished jacking himself off.

“Oh fuck!” Rocky cried out seconds later. He leaned forward in his chair just a little, the light blue panties he still had wrapped around his cock, one hand holding onto one end, the other pulling on the opposite end as he simply tugged them back and forth, working his cock off that way. Head exposed, I watched it explode, several streamers of his thick sticky semen suddenly bursting from the tip, arching out a bit as though suspended for a moment before simply falling downwards into the sand. It was an impressive display, soon triggering my own orgasmic release. Though like dad, I too covered my prick tip, enjoying the sexy feel of mom’s sheer black panties.

Just sheer enough however, that even as my seed erupted, most of that still came through the material of her panties soaking my hand. The stark contrast however is obscenely decadent in another way. The milky white substance coating and covering the black material, oozing out in thick white globs that pooled on the surface, even as I folded them over, trying to capture the rest of it as I came.

The three of us sat back, quietly enjoying the moment. I couldn’t help sitting there shaking my head a few minutes later. I was twenty one years old, and had just had my first ever circle jerk, with my father and brother no less.


It was late in the afternoon before the girls returned from their excursion over on the main island. I was surprised that they hadn’t come back with more than they did, not much more than a few small trinkets perhaps. Mom gave me an inquiring look almost the moment they got back. I smiled, nodding my head at her, to which she brightened considerably, smiling back, and almost immediately headed inside to their bungalow. No doubt to see if I had indeed placed her panties back onto her bed. Which I had done.

Bincy too came up to me, an even bigger smile on her face as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Feel like going for a swim with me up at the pool?” She asked.

“Sure, I was just thinking about that in fact,” I told her, though it soon became obvious that Rocky, Emilia as well as Jin wanted to come along too. I was hoping for some private time, perhaps getting down to the bottom of what was really going on here…but that was obviously going to have to wait as the five of us then left, hiking up to the falls together.

We played and frolicked together in the slightly cooler water there beneath the falls for the better part of an hour. Eventually making the short climb up to the plateau again, where we spread out our towels, laying down, and letting the warmth from the sun overhead dry us off.

Jin, Emilia and Rocky soon seemed to be dozing off. Bincy and I however lay side by side simply looking and smiling at one another.

“So…what did you guys get?” I asked curiously. “As worried as dad was initially, it didn’t appear to me like you bought the farm when you guys came back.”

Bincy smiled. “Not so much buying stuff, mom just needed to check on the arrangements for the Luau tonight more than anything else, and then a couple of other minor surprises, is all.”

“Ah uh,” I said, not fully accepting her explanation. I knew the Luau had been planned and already paid for, and couldn’t imagine there could be much more that mom had needed to add to that, or see regarding it. So whatever else was going on…I was obviously out of the loop, and my tight-lipped sister wasn’t saying anything more to me about it either.

“Just be patient,” she said then. “You’ll see,” she smiled, and then reached down wrapping her tiny little hand around my very soft, very flaccid…very small cock. Even in her hand, it disappeared. “Wake it up,” she said wiggling it a bit. “I want to see it squirt.”

“I don’t know how much it would, not yet anyway,” I informed her. “We sort of did that already just a short time before you guys got back.”

“Yeah I know,” she giggled. “Figured you might. We were talking about that during lunch, Jin mentioning the fact that everyone had given you guys a pair of their panties to jerk off into. Obviously…you must have gotten moms. I can only imagine what she’s doing with them now,” Bincy laughed seductively.

“And with dad no doubt watching her too,” I added to that.

“No doubt. Anyway, I really am looking forward to the Luau tonight, it should be fun. Mom did make a couple of small changes to that, in order to spice things up some. Wait until you see,” she grinned.

I was curious, but then again if it was indeed a surprise, I was willing to wait and see what transpired as the evening wore on. Bincy continued to waggle my dick however, which finally had started to stiffen some.

“On second thought…maybe we should wait,” she seemed to decide, though giving it one last tug, as it was hard now, it slapped back against my chest as she let go of it, actually standing before I could even say anything. “I’m heading back…time for a nice little nap myself, especially if the evening is going to be a long one, which I’m inclined to think it very well will be.” I stood then myself, joining her for the walk back.

“Tease,” I spat looking at her sexy little ass as I followed her down the trail, my now rock hard cock following her.

She looked back over her shoulder at me, giggling. “You ain’t seen nothing yet big brother,” and then like a shot, she took off back to the huts in a dead run, leaving me to stand there watching her sweet sexy body disappear through the palm trees shortly after that.

I was half tempted to stand there and jerk one off though, and might have had I not heard the others soon coming up behind me. Jin appeared taking my arm in hers, hugging me close to her as we walked along. She smiled at me knowingly. Once more telling me that the girls were sharing way too many secrets amongst one another. I opened my mouth to speak, but she just winked, making a motion across her lips as though zipping them, which essentially spoke volumes to me.

The evening now, couldn’t come soon enough.


We had of course all more appropriately dressed for the trip back over to the resort. Though even then the girls wore floral print bikini tops, with matching sarongs. I wore my favorite Hawaiian shirt, which was an exact replica of the one worn throughout most of the Magnum P.I. series by Tom Selleck, along with a pair of white shorts. Dad and Rocky both were similarly attired as we made our way over to the island in preparation for our own private little Luau.

After we arrived, we were then escorted down to an area of the beach that had been cordoned off. Several privacy screens had also been set up, thus blocking anyone’s view of the beach area we’d be dining at, ensuring that for whatever reason, we would indeed have plenty of privacy from prying eyes up closer to the resort.

The table was already spread with several delicacies, two men just then uncovering the roasted pig that had been cooking in the ground since early morning, or even late last night. Tiki torches burned in several places as the major source of light, though it also appeared there would be a nice sized bonfire that would also be lit later on that evening. The biggest surprise came when I noticed that four more place settings had been prepared around the ground level table we’d be sitting at. And sure enough, just as we arrived, I glanced up just in time to see that Bill, Barbra, John and Jill would be joining us.

“Made arrangements to invite our new friends,” mom announced. “After all, we have plenty of food, more than enough…and thought it might be fun having them join us for this evening.”

It was nice to see them again, and I was beginning to imagine the way the night might go now after seeing them, curious if that would happen here…or elsewhere. Though the large privacy screens which had been set up hinted at the latter rather than the former. We soon enjoyed a few cocktails as last minute preparations for the meal was complete, and then proceeded to eat, dining on a myriad of fine food and delicacies.

Midway through the meal, the evening entertainment showed up. Several very beautiful and attractive Polynesian women who’d be performing several Native dances for us. The thing was, for this dance at least, and several others hopefully…they wouldn’t be wearing coconuts as bras. Every single one of them was bare breasted as they began the first of what I could only describe as sultry, if not downright sexual fertility dances for our entertainment.

Before long, even the bonfire was lit. Male dancers now joining the women, scantily dressed themselves, their almost bare asses giving the girls something exciting to watch, while the guys continued ogling all the bare breasted women. They had even returned for the bonfire dance, wearing what could only be described as “mini” grass skirts. Their own asses periodically showing, and hunted evidence of the fact, they were wearing nothing more on beneath those either!

These dances now take place around the bonfire of course, a bit further away from where we were sitting, using a lot more light and shadow as the performers began. And then as they began, the men and women dancing close, even intimately together, it appeared at times, without coming right out and revealing it, there was a lot more going on here than what meets the eye.

“Are they really fucking?” Bill asked, looking on, though I think that question was on my lips as well. It certainly looked like a few were, though as they slowly emerged from around one side of the bonfire where they were more easily seen, if they had been…they had separated just at that point, though joining together once again just as they began to disappear around the backside of the fire where the light possibly was playing tricks on us. I honestly couldn’t be sure. But either way…it was erotic as hell.

Eventually all the girls were coaxed into performing a dance with the professional dancers. And much to everyone’s delight, they all took off their bikini tops too, now dancing topless as well, adding additional delight to the provocative performance. An obvious “shimmy” being required in some places, and then a slow moving, almost hypnotic series of undulations in another. Even Jin made light of herself, along with Barbra and Jill as they all three tried desperately to make their tit’s wobble and bounce the way the others were in various places. All to no avail of course, it just wasn’t physically possible. But it was still funny.

As the night began to wear down, I was starting to wonder. As entertaining as this all had been, there had to be more to it than just this. Even when Jill, Barbra, John and Bill said their goodnights, thanking mom and dad for letting the four of them join us, I was wondering then if things hadn’t been sort of put on hold…waiting for the four of them to actually leave. Though if indeed that was the case, why had they been invited then in the first place?

I was still puzzled by that one when we began making our way back to the launch. Still early yet, not even close to ten o’clock at this point, I realized that whatever else was going to happen, would happen…back on our own private little island. And it didn’t take long for that to be confirmed either. Though I, along with both Dad and Rocky were taken by surprise when it was.

“Ok boys…you three have to wait here for a minute,” mom told us. “So don’t go running off anywhere. And you’ll know where to go when the time’s right. So just behave, stay where you are…and wait for the signal.”

“What signal?” Dad asked.

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