Flings with neighbor’s attractive daughter – 01

“No. You’re all I need when it comes to cock. Besides, a guy is just for me. We can both enjoy one of these little hotties.” I gave him a wink and a quick kiss. “But I love that you ask.”

“Speaking of asking…” He leaned closer and pointed off to the left. “See the cute redhead in the black skirt?”

I followed the line of his finger and my eyes widened at the sight of a tall slender redhead. She was wearing a red sleeveless shirt that looked as if it could barely contain her breasts.

Even from a distance, I could see the top half of those creamy white globes and felt my heart skip a beat at the thought of what they would feel like. The black skirt Tom had called out was not just barely down past her ass, but was slit up the side, exposing her skin up to the hip.

As I stared, she glanced my way. The killer’s body belonged to a face that looked as if she may have had a hard time convincing people she was the required eighteen.

“Oh my god, she’s precious!” I exclaimed. “I’m so glad we came to an under-21 club!”

“Now, that’s a remark every husband should hear coming from his wife!”

“Is it even better than, ‘here honey, now you lick her pussy’?”

“Umm, no. I think that one is still tops!” He laughed and nodded back towards the redheaded goddess who, to my amazement, had just sat by herself at one of the small tables along the edge of the dance floor. “I was watching her before. She was dancing with a guy, then he wandered off. Just before I brought your drink, she was up there with a cute blonde and they were either putting on a little cock tease show, or she’s into women.”

“Really?” I took a deep breath. “Okay, well I’ll try to—shit!” I exclaimed, glancing at my watch.

“What’s the matter?”

“We were only supposed to eat, then sit by the beach for an hour or so. We’re supposed to be keeping an eye on Carla, remember?”

“Oh, please.” Tom waved his hand at me. “We’ve been home the last four nights and so has she. The most she did was have her girlfriend sleep over to watch some movies.”

“Maybe because we’ve been home.” I frowned as I continued my train of thought. “If we stay out maybe she’ll—”

“What, have a guy over? So what, she’s nineteen.”

“Try telling her parents that if she does something stupid when we’re supposed to be keeping an eye out.” Tom rolled his eyes, but I kept going.

“They’re only gone a few more days and it’s the first time they’ve left her alone for more than a night. They’re going away for two weeks next month too, and Carla really doesn’t want to go and the grandparent’s that watched her moved to Florida last year. They agreed to give her the chance to stay home as long as we would watch out for her and she doesn’t get in any trouble. Maybe we should hold off.”

“Come on, Elsa, Carla’s not that type. Don’t get me wrong. She’s a pretty girl and I’m sure the boys notice that, but I never see her dressing slutty or hanging around with guys. She’s a good kid. I doubt she’ll do anything, and besides, how does she know what time we’re coming home?”

“The way I’m dressed might make her think we’re—”

“Forget Carla!” Tom snapped. “That girl looks like she’s leaving!”

I glanced over. A wave of indecision passed through me when the girl stood and slung her purse over her shoulder. “I think she is leaving!”

“Hold on,” Tom said. I could feel his fingers around my waist trembling with excitement. “Come on, honey,” he whispered. “Head for the bathroom, not the door!”

Even as I held my breath waiting to see which direction she would turn, a wave of mixed emotions flowed through me. I was concerned we were supposed to be doing Jim and Laurie a favor by keeping an eye on their daughter, but at the same time was nervous, as well as turned on, at the thought of trying to pick this girl up. Smiling, I realized what I also felt was young. Young and adventurous.

“Yes!” Tom raised his beer in a salute as our target put her back to us and headed for the bathroom.

I watched the back of her long, well-shaped legs for a moment before raising my gaze higher and letting out a low whistle at how good her ass looked in the skintight skirt. “Goddamn,” I whispered.

“Carla will be fine. She has our numbers if anything is wrong.” Tom gave me a playful push. “Now go get her, hot stuff!”

“How?” I put my hands up.

“She was up there with a girl, so I followed her to the bathroom. On the way out, see if she’ll dance with you. I think you can handle it from there. Now go work on it, baby!”

“And you’ll be working hard, sitting here watching me take all the risk?” I rolled my eyes.

“You get her on the floor, and I’ll be doing everything hard! Now seriously, go hit the bathroom. She won’t make it back across the floor without someone putting a move on her.”

I nodded. After a quick kiss for luck, I threaded my way through the crowded dance floor. Even though I was on my way to try to seduce the redhead, I still couldn’t keep my eyes off all the young women bumping and grinding around me. God, I was hot, and it wasn’t just from the warm summer air! If we couldn’t make this work tonight, I was going to see if the escort service could deliver on short notice because no way in hell was I going without a sweet little treat tonight.

“Hey!” a voice called out directly behind me.

I turned around to see a good-looking young man with dark hair and a pair of beautiful hazel eyes looking at me.

“Me?” I asked.

“Yeah, um…” He looked down a little nervously and continued. “I was wondering if you’d like to dance?”

I smiled at the thought this young kid wanted to take me for a spin. A few minutes ago, I would have just put on a show for Tom, but I needed to get my ass into the bathroom.

“You want to dance with me?” I gestured towards all the people around us. “All these pretty girls and you want someone who could be your mom?”

He laughed. “My mom never looked like you! Age doesn’t matter, hot is hot!”

“Why, thank you! Honey, you just made my night.” So far anyway. “Tell you what, I’m trying to hook up for, um”—I winked—”a different kind of fun, but hey, if it doesn’t work out, I’ll keep my eye out for you and maybe we can share a dance or two.”

He blatantly gave me a good long up and down stare.”Well, I know it sounds selfish, but I hope it doesn’t work out.”

“You’ll be the first to know, sweetie!”

I turned away and as I headed for the bathroom made sure I put some extra swing in my hips. I could just imagine him watching my ass the same way I had stared at the young girls and felt my nipples stiffen once more. As I closed in on the bathroom, I looked around and noticed more than a few of the young men around me turning to look and began smiling and nodding at them. Damn, we would have to do this again. Maybe next time it would be a young man we would bring home.

I entered the bathroom and a fresh case of nerves assailed me. Through a stroke of luck, a quick glance told me that there was no one in the stalls and that my hopefully soon-to- be newfound friend was at the long counter fixing her hair in front of the mirror. There was one other girl there as well, but she was leaning against the wall speaking quietly into a phone and staring down at the floor, her long blonde hair hanging over her face and concealing her features. Taking a deep breath, I walked over to the counter. Standing next to the redhead, I put my purse down and removed my lipstick.

While I slowly applied deep red to my lips, I looked over at my heart’s current desire. From this close, I could see that despite the makeup she appeared even younger, and I had no doubt she was just eighteen. Her big blue eyes were focused on her face as she applied her own pink lipstick and I dropped my gaze to stare at her amazing cleavage. Her creamy white breasts were bigger than my own rather ample chest and I could all but feel them beneath my touch. With her red hair and fair complexion, I could just imagine how pink her nipples would be, which meant her pussy would be as well.

My own pussy was heating up again, and as the girl looked over at me, I gave her a smile and returned my attention to my reflection. I put my lipstick down and made a show of fluffing out my long black hair, and acting as if I were checking my mascara, peered closely at my large expressive brown eyes. I risked a sidelong glance her way and felt my heart skip a beat when I saw she was still looking at me.

My dress was not quite as low-cut as hers, but it displayed my breasts well and was short enough to show off my long legs that were well-toned from years of jogging with Tom. I stepped back and adjusted my dress, pulling it up slightly before smoothing it down over the curve of my hips.

I stepped back to the counter. As I tried to figure out what to say, she made my night by speaking first.

“You have really pretty eyes,” she said softly.

“Thank you.” I flashed a big smile. “So do you. I always wished I had big blue eyes like yours.”

“Thanks.” She giggled, the sound causing a wave of heat between my legs. She gave me a nervous smile and seemed as if she were trying to think of something else to say.

“Actually,” I spoke up, her shyness helping me to grow bolder, “You have a very pretty everything.”

“Oh!” She smiled and to my delight blushed. “You really think so?”

“I do.” I nodded and reached out, gently brushing a strand of red hair from her face. “I’m Elsa, by the way.”


READ: Kevin had sensational love with girl from dance class

“Nice to meet you, Kate.” Seeing her looking down at my legs, I fought to keep my voice steady as I asked, “You here alone?”

“Sort of. I came with a friend, but then she ran into a guy she knew and sort of left me hanging.” She paused and once again gave me that shy smile. “Are you?”

“Sort of.” I winked, not wanting to mention Tom right then. “Anyway, I’m all set here and am going to head out onto the floor.” I smiled and took the plunge. “Would you like to dance with me?”

“Yeah, sure!” she answered quickly.

“Then, let’s go!” As I spoke, I extended my hand and to my delight she smiled and took it.

Flings with neighbor’s attractive daughter – 01 will continue in the next page.

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