Feeling of first time I had it – 3

One hand reaching, the other as I saw actually slipping down through the folds of her robe, somewhere between her legs though she had turned slightly, as though trying to conceal the fact. She brought up a black skirt to iron, only then realizing, she hadn’t ironed the still wrinkled blouse she had placed there earlier as yet.

“Oh,” she chuckled realizing her mistake, tossing the skirt back towards the basket. “I guess I’m getting ahead of myself here just a little now aren’t I?” Her robe was completely open again. I could see the half moons of both breasts now threatening to spill out as she stood there beginning to iron the blouse. “She did tell me she enjoyed doing that to you too,” Mila now spoke. “So I suppose you probably do as well then.

Just hard for me to imagine it I guess, never having felt that myself. Though like I said…the few times I sucked Michaels cock, I did enjoy it, found it arousing, so I guess knowing that much first hand, it doesn’t surprise me that Lily would too. And she did say, you are pretty well built. And by the looks of what I saw when you stood up, that much is clearly obvious.

Michael wasn’t all that big…smaller from most from what I’ve since learned, though his prick, and one other are the only two I have ever seen.” She paused then looked at me. “No, I wasn’t a virgin when Michael and I married if that’s what you’re wondering. Which is another reason I don’t want Lily making the same mistakes I did. And which is why the two of us are sitting here having this conversation so we can better understand one another, and where we’re both coming from.”

Mila sat the iron off to one side, picked up her beer again, draining half of it. Looking at me.

“I don’t think she’s making a mistake being with me. And I certainly don’t think I’m making any mistakes in wanting to be with her either,” I finally commented, now drinking down almost as much beer as she had, waiting for her to respond back to that one. Which she did, but certainly not in the way I would have imagined.

“Ok, then help to convince me this isn’t, that it won’t be. And maybe I’ll relax, lighten up just a little,” she said once again taking me by surprise to some extent, hearing her backing off…retreating just a little. Maybe the idea of having this conversation wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. One thing was for sure, it had certainly been damn interesting.

She stepped around from the ironing board. And as she did, she completely undid the sash on her robe, letting it fall behind her. Her robe now completely parted, opening again, though she then helped in further revealing herself by putting her arms back behind her, still stepping forward until she stood no more than a foot away from me there on the couch.

“I want you to have a look, a good look. I’m pretty sure that Lily and I share the same genes. Were built similarly alike, I know…because I’ve certainly seen my own daughter, so I do know. And so I am also equally sure that this is pretty much how she’ll look when she’s my age.

So I’m asking you Rick, will you still be content with that? If the two of you ever do get married? Will you be content to be with one woman the rest of your life, someone that most likely will look very similar to the way I look? Do you find me attractive? At my age? Will you still find Lily attractive, at my age?” She asked, standing there revealing herself fully and completely towards me. My mouth had gone dry, I couldn’t find any spit, reaching for my beer, knocking it over. Luckily the bottle didn’t break, but the contents were pouring all over the carpeting. I reached for it. “No! Leave it! Answer the question!”

If I thought I was prepared to fight this particular battle with her, I was wrong. I was definitely in retreat mode here. Unsure of what to say, or do for that matter. Almost frozen in place, in shock to some degree. But admittedly, looking at her, so brazenly standing as she was, demanding an answer, I finally gave her one.

“Yes!” You’re both…both beautiful,” I heard myself saying, meaning it perhaps…honestly. I could see Lily looking like this in a few years. Very sexy, very attractive, very alluring. Mila stood nodding her head at me, reaching around now, grabbing her sash, closing her robe, securing it.

“Show me your dick.” She said,

“What?” I felt a river of sudden goosebumps race up and down my entire body. I became light headed as well, wondering if the beer I’d so quickly consumed hadn’t added to the almost freaky atmosphere and situation I now found myself sitting in.

“Well for one thing. I know that the two of you will end up discussing part of this anyway. But I think that there are certain aspects of our discussion that best remain between the two of us, if you get my meaning.”

I got it perfectly, though I still had no clue as to what the purpose of me showing her my dick was about.

“Ok, I get that…but why, why ah…fuck,” I said actually saying the word, blushing upon realizing I had, though she didn’t comment on that, so I stammered, and continued on. “Why is it that you want to see MY dick?” I finally blurted out.

“Two reasons,” she said calmly enough. “I know if you do, then you won’t dare run off and tell her about most of this, which I think should remain just between you and I. So by showing me your cock, it gives me assurance that you won’t. Obviously, if you do…then I’d have some sort of reprisal against you for using any of this against me.”

It made sense in a way…maybe, but even then, I wasn’t at all comfortable by this strange twist of circumstance and reasoning. “And the other?” I found myself actually asking her, to which she smiled just a little, the seriousness in her face softening.

“Obviously, you’re a bit bigger than either of the two men I’ve ever been with ever were. So I’m obviously just curious, curious to see, admittedly. But there’s another reason behind that too. I want to reassure myself that when and if the time does come, Lily will be prepared to handle it. I may be inexperienced with a larger man’s size, girth, length…that sort of thing. But I told you earlier, I do masturbate, and so I do have knowledge of what it takes to handle something considerably larger,” she now told me. “So, since you’ve obviously seen me…only fair that I now see you, and put things back on an even keel between us.”

I couldn’t believe that I actually did it. But I suddenly found myself reaching down, unbuttoning my jeans, and unzipping my fly.

**And then it got even weirder**

I guess I should have known better. I was only asking for trouble here I suppose. But when you’re eighteen, sitting there with a hard on, you’re not thinking very clearly. I know now I certainly wasn’t. It had been my intent, to unzip, fish it out, show her…and stick it back in again. Needless to say, that didn’t happen.

“No!” She exclaimed the moment I made any movement in doing just that. “Not so fast, I want to see it, get a good look…same way you did with me,” she said, freezing me in place. “So…all the way, pants down around your ankles Rick, so I can look at you closely.”

She then sat down next to me there on the couch, just looking at first, peering over at me. I honestly think I had my eyes closed, because I remember them flying open seconds later when I felt her hand suddenly wrap itself around me. I think in hindsight, I might have bolted from the seat, and perhaps should have. But with my jeans down around my ankles at the moment, I wouldn’t have gone too far or very fast before falling over onto my face.

“Relax, like I told you…I just want to see, feel…get an idea,” she said calmly enough, calming me, though my heart at this point was beating about a thousand miles an hour here. “You are pretty big. Certainly bigger than either Frank or Michael,” she told me. “And definitely harder too,” she added as she suddenly stroked her hand up and down my shaft. God help me…it felt good when she did that. And then suddenly her robe was open again.

Her beautiful tits sitting there staring me in the face practically, though I now caught movement of her other hand as it disappeared down between her own legs. I sat there in a state of disbelief and shock. She was actually fingering herself, all the while still stroking me. Yeah, I still should have stood up, regardless of my pants down around my ankles and gotten the hell out of there. But I didn’t…I couldn’t. I was plain and simply mesmerized by what I was seeing, by what was happening. Lily was the farthest thing from my mind at the moment.

Mila was firmly stroking my cock now, up and down, squeezing the head, capturing the significant amount of pre-cum fuck juice that dribbled out of the tip. She then used that to further smear around the head of my dick, pleasuring it, pleasuring me. Thoughts racing away inside my head, knowing this was wrong, way wrong…but knowing even as I asked myself that, it was already too late.

I could feel the delicious sensations of my impending release only seconds away now as her lovely delicate hand continued to manipulate my cock. Her own hand, still working her own slit, the sounds of her free flowing juices easily heard, along with my own. She worked my cock, making it squish, slick with her efforts, the tingling of my balls now tightening.

“Come with me,” she then spoke. “Come for me…while I do,” she gasped audibly, deeply, groaning now as this wail of pure unadulterated delight suddenly filled the air. Just as the semen from my cock began doing, as I spurted over, and over again. Fountains of my cream skyrocketing upwards from the head of my cock, landing everywhere, splashing against her, me…so much of it that it took us both by surprise.

Only when she had fully and completely milked out every bit of my orgasmic release that she could, did she finally remove her hand. And then surprised me once more, as she began licking, and tasting her fingers. “Always wondered what that would taste like, now I know,” she grinned, still licking, sucking them off. “At least now I can understand better why Lily doesn’t mind doing this for you.”

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