Friends With Benefits – Part 3

This Story is part of Friends with benefits Series

“You do Xavier. Nova can be that same friend for you…that she is to me.”

I knew what she meant by that, and I appreciated that fact. But I didn’t think that Nova and I could ever be as close as she and Joy were, and told her so.

“Which brings me back to the main point I was trying to make Xavier,” Joy sighed slightly. “You know that naughty, dirty, nasty…wild side of me that you enjoy seeing come out once in a while?”


“Well who do you think I owe that too?” She asked.

I blinked. “Nova?”

“Yeah…Nova. She’s the one who taught me to be me. Just like she’s her. Just like me…in every way you can even begin to imagine.”

“Nova?” I again asked as though there was some other explanation to all this.

“Yes…Nova. And I…we…needed you to know that.”

“You mean to say…”

“I mean to say…we’re a lot alike Xavier. The two of us like to have fun every once in a while. And we do. Not every time we’re together mind you…but often yes. And you need to know that, especially now…so you can make up your own mind about things.”

“What things?” I was almost afraid to ask. Could I accept this new information and readily digest it? Could I accept that on the one hand…Joy would be having this…this lesbian experience with her dear friend I guess you’d call it. And then on the other…having a relationship with me as well. To my own surprise, I found I had no problem with that. She had long well known and had an intimate relationship with Nova long before I had ever come into the picture.

“Knowing that we enjoy one another. And that we get just as nasty and dirty with one another as you and I do.”

Maybe it wasn’t exactly the best or proper time here, but I was becoming weirdly excited by the sudden turn of events. I could feel my cock rapidly hardening, though glad I was sitting down at the moment so she wouldn’t see it. Already images of the two of them being nasty together…filling my mind.

“Once again Joy. And I’m being just as honest with you here as you’ve been with me. I have no problem, nor do I…nor will I ever make demands on your relationship with Nova,” I assured her. “And I can absolutely tell you that it will make no difference in our friendship either. Like we’ve always said. That comes first…no matter what.”

“So you wouldn’t have any problem having a threesome with us from time to time then?”

Whatever words I might have spoken seemed to evaporate inside my mouth. I sat there speechless for a moment, trying to digest what she’d just told me.

“Anyway. Think about it. You’re still invited for dinner. And I hope you’ll come. Obviously there’s still a lot to talk about. But Nova needs to be there as well. I am sure you’ll have more than a few questions for her too. After that, you can decide for yourself what you are…or aren’t comfortable with. And then we can take things from there…or not,” she said, suddenly rising from the table. “Oh…and one more thing. It might help if you keep that thing nice and hard and horny all day. So don’t be doing anything with it. Might help you think better and more clearly later on. Like they say, sometimes two heads really are better than one.”

And with that, Joy headed back to her place. Leaving me very confused, and surprised. But I also knew it was going to be one hell of an interesting evening ahead.


I was actually more nervous now than the first time I had accidentally caught Joy masturbating, so long ago now…or so it seemed anyway. I kept glancing at the clock, waiting for the time to arrive before venturing over. I’d even changed clothes twice, trying to look something…though what, I didn’t know. At least I wouldn’t be naked going over there this time. Though I actually laughed at that. Was that even a distinct possibility in the near future? The phone rang. Naturally I jumped. It was still way too early yet.

“Nervous?” She asked. I could hear the smile in her tone of voice. Maybe she…they…had started drinking already. I knew I could certainly use one myself.

“Ya think?” I responded trying to sound glib…relaxed.

“We figured as much. Why don’t you come over now, have a drink with us. Dinner will still be a while yet.”

I told her to give me a minute as I still wasn’t quite ready yet, but that I’d be right over.

“Ah huh…” she laughed and hung up. I checked myself out in the mirror again, debated about changing shirts again, and then gave up.

“Well. It’s now or never,” I told myself, and then picked up a bottle of wine. Changed my mind just as quickly, set it back down, and picked up the Scotch instead. And with that now cradled firmly in my arms, headed out back across the yard and towards whatever was there waiting for me.


Neither one of them looked at all nervous, that was for damn sure. And though by the looks of it they’d been sipping on a white wine, the bottle had just barely been opened, so it wasn’t like they’d been steeling themselves up for this the way I’d been. If anything, they were as natural and normal together, even now…just as they’d always been whenever I’d been around the two of them.

“How do you like your Scotch?” Nova asked, taking the bottle from me as Joy pointed towards a particular seat, strategically positioned perhaps as I would soon learn, between the two of them.

“Neat! Thank you,” I said, taking the seat given to me as Joy then sat down opposite on my right, and Nova then handed me my Scotch, taking the soft couch on my left, curling her feet comfortably beneath her when she did. A position I had seen her familiarly take often before.

“A little background first,” Joy began. “Something we both think you should know about us.” And though I was about to tell them that was totally unnecessary, Joy quickly cut me off with a wave of her hand. “Just sip your drink and relax Xavier…while we talk for a moment, ok?”

“Ok,” I smiled sheepishly. And then did just that, sipping my drink as Joy began.

“As you’re well aware of by now…Nova and I are very close, and yes intimate friends. But it hasn’t always been like that. In the beginning, like anyone we were good friends, and eventually best friends, even with the age difference,” glancing at Nova. “No offense.”

“None taken,” Nova laughed, sipping on her own wine now, though holding it up first towards Joy as a signal to continue.

“And as best friends, I finally had someone to confide in, to talk to. I had long known that Dave was seeing and involved with other women. And that was something I had simply learned to accept and put up with. It wasn’t until the real abuse started, that Nova finally convinced me that enough was enough. Which I will be forever grateful for.”

“You’re welcome,” Nova said again, lifting her glass. Which we all then did.

“And it was also because of Nova, that I thankfully found out who it was, that I was. And who helped me initially deal with all the stress and heartache I was at the time dealing with. If you can imagine this for a moment Xavier, it had been years since I’d even had an orgasm. I honestly believe I had forgotten how to even have one. If it hadn’t been for the open and honest relationship that I had with Nova at the time, I’m not sure I ever would have had one again…and certainly not in the way it came about either.”

“My turn!” Nova announced, drawing my attention over towards her. “I had asked her point blank if she ever masturbated to relieve some of that stress during her marriage at that time. She was just as honest and open with me, and admitted she’d tried on several occasions to do just that, but had fallen well short of ever achieving such a simple goal as a nice little orgasm. Which is when I offered, as a friend…to give her one.”

“Which she did,” Joy confirmed. And as she did, I seemed to notice, or thought I noticed that she had undone one of the buttons on her blouse, though maybe that was just my imagination. “At first I was nervous of course. No one except for Dave had touched me in years, and never another woman. I’d never even experimented with that much growing up even, though yes like perhaps everyone else, I had wondered about it. But I’d never acted on it. Now…here was my dearest, and bestest friend ever, offering…and wanting to pleasure me. How could I say no to that?”

“Indeed!” Nova again interjected, eyes back towards her now. And once again…did I? Nah…must be me. “Naturally she was a little shy and nervous at first. Understandably. Until I offered to masturbate myself in front of her as well. Showing her that I certainly wouldn’t be ashamed or embarrassed by doing such, and hopefully then, neither would she.”

“Which I wasn’t,” Joy said. And this time I confirmed, she had undone another button on her blouse. Already I could see a gentle swell of breast flesh hinting, peeking at the edge of her partially opened blouse.

“Was she even wearing a bra?” I asked myself.

“The thing was,” Joy continued. “It wasn’t just the fact she was so willing, so openly uninhibited to do that in front of me…and then to me, that taught me something about myself. It was the way she did it. And I don’t mean the technique…which was good too,” she added.

“Thank you again.”

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