Nipple business for new business

This is a story about big nipple problem. Charlotte Becking arrives in my office for a private meeting. Our group will be hearing her pitch tomorrow, but she wants some advice first. She’s seeking a 3.5 million dollar initial investment and we’re actively looking for more female entrepreneurs to invest […] Read More… from Nipple business for new business

Amy and her coach Brenda made love

Despite being fairly exhausted from the day’s college courses, Amy still made an effort to workout at the university gym. She needed it. Frankly, she was the worst player on the softball team. Sure, she was in good shape already, but compared to the other girls on the team, she […] Read More… from Amy and her coach Brenda made love

Lucy met her idol and what happened next? – part 2

If you have not read Lucy met her idol and what happened next? – part 1 please click here. After several long and slow steps, they finally made it to the small spa room on that floor. Lucy opened the door and they both entered. She breathed a sigh of […] Read More… from Lucy met her idol and what happened next? – part 2

Lucy met her idol and what happened next? – part 1

This is a story about Lucy meeting her idol and she is also homosexual. please read both parts of the story. Enjoy. Lucy’s father owned the old hotel. It was somewhat small. Only 5 floors. It had been with their family for several generations. Lucy’s father lived there as he […] Read More… from Lucy met her idol and what happened next? – part 1

My Boyfriend’s mom was better – part 2

If you have’nt read the first part of My boyfriend’s mom was better click here. Once again I was in a state of paralysis, unable to move or speak on the outside… but my insides were cavorting wildly in the fire of a pleasure I had never known existed. “Mmmmmm, […] Read More… from My Boyfriend’s mom was better – part 2

My Boyfriend’s mom was better – part 1

This is a story about tuning my boyfriend’s mom. comes in 2 parts and make sure you read both to cum. Let’s begin. Dating James had been going pretty well. He was sweet, good looking, funny, and respected that although I had turned eighteen a couple weeks ago, I still […] Read More… from My Boyfriend’s mom was better – part 1