A day in my office but more action

 I asked what he wanted to do today, he smiled and said, stay in our rooms and see how things go. I told him of a fun sauna I knew if he was interested; not far. He said no; I would prefer to stay here where we can enjoy ourselves without interruptions. Jeff ordered a room and served breakfast for two.

As breakfast arrived, I discreetly retired into the shower room, running the shower loudly. Once the breakfast was served, I joined Jeff for breakfast. We sat there with bare legs touching each other under the table, talking about nothing and everything. Jeff suggested that we dress and have some girly type fun; I knew what that meant.

I retired to the bedroom and dressed in the green hockey skirt and a white tennis sweater. As the breakfast crockery was being cleared; Jeff retired into the shower room to get dressed. We both returned to the living room, me in my hockey gear and Jeff in a one piece white tennis dress. He looked good in it; not just bought off the shelf on the spur of the moment thing.

We sat on the couch together facing each other, Jeff smiled, came over, embraced me; I could feel his hand rub slowly up the back of my leg; his fingers slid under my knicker elastic, then slid round the side of my leg and touched me. Very alluring and sexually stimulating; it had the desired effect of arousal. 

I started to allow my hand to move up the inside of his tennis dress emulating his moves; he became very aroused too. I could feel him pull at my knickers as he slowly and gently removed them. He then moved to allow me to remove his too.

We both sat there embraced with only a one piece skirt and my skirt and top on, each exploring the other underneath them. We were both getting very aroused by this roll play; it does that. Jeff then reached up inside my top and slowly removed it over my head.

 He rolled his down without waiting for me to assist him. We both stood up with only short skirts on, which in the room mirror looked very alluring and sexually stimulating. We could see and feel each other’s movement from our arousals. Jeff led me back to the bedroom where we repeated last night’s activities. It was midday by the time we surfaced and had another shared Jacuzzi bath.

Jeff decided that some refreshing air and seeing the sites of Glasgow was called for. We didn’t need any taxis or hire cars to do this. We used an open top tour bus; Jeff had never been on one before. 

The guide’s commentary was based on the old Glasgow way of giving directions, from one pub to another; with commentary on the virtues of each establishment. This endeared Jeff wishing to visit a traditional Glasgow bar; we chose the Horseshoe bar, don’t know its proper name, but that’s what it is known as in Glasgow. We spent the rest of the afternoon there.

By the time we arrived back at our hotel suite, we were showing the signs of tourist fatigue, enhanced by Scottish beer. Jeff still could not get over the friendliness of those who shared our afternoon drinking with; including the traditional empty beer glass where we all added a ten pound note to; the kitty as it’s called in Glasgow.

When empty, more money was added by each drinker; the staff getting any coins left as a gratuity, when the drinking is finished. Inevitably any drinks paid for by notes had a copious amount of coins in the change.

We rested without otherwise indulging. Jeff had indicated that he liked fish meals, so I had booked a table at Roganos restaurant which was within walking distance. We had an excellent meal there, wine too; returning to our hotel suite late. Tonight was going to be less adventurous; exhaustion had set in for both of us.

Also read: A Strange But Happy Friendship – A Memoir by Mike – Part 1

Sunday; we were awakened by a phone call, I recognized the voice from the hotel in Plymouth; it was Jeff’s boss. He knew I would be there, greeted me by the name I used in Plymouth; reminisced about the night, ending, we will all have to do that again and asked me to put Jeff on the phone.

I discreetly left the room at that point. When I heard the call was finished I went back in. Jeff was standing there naked as I was; he said put that sexy underwear you have on. I started to think we were going to have fun. No; I was to drive him down to Ayrshire to check on one of his bosses’ investments; some ‘political’ issues had developed.

We had a very pleasant drive down there; I toured a golf facility with a personal guide, had a light lunch in the club house and met up with Jeff late afternoon. His demeanor spoke volumes of what the rushed meeting was all about. All he said about it was politics, and that he needed to go to Edinburgh tomorrow and sort it. We drove back to the hotel, by the time we arrived back Jeff’s demeanor had relaxed; he knew what he needed to do.

Although we had more fun that night and the next morning, he was still not as relaxed as he usually was. Never said anything about what was happening other than you will read about it in the papers and that their Lawyers were already on the case. I recognized Jeff’s boss’s picture in the papers. As we said our farewells Jeff handed me a thick envelope; adding see you in a few weeks.

As I drove back to my apartment I had decided, nice as it was, I would phone the Admiral letting him know this was my last Escort assignment; I felt comfortable and relaxed about this decision. As I went into my apartment, my neighbors came out and said this TNT parcel has just arrived for you. Again I thanked her and took the parcel in; opened it, a brown envelope and lingerie.

The phone rang.

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