We are back together for good – part 2

This Story is part of We are back together for good Series

“Yes, he insisted I call him Ted. Please, sit down Mr Bentley.” Aiden and Julia sat on the couch waiting for Bentley to explain.

“Mr Cranston’s will was read recently, he specifically asked me not to contact you until after it was read. His sons have inherited the farm, all other assets are to be split between them. Ted also named you in his will.”

“Why me?” Aiden asked, somewhat confused.

“Mr Cranston wanted to make sure that you would be secure in the cottage. To that end he has placed a condition that the access road to the cottage cannot be touched. Basically what it means is whoever buys the farm from his sons will not be able to claim it as theirs and make access difficult for you.” Aiden nodded, he understood and was grateful to Ted.

“Mr Cranston also left me this envelope to give to you, I have no idea what is inside.” Bentley leaned forward and passed Aiden the envelope. Aiden took it and carefully opened it, Julia looked on as Aiden opened the letter inside.

Dear Aiden

I am sure my lawyer has explained about the access to the cottage, I had to do that as I know my sons wouldn’t have given it a second thought. Enclosed with this letter is a cheque, you will find it covers the amount you paid me for the cottage. Like I said when we spoke, it’s only money, and I can’t take it with me.

Use the money how you see fit, pay off your mortgage or have a bloody good time with it, either way I Joseph’t care. I wish you all the best for the future.

Take care and thank you for your service.


Aiden sat and stared at the letter. “Is everything okay Aiden? Julia asked.

Aiden nodded his head. “Yeah, yeah I guess so. Can he really do this?” Aiden asked Bentley.

“Sorry, you’ll have to enlighten me. I have no idea what was in the letter.”

“Ted has given me a check. It amounts to what I paid him for this place. Can he do that?”

“Yes, yes he can. Mr Cranston was of sound mind when he passed away, any decisions he made are legal. I will admit that Ted mentioned he wanted to do something for you, he didn’t specify what.”

“What will you do with the money Aiden?” Julia asked as she placed her hand on his arm.

“Not sure. Pay off the mortgage I guess, that will cut down the monthly outgoings.”

“A wise idea, If I may say so, Mr James.” Bentley suggested. “A mortgage is the largest debt for most people, my advice would be to pay it off. Unless you have a more pressing use for the money.” Bentley announced he had to leave. “I will leave you to discuss it with your wife, here’s my card in case you need any advice. I’ll bid you a good evening.” Julia showed Bentley out as Aiden stared at the cheque.

“Take your time and think about it, Aiden.” Julia kissed her brother on the cheek. “I’ll get changed and make a start on cooking my husband his dinner.”

Aiden smiled. “I’ll be finished with work in a short while, I’ll give you a hand.” Aiden headed back to his office.

Aiden laid the table as Julia served the food onto plates. “I meant to ask you earlier. but forgot what with Bentley being here. How come you got home early from work?”

“It was quiet so they let me come home.” Aiden nodded and sat down. “Also, I need to talk to you.”

Aiden looked up at his sister. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong, honest.” Julia replied with a smile.

“Something’s up, what is it?” Aiden asked.

Julia reached over and took hold of Aiden’s hand. “There is nothing wrong Aiden, unless you consider being a father wrong?” Aiden looked up so quickly he was almost dizzy.

“A father? You mean you’re pregnant?” Julia nodded and smiled.

“That’s brilliant news. Me a Dad, who’d have thought it?” Aiden got up and walked around to Julia. He leant over and kissed Julia.

“Dinner first. We can have dessert later.”

“Can we still, you know, have sex?” Aiden asked.

“Of course we can. It might get awkward when I get bigger, but I am sure we can think of something.”

Aiden didn’t say much more over dinner. Julia wasn’t upset, when he wasn’t eating he was smiling. After clearing away they went and sat in the lounge, the log fire was the only light in the room. Julia removed her t-shirt exposing her bare breasts.

“Make love to me Aiden.” Julia removed her yoga pants and lay down on the rug. Aiden undressed and joined Julia. After licking her to two orgasms Aiden slowly pushed his cock into Julia’s pussy.

“You Joseph have to be so gentle, I won’t break.” Slowly Aiden made love to his sister, as she screamed out Aiden thrust deep inside her. Julia shuddered as her brother’s cock twitched, she gasped as she felt him cum. Aiden raised himself up to keep his weight from squashing Julia, he looked at his sister as she smiled at him. Then he turned and made her in doggy position and hit her hard.

she wanted it more and she said ” you can go on”. Aiden went on full speed and he was also pressing her boobs while fucking. Aiden started licking back of the Julia and was going in full throttle. Then they switched to missionary so that they can kiss and do. Aiden was alomst done and wanted to splash in her face and also drink.

Julia insisted to put it in her pussy. thug thugh thugh thugh…sounds of aiden fucking and julia got her orgasm like anything. julia said ” ahhhh…ahhhhh…ahhhh.. omg omg please….ahhhh. Aiden was ready to cum and at the last few moments aiden went” haaaaaaaaaa.. he throw his massive cum on her pussy and was rubbing it all over, both sighssss,…and Julia whispered to Aiden that she loved him.

For the next few months Julia continued to work, Aiden used his spare time to get the room ready for the baby. They were out shopping when Julia went into labor, twenty minutes later they arrived at the hospital. Aiden went with Julia into the delivery room, the midwife reassured them both that everything would be okay. Aiden held Julia’s hand and wiped her brow as she delivered the baby, when Julia squeezed his hand Aiden had to bite his lip. ‘God the strength of a pregnant woman!’ Aiden thought as his hand throbbed.

“Congratulations, it’s a girl.” The midwife smiled at Aiden, he leant over and kissed Julia.

The midwife handed Julia the baby, she looked at Aiden. “What do you think of Liafor her name?”

Aiden smiled. Yeah I like that, Lia James.”

Eighteen months later.

Aiden stood up from his desk, his legs tired from sitting too long. He looked out of the window at Julia and Lia In the garden. Liawas holding Julia’s hand, they walked around looking at the flowers. When Julia spotted Aiden at the window she pointed him out to Molly, she waved at her Dad. Aiden waved back and looked on as he admired his pregnant sister, Julia had taken to being a Mum like a duck to water.

In eight weeks she was due to give birth to Molly’s sister. Aiden thought about how his life had changed. When he settled in Yorkshire he never imagined having a family, now he was going to become a father again. He watched Julia walk towards the house, their daughter holding her Mother’s hand. Aiden went downstairs, Lia rushed at him for a cuddle. He stood with Lia In his arms, Julia walked over and joined them. Aiden smiled as Julia whispered that she loved him.

“Love you too, Mrs James.” Aiden kissed Julia, Liagiggled as she watched her parents kiss.

“Hungry.” Lia quipped. Aiden and Julia laughed as they walked to the kitchen for lunch.


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