To my lovely jin

This Story is part of Dear Sweet Jin Series

And then Jin kissed me back.


It felt like a dream after that. We didn’t even really talk about it. We just sort of moved as though knowing one day this would happen, that somehow, someway, this was meant to happen. After we kissed, I didn’t even ask her if it was ok. I just reached out again, this time placing both hands on both of her breasts, and stood there touching, caressing them. Jin closed her eyes, her head tilted back just slightly. And then I reached up, and undid the first button on her blouse. I even paused, waiting a moment, fearing the words, “Oliver…don’t, we can’t.”

They never came.

I undid another button, and then another and another. The whole time her eyes remained closed, her mouth partially open as though trying to find breath, praying internally, her mouth moving a little as she stood there. Maybe she actually was. I knew I was…praying she wouldn’t suddenly wake up and realize what she was letting me do. Thank God she didn’t. (Sorry God…but I mean seriously here ya know?)

She was wearing a bra. Which I was now staring at. Up until this very moment, this was the most erotic, exciting moment of my entire life. And she was wearing a bra! And I was about to reach around her, and undo it. And she was waiting for me to do just that. And so I did. And yeah…I fumbled with it, fumbled with it some more. She laughed, opened her eyes for the first time.

“Want me to get it?”

It was a guy thing. At least for me it was anyway. And a pride thing too. And it was also funny in another way. It was 1967, and the Graduate had just recently come out. So here we were…I was Dustin Hoffman, and she was Anne Bancroft, and I was fumbling with her bra still trying to get it off, and then I felt her hands come down, and begin undoing my zipper.

I think she had me out, before I finally had her tits out. I don’t honestly remember. All I know is, suddenly we were kissing again, fiercely, hotly, passionately. My hands now once again firmly on her boobs…bare boobs this time, with hard nipples…really hard nipples. And her hand was on my cock…my dick, my prick…pick one. Her hand was on it. And I was in heaven. And soon to be inside my own Mrs. Robinson.


Once again without even saying the words, coming to a mutual consensus perhaps subconsciously, she then just reached out taking my hand in hers. I then followed her up the stairs to her bedroom, letting her lead me, where we then stood and finished undressing ourselves. Her on one side of the bed, me on the other. I’ll always remember that…and remember this too. We had a thing…a pact we called it.

It was something we had done early on…way back when I was a little kid, a thing we started doing, an assurance of sorts that whatever was said, whatever was spoken between us would never be revealed or spoken about behind one another’s backs. We’d crook out index fingers, and then lock them around one another, pulling back until we’d forced them apart. It was a promise we made to one another.

She crooked her finger.

I crooked mine. And we walked around to the foot of the bed.

“Promise me Oliver. Whatever happens here…pact,” she said simply.

“Pact,” I responded back. And then we locked fingers and pulled on them. Only this time…neither one of us pulled them apart. We stood there keeping them encircled together. And then we kissed again, only then releasing one another, hands and arms coming up and around one another as we embraced, and then tumbled sideways onto the bed together.

It was really cool too. She crawled up on top of me…me on my back. Hard as a fucking rock, though she wasn’t looking at that, not yet anyway. She was looking into my eyes, and I was looking into hers. They say it’s the window to the soul. I know…sounds a little corny, but honest to God (sorry) I honestly believe it was. I honestly believe I was looking at hers, and she was looking at mine.

“If you’re not ready…”

“I am,” I said simply. “More than ever.”

And then Mrs. Dimpledale, Mrs. Fucking Jin Jin Dimpledale, slid her gorgeous, sweet, wet succulent pussy down over my cock.

And I spurted. Just like that.


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