The hypnotized

Even as I counted down, I wondered if my sister would allow herself to subconsciously give over control of herself to me. For a moment she seemed to be fighting it. I noticed her knuckles turning white, fingers still interlocked. “Relax Sophia…your eyes are heavier still, Six…you feel a peaceful sensation surrounding you, warm…comforting, safe. Five…”

I looked down and finally saw her fingers begin to relax, even her face seemed more peaceful.

“You’re very relaxed now Sophia…getting deeper and deeper asleep, four. Even deeper asleep, your eyes are too heavy to open, almost fully asleep now Sophia, Three…deeper…two…deeper…one. You are fast asleep, deeply…asleep. Can you hear me Sophia?”

“Yes,” she said softly, sounding far off and away.

“Very good. Now…I want you to think back, think back to a time when you can remember masturbating, and having an orgasm afterwards. Can you do that?”

“Yes,” she smiled, actually grinning as she lay there, her hands no longer interlocked beneath her breasts, simply and comfortably lying on top of one another now.

“Where are you?”

“In my bedroom.”

“How old are you?”

“Just turned…eighteen.”

“Very good…so, you’re masturbating, yes?”

“Yes,” she sighed pleasurably, almost as though she was…remembering it at least. It was strange sitting there looking down at her, my own sister, now taking her to a time and place I wasn’t exactly sure I should be taking her. I felt a little like a voyeur, invading her thoughts, her secret personal thoughts and intimacies. But I had to. I knew I had to if I was to try and determine what had happened, what had changed things and made it more difficult, if not totally impossible for her to be able to achieve an orgasm.

“So…how are you touching yourself?” I asked. “What are you using to pleasure yourself with?” I had to ask that, had to find out how she obviously preferred stimulating herself, perhaps something she had used, or the way she did it had changed things perhaps.

She hesitated, obviously struggling a bit.

“It’s ok Sophia…no one can see you, you’re perfectly safe, alone in your room…masturbating.”


“How are you…”

“With my fingers. I’m…I’m touching myself with my fingers, I want to put them inside me…I want to pretend it’s his cock inside me…not just my fingers.”

“Whose cock Sophia? Who’s cock do you want to feel inside you? Tom’s?” I asked. Remembering that was the guy she had told me about…that day in the barn.

“Yes…I mean no. Yes, and no,” she added, seemingly a bit agitated now.

“So you’re nervous about letting Tom put his cock inside you then yes?”

“No, not his…maybe later, but no…not his.”

I sat up, eyebrows curious. “Then whose cock Sophia? Whose cock are you nervous about?”

“My…my brothers,” she moaned, her hands hugging herself now criss-crossing her chest.

I gulped. “You’re thinking about your brother’s cock, because of that day in the barn?”

“Yes, that day…and a week before,” she added which caused me pause, now sitting they’re trying to remember back in time themselves. And then it hit me…I felt a wave of guilt and panic almost settle in over myself. That had to be what she was thinking about, I had to be sure. So I pressed her.

“And, what was it that happened a week before?” I now asked.

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