The Hotel California – 5

I was now on the verge of doing that myself. The sensation is too great, too pleasurable to ignore any more. Whoever this older woman was, she was expertly unique in the art of cock-sucking, doing things to my prick, and even possibly to the guy now standing next to me, that neither one of us had experienced before.

“Ok, give me your cum,” she told us both. “Both of you. I want to see these delicious hard cocks of yours squirting for me.”

I was going crazy, weak in the knees, hovering on the edge already. Not really realizing that the tall woman still standing next to me, whose breasts I now clamped down hard on, was likewise in the throes of her own climatic release, perhaps because of that.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” The gal below me was now screaming, feeling the lurch of my cock as it began to jettison a torrent of spunk, somehow opening my eyes, looking down as I did, simultaneously feeling, and seeing the other guys prick similarly doing the same. Still holding us there together, sperming one another, only then drawing the two of us once more back inside her mouth, thoroughly, and completely erasing whatever nectar had remained.


Momentarily satiated, I let go of the tall woman’s tits, though she again smiled, thanking me for such a mind-blowing orgasm. Likewise thanking the woman, and man who’d I just shared this experience with before parting from them, now headed off the floor and back towards our table, needing a drink.

As I wandered back, I wondered briefly how everyone else was fairing, especially my wife, though I was fairly confident she was herself having a great time, doing god knows what and where at the moment. At the table, the only two people still there at the moment were Charlie and the Senator. She, currently laying on the table, with the Senator between her legs obviously fucking her,

though it was also interesting to note, his hand was simultaneously working her cock up and down too. And though I had just had a very intense orgasm myself only moments ago, it was still interesting to sit down, looking on as the two of them continued.

Moments later a waitress came by taking my drink order, though I was perfectly content to merely sit there, recuperating all the while looking on. Like I said, I don’t know what it was, or why it was…just Charlie being who she was perhaps, but watching her being fucked by the Senator, while he simultaneously stood there also wanking on her small, yet very stiff cock was LeoF as hell to see. And it wasn’t long at all before I found myself actually stiffening again while watching this, though enjoying my drink as I did so.

I hadn’t even heard or realized it when I next felt a familiar hand on my neck, looking up into the smiling face of Lucas as she joined us.

“Having a good time?” She asked, grinning from ear to ear, though I noticed now that she was entirely naked. Whatever clothes, if you even want to call them that, having long ago disappeared. “Obviously, you must have been. I see that the ties are gone,” she quipped.

I smiled back at her, nodding my head yes. Glad that I too had discarded the time now, though almost openly laughing, seeing that the Senator’s tie was indeed undone as well, now draped almost idiotically around the man’s neck in its patriotic fervor. I wasn’t given too long to dwell on that however as Lucas moved closer towards the table, cock in hand as she began rubbing it against one of Charlie’s breasts.

“I so love teasing her tits this way,” she informed me.

“And I like watching you do that. In fact…if you’d like, I’d enjoy doing that for you,” I offered, which Lucas quickly smiled at in obvious acceptance. I walked over, now taking her prick in hand, and continued the joyful tease of Charlie’s breasts, though Lucas was just as quick to reach down, now taking my cock in hand as the two of us now stood, rubbing one another’s pricks back and forth across the surface of Charlie’s boobs.

“Oh yeah Brian! That’s it! That’s it! Make me cum all over her fucking tits!” Lucas exclaimed minutes later as I continued Jacobing off her cock, periodically slapping her steely shaft against Charlie’s hard little nipples, which she seemed by the look on her face to be totally enjoying. In seconds, Lucas’s prick began to lurch, streamer after streamer of hot sticky cum criss-crossing her friend’s breasts as I continued to work it, milking out each and every last drop I could find. This moment being the catalyst for the Senator perhaps,

as he suddenly withdrew from Charlie’s pussy, now Jacob-hammering himself for a moment, though continuing to do the same to Charlie’s cock with his other hand. I once again stood there watching the cum fly, Jose Anderson the third, now liberally spraying her cock, still stroking it, as she too joined him. Charlie’s sweet little cock now adding a mixture of her own to the mix as she climaxed loudly and long there on the table.


As interesting as this had all been, and as wild and hot as it was with everything happening around me, I was still inclined to enjoy a bit more of the intimate, private intimacy we had all shared together the night before back in the girls bungalow, hoping and now wishing that we might end this night doing that once again before everyone had totally and completely exhausted themselves.

Though I wasn’t sure if anything like that was in the offing here, given the circumstance and formality of it all. To my pleasant surprise however, it was Charlie herself who soon after brought up the idea of doing just that.

“Ok, I think we’ve put in enough of an appearance here don’t you Lucas?” She asked. “The ball is well under way now, and by the looks of it, doesn’t need any more direction from any of us. What say we track down where Jacob and Maya have gotten off to, and meet back at our place within the hour?”

I was all for that myself, though just as equally pleased to hear it when the Senator announced that he needed to leave a bit early himself with a full schedule still waiting for him in the morning. Though finding a few new things out about myself, I still had no desire to get more intimately acquainted with this man, it would be interesting enough seeing his photos in the newspapers after this as it was.

The three of us now soon after parting, back out into the sea of flesh beyond as we went in search of Jacob and my wife. Though as it also turned out, Maya was at the moment enjoying herself with both Mia and Henry again, and somewhat reluctant to part company with them, having as good a time as she was. Only when Lucas, who had likewise stumbled upon us, simply invited the two of them to come back and join us as well. And though our somewhat intimate little group and grown by two more,

I had found myself quite fond of this older couple, and actually quite looking forward to feeling what Mia’s slick sweet pussy felt like while no doubt fucking it later.

Jacob too was rounded up, and so the seven of us made our way back to the girls place, just after midnight at this point, but I had no doubt whatsoever that this evening’s festivities were just getting started.

And…as I would soon find out, I hadn’t even scratched the surface yet of what this new and interesting little group of friends was even capable of. It would prove to be the best night of my entire life, and for Maya too as it would later turn out.

To be continued…

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