The Hotel California – 5

though continuing to hold onto it, teasing the woman. She in turn, now sucking another man’s prick as he stood in front of her, though all around this scene, and several like it were likewise taking place.

I had no clue, nor idea where my wife had disappeared to herself. Likewise lost now amongst the writhing sea of people that cavorted decadently together there on the floor. It was an interesting sensation to say the least. Most remained nameless to me, total and complete strangers. A few here or there I had seen, but not formally met, fewer still whose names I did know, or people I had recognized.

Smiling just a bit as I caught sight of Mia not too far away from where I was standing, one cock in her mouth, another in each one of her hands, someone kneeling between her legs licking her pussy, and yet another guy still obviously fucking her from behind. She was obviously enjoying and taking advantage of the dance.

And then, just like that, things suddenly switched around unexpectedly as the mass of naked people continued to cavort and move around. Looking down, I suddenly felt a mouth engulfing my prick, delighted to see a rather buxom older woman as she knelt before me, busying herself with my prick. Another guy, one whom I’d seen sitting with the two lesbians earlier at their table, wearing a white bow tie looking on.

“Too bad you’re wearing black, and not red,” he started looking on. “I’d love to be helping her do that.”

It was obviously time to lose the tie. I reached up, undoing it and allowed it to simply fall away from my neck. He smiled, and then joined the woman still kneeling between my legs as the two of them now proceeded to lick and suck me simultaneously together.

I didn’t even realize it at first, though the music for the first song had indeed ended. And though a few people did clear the floor after that, heading back to their tables for additional refreshments perhaps, it was just barely enough to accommodate additional space. Much of which was now quickly utilized.

During this brief lull before the second song actually started, a very tall woman, well over six feet tall, with long dark hair, sporting once again massive, slightly droopy, yet well rounded breasts stood there looking on at the two people still happily engaged sucking my cock. She reached out, taking my hands in hers, placing them on her breasts.

“Pull on my nipples, pinch them…pinch them hard!” She demanded. I was only too happy to comply with her wishes. Her nipples were far larger than on most women I had seen, thick fat thimble-sized about as hard as they could possibly be as I yanked on them, twisting, doing as she’d asked.

“Harder!” She demanded, reaching down as she openly stood there finger-fucking herself, enjoying the sensation as I pulled on her tits even more forcefully, enjoying the show below as my companions continued to pass my cock back and forth to one another. Eventually the guy was standing, though the woman was now taking both pricks in hand, placing them together as she began rubbing the tips together in a circular motion, occasionally placing them both in her mouth, sucking them that way.

“Oh fuck I love watching that,” my tall companion stated hotly just as the second song started playing, making it hard to hear whatever else it was she had said, though she did cry out loud enough moment’s after that, once again telling me, or rather demanding from me, what else she really wanted. “Now slap them! Slap my tits! Slap them hard, as hard as you possibly can!”

And though inflicting, let alone receiving any real pain wasn’t my thing, it was obviously something that this woman truly enjoyed, for whatever reason. The mood, circumstance and certainly the delightful sensations I was currently experiencing melted away whatever reservations or inhibitions about doing this to her…or for her, no longer mattered. I did as she asked, slapping first one breast, and then the other with what I felt was a rather decent, forceful slap. She winced, smiling, feeling the sting perhaps.

“Again. Do it again. Faster this time, until I cum.”


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