The Hotel California – 5

Still, I was already curious and looking forward to the evening’s entertainment when the Blue Men Crew came out and began entertaining everyone later.

There was just enough time for another round of cocktails before dinner service was to begin, when once again Lucas motioned, nodding at Charlie as the two of them stood, and then Maya and I did, joining them. Sure enough, Jacob was walking towards us, wearing a red bow tie. And with him, was in fact the State Senator himself, Jose Anderson the third. And he was wearing of all things, a red and white striped bow tie, with a blue field and white stars. And I honestly wasn’t really sure what the hell that meant. But, he was naked…that much was clearly showing. Though I’d have also been hard pressed to actually find his dick.


Dinner as usual was excellent, as was the floor show as the Blue Guys with their big dicks ran around the audience thrilling and teasing everyone. They had ended their entertainment with what could only be described as the wildest drumming I had ever seen performed, especially considering the ‘drum-sticks’ they used when doing that.

But dinner had certainly been interesting in another way as well. Unlike the movies where you see scenes where this woman, or that one fumbles secretly with either the guy sitting next to her, or across from her, or vice…versa. This was pretty much expected to happen here. Between bites, sips of drinks, everyone seemed to be reaching out, enjoying themselves, as well as their dinner partners throughout the entire course of the meal.

I was sitting next to Charlie on one side, and Lucas on the other. Jacob sitting between my wife and Jose, which as it turned out, had some interesting moments as the evening wore on. Almost from the start when we’d begun eating our first course, Lucas had reached over, her hand wrapping itself around my cock, though Charlie too had eventually done the same, the two of them now tag-teaming my prick as we sat eating and almost nonchalantly keeping an eye on all the other entertainment.

It was also just as obvious, especially by the hand-movements, and expression on the Senator’s face, that he was enjoying the attention that Jacob’s hand was giving him, all the while occasionally fondling and playing with my wife’s cunt. By the time dinner was finally over, I was about as aroused as I could possibly be, and now looking forward to what I knew may very well be the most interesting ball-room dance,

if you even want to call it that, that I’d ever been to. Lucas stood shortly after that, addressing everyone at the podium on stage, once again reiterating a few of the simple rules, does and don’ts. Initially, it was tradition that EVERYONE crowd around and into the small designated area that was set off to one side away from the seating area. Admittedly,

I had to wonder how well over two hundred and fifty odd people could even manage to fit into such a small confined space. But then again, that was the whole point in the first place. As everyone began moving over towards the open area, there was hardly anywhere anyone could go without bumping into someone, or touching someone in one way or another, and especially for the men. Most of which, like myself, were sporting good hard firm erections.

Though I had indeed started out with Maya standing close by my side, as more and more people came onto the floor joining us, it quickly became evident that we’d eventually get lost in the throng of people crowding in. Moments later the lights came down way low, and then a reddish hew began to bathe everyone standing there, at first difficult to see very well until the eyes adjusted to it. But shortly after that, this sensual red glow seemed to add to the overall erotic nature of the moment we were suddenly all experiencing at once together.

Almost as one, as the music started, though no one of course was actually dancing, the entire mass of people seemed to suddenly start undulating together in a massive sea of exposed flesh and body parts. Hands, fingers along with everything else suddenly reaching out, touching, caressing. I felt a woman’s hand once again surrounding my shaft, though interestingly enough, another woman who’d been standing directly in front of me, sort of leaned over. As she did, my strange partner took advantage of the opportunity to then begin rubbing my cock against this second woman’s cunt, eventually slipping the head in, just barely,

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