The get together

This Story is part of The Party Series

Rose did have interesting tits though. Certainly smaller than either my wife’s or Grace’s were, right around a nice sized B cup perhaps, but even more noticeably she had what I’d only a few times seen on the internet, and never in real life before…what were called “puffy nipples’ ‘. To me…it was like seeing her breasts capped with some sort of a strawberry dessert pastry. Only without the whipping cream. Though as I sat there trying not to stare at them,

I was imagining putting on a special kind of cream to each one, they actually looked that tasty, certainly unusual to me as it was a little difficult trying to find where her areolas ended and her nipples began. Even the skin coloring, an almost rosy-red all seemed to blend inwards together.

Thomas then stood to go take a look at the steaks. “John? How about you grab us all another drink?” He asked me.

I know I must have looked petrified upon hearing that. Kate was of course well aware of my current predicament, and giggled accordingly.

“What’s so funny?” Grace asked curiously.

“Hubby has a woody,” she said out loud letting everyone know that. “So I think his standing at the moment might be a bit embarrassing for him.”

“Oh really? Let’s see?” Rose started actually looking over, and then leaning over in order to look beneath the table at me. “About damn time someone got appreciative at looking at the three of us cute, sexy naked ladies,” she then added.

“Hey, I’m starting to!” Oliver quipped. “I just didn’t want to be the first one!” He grinned, and then stood, showing everyone that he was indeed starting to become aroused. He definitely was a “be’er”, growing a little, yes, fattening more so…though he didn’t suddenly get twice the size he was going soft to hard, though admittedly, he wasn’t rock-on fully hard yet either.

Letting me off the hook for the moment at least, Oliver headed off to get everyone a fresh drink as Thomas returned to the table. “Steaks should be ready in about ten minutes,” he announced. Everything else that was going along with them was already waiting, covered and sitting on another table next to us along with the dishes, knives and forks and everything else we would need.

“Too bad that Tom and Mike couldn’t make it,” Rose said, speaking up.

“Tom and Mike? That’s a lot of ‘J”’s here,” I said, chuckling at the thought. “Thomas and Grace,” I said pausing for obvious effect, “Tom and Mike…and John. Maybe we should think about changing your name honey…”

“To what? Jate? Doesn’t really work.”

“Nor does mine,” Rose laughed, joining in. “Jarlene…no, I think I’ll stick with the one I have.”

“That’d make me another Thomas,” Oliver said, joining in. “And I think we already have enough Thomas’s around here.”

“Thomas-off you mean,” Grace giggled as well. “Though I guess with all the J names, we could officially call this, the Thomas-off club or something, since we all enMike doing that.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked curious. And where do we sign up for that one?”

“Right here,” Grace announced standing, pointing at her breasts. “Only you sign your name with the lead in your pencil there, right across here,” she told me, almost as a challenge, actually inviting me to do so.

“Go ahead honey,” Kate told me. “Sign us up,” she grinned wondering if I really would as Grace now stepped around, actually presenting her tits to me. I think I surprised my wife as I stood, rock hard, and not at all embarrassed now that I was.

“I print better than I write,” I told her, grinning as I said that.

“Whichever way you prefer, we’re not too formal here obviously,” she said looking back at everyone, wondering as perhaps they were if I was about to actually do it. I began writing, in cursive as it turned out. “John and Kate Matthews,” I said, finishing up the swirly ‘s’ right across her right nipple as I finished. But even better, I had managed to smear a bit of my slick juice across those hard nipples as I finished. Grace reached down, swiping a bit off her nipple, sucking it off her finger seconds later.

“Hell of a lot better than had this been indelible ink!” She laughed as everyone else did. “Well Thomas,” Grace said, still giggling. “Looks like we officially have two new members, or I guess that’s one new member, and one very nice looking pussy,” she added.

“Hey, I think I’d prefer signing my own name,” my wife said, shocking me even more. “How about later, after we eat, you let me figure out how to sign my own name on the registers…”

“I think I’d like that,” Grace sighed pleasurably. “And I have to say…that one would be a first for me. Never have experienced a pussy against these babies yet,” she said once again holding her luscious tits together.

“God….now you’ve got me thinking about it! I think I’d like to sign my own name as well!” Rose said.

Now we were all laughing as Thomas stood up once more to retrieve the steaks off the grill. And this time, he too was sporting an erection. “Sounds to me like, we all need to sign up again,” he smiled. “Right after we eat!”


The steaks were cooked to perfection, as was the rest of the meal. So much so, that I actually lost my erection and became even more comfortable with the camaraderie and companionship we were now sharing with all of our new friends. It was surprising in a really good way, that both Kate and I could find ourselves being so comfortable with them, sitting here naked, enMikeing a barbeque of all things,

and having that still uncertain buzz going around inside our heads, that the night was far from over with. And with that, would we indeed then succumb, and throw away whatever reservations, or inhibitions we might still have? Just doing what I’d done already, signing my name against Grace’s tits was a big step for me, for both of us actually.

And especially with Kate’s obvious amusement and delight in having watched me do so. We had already had, and long ago discussed the “what ifs” things…jealousy, uncertainty, paranoia’s…if any. Neither one of us confesses to having such worries or concerns. But more importantly, agreeing and assuring one another, that if either one of us suddenly did have, we’d mention it to one another immediately rather than just continuing on, thus causing problems for ourselves later rather than dealing with them now.

Though it was now the thought of seeing my wife riding Grace’s tits as it were, that soon had me sporting an even firmer, harder erection than the one I’d had before.

This time when I got up to help with clearing away the table, I didn’t even bother trying to hide the fact I had one again.

“Go figure…the newbie’s the one who’s ready to begin this party!” Grace said excitedly. “Maybe we’re starting to get bored,” she then added. “Nice that we’ve invited a little fresh blood into our group, stirs the imagination, and the libido quite a bit doesn’t it?”

As we finished clearing everything away, hauling things back inside the house again, I did manage to draw Kate off to one side briefly.

“So…are we good with everything?” I asked a bit nervously, though she knew what I had meant by that.

“I think so…yes.”

“What if…”

“Look, John…it’s new for us, yes, but we’re not really going to know unless we at least commit to this evening one hundred percent here. Maybe after…maybe after we have, after we’ve had a chance to discuss it, think about it, one or both of us will decide it’s not right for us. But…until we do that, until we know for sure, we won’t know for sure…unless we do it first.”

“So…we go for it, have fun…do, ah…whatever right?”

Kate laughed at that. “It’s the whatever part I’m sort of hoping to see,” I knew what she meant by that of course, but I still had reservations regarding that, and perhaps my own open-mindedness. I knew it wouldn’t freak or weird me out to see perhaps Oliver and Thomas do something, I just wasn’t sure how far or to what extent I was willing to take that myself. I answered her noncommittally, which even then was something.

“Let’s see how it goes, take it one step at a time. It’s the best I can do.”

“Good enough,” Kate responded as we cleared away the last of the table. “But I will say this, if you want, and expect to see me eating another woman’s pussy any time soon, I do expect to see something in kind back from you anyway…even if it’s just giving either Thomas or Oliver a hand job…so baby, keep that in mind. Quid pro quo.”

She’d said that once before. As much as I wanted to see her munch down on another woman’s pussy, I knew there would be a small price to pay for seeing it, even if it was a rather small one. It wasn’t really too much to ask after all. And more than anything, I always had that particular fantasy in mind. And with Kate actually considering it now herself, there might not come another opportunity or time for it.

“Just remember,” she winked looking back over her shoulder at me, likewise wiggling her cute little ass a little. “You want some pussy-pussy action? Well then…I need to see a little cock-cock going on too.”

I stood there looking down at my erection. It was about as hard and as firm as it had ever been.

“One night…one night where we just let ourselves go, see what happens, see how we feel about it afterwards. I could do that,” I then said to myself. “At least for one night anyway.”

Let the games begin…

As the girls finished things up in the kitchen, I walked back out onto the deck rejoining Thomas and Oliver who sat lounging in their chairs waiting for the girls to return. As I did, I couldn’t help but notice the two of them sitting there almost nonchalantly stroking their cocks in anticipation of that. It was evident they weren’t jerking off in order to climax, just maintaining their full stiff erections. Even mine had gone down at this point, so I was the odd man out, and actually felt out of place for a moment.

“Best get working on that,” Thomas mused as I stepped over taking my seat beside the two of them, “or…one of us could if you’d prefer.”

That had been the real first implication that Thomas, and no doubt Oliver for that matter, not counting the attempted hand…or rather dick shake earlier, telling me that neither one of these guys had any problem with a little guy-guy fondling. Though I was also just as sure at this point, it probably went a lot further than that.

“Maybe later,” I heard myself saying, surprised that I had when I did, and wondering just as quickly if I even would when the time came, if it came. Though I also reminded myself of what Kate had said as well. “Quid pro Quo,” knowing that she had her own fantasies and desires, just like I had mine.

Giggles and laughter alerted us to the fact that the girls were on their way back out, Grace’s face lit up like a Christmas tree when they emerged.

“Guess what honey?” Grace said, addressing her husband. “Tom and Mike were able to get away early from their kids and grand kids. They’re on their way over…should be here in about twenty or thirty minutes!”

“Great!” He smiled just as delightedly, “Once they arrive, we really will have ourselves a party!”

“Grand kids?” I asked myself looking over towards my wife, though she didn’t appear to have the same curious thoughts I did, smiling back at me without any obvious concerns.

“You’ll really like them,” Grace said sitting down next to me, her hand slipping almost simultaneously down between her legs as she sat there sort of absentmindedly diddling herself. “They’re an older couple, but I can assure you, they’re a hell of a lot of fun, as I’m sure you’ll find out after they get here. In the meantime, I thought we could start things off by perhaps playing the dice game.”

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