The get together

This Story is part of The Party Series

“Nice to ah…see you…again,” I quipped, making it obvious as to what I actually meant. Grace laughed at that, giving me another kiss on the cheek, and then led Kate into the house by the hand as I followed the two of them.

“Everyone’s already out back. You can change in here,” she said, directing us into what appeared to be a small though cozy sitting room. “What can I get the two of you to drink?” She then asked, taking our orders, and then leaving us to stand there looking at one another as we began to undress.

“Are you ready for this?” I asked my wife, still a bit nervously.

She grinned. “I’ve been looking forward to it all week…so hurry up horny boy…let’s get nakey and join the others!”

Perhaps being a little self-conscious and apprehensive, especially as we knew little else other than their names concerning the other couple, I followed my wife outside. I was as they say quite flaccid, though pleased and somewhat relieved when spotting Thomas out by the barbeque where he stood placing the steaks we’d be having onto the barbeque. His dick was likewise flaccid,

but even smaller in size than mine was. It was an interesting note to see it the way it was now, and the way I had seen it. Using my wife’s term, Thomas was a grower, and not a be’er…as she termed it. Meaning his cock, much like mine, could be quite small, and yet grow considerably, rather than remaining more one size, hard or soft like some men.

I was caught off guard a second later however still looking over towards Thomas when Grace came walking towards us, leading their other two friends over for introductions. I turned just then as Grace spoke, already introducing me. “Kate? John? This is Oliver and Rose,” she stated. I turned expecting a handshake, but got the surprise of my life instead. Oliver did indeed extend out his hand, but not where I was expecting to receive it. Next thing I knew, it was holding my dick, which he did shake.

“Nice to meet you… John, is it?”

Grace burst out laughing, as then did Thomas as he stood a few feet away looking on. “Oh my god…sorry John I forgot to tell Oliver you two were all new to this,” she said. “It’s just our friendly little way of greeting one another, had it been Rose two seconds ahead of Oliver, she’d have been reaching down between your wife’s legs, giving her a friendly little pat there instead.”

“You mean like this?” Kate said, surprising the hell out of me as she suddenly reached down, cupping Rose’s quim giving her a little palm squeeze as she did that.

“Perfectly,” Rose purred, now reaching down, doing the same to my wife as I stood there looking on, eyes probably as big around as saucers by this time.

Thomas was still laughing as he came over, and much to my surprise took a hold of Oliver’s prick, giving it a firm, yet quick brief shake. “Like that,” he chuckled. “No big deal…” though even as he said that, I now realized for the first time in fact, it actually was. Oliver was perhaps a “be’er” as Kate would say, his prick though partially flaccid at least, was still as big as mine, or Thomas’s was when they were hard. Though it dangled down between his legs quite limply at the moment at least.

“I think I’ll stay with shaking hands…for the time being,” I said, taking his in mine, though Rose did in fact reach over hugging my wife now as well, pressing her somewhat smaller breasts against her as the two of them hugged briefly. Dammed my dick. If not seeing that didn’t cause it to lurch and throb just a little. Once we had gotten through that brief moment of awkwardness, we joined everyone over at the patio table, sitting down with our drinks, getting to know one another a bit better.

Unfortunately for me, try as I might…sitting there looking at the three girls, soon gave rise to my rapidly growing erection. Thank god for the wooden table…for the moment anyway.

Oliver and Rose

Oliver stood easily near six feet, though the most remarkable thing about him was his cleanly shaven bald head. Admittedly, he looked good like that, though it wasn’t a look I thought I’d look very good in myself. But aside from that, it was immediately noticeable, Oliver didn’t seem to have a single hair on his entire body either. Even his groin was completely shaved, smooth and free of any hair whatsoever as far as my eyes could see anyway. For years, Kate had been shaving my balls, preferring it that way.

And had “groomed” me in other ways as well, keeping me “all neat and tidy” as she called it. Only once suggesting that she shave me entirely, though I’d more or less balked at that, only agreeing to go with the nice tight cropped look instead, which was somewhat of a compromise between the two. Kate of course shaved, which I rather did enMike, as did Rose as I stood there for a moment before having taken my seat moments ago, looking at her. Grace was one of those ‘landing strip’ types, a small patch that might not have even been there by my way of thinking.

But if that’s what Thomas liked, or as she preferred, then more power to them. As far as Rose? Well she was maybe…like I said maybe…just over five feet or so give or take an inch or two. Which made the two of them an interesting contrast, being as tall as Oliver was, and as short as she obviously was. In addition to that, they were considerably younger too, somewhere in their mid thirties perhaps, though I still say, Kate looked every bit as young as Rose did, which made me even prouder of her than I already was. Body to body…I still think she had the best one there, and I wasn’t being biased in thinking that.

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