The Check-in

“Now you can really touch me,” she grinned, this time leaning in to kiss me deeply as our mouths met, tongues already beginning to dance within one another’s mouths, fingers and hands exploring, the hardness of her sweet tender nipple locked between my fingers as I cupped her breast, scissoring it between them.

“Ready? And then action!” Kathy spoke once again. As once again…we did the scene, only this time truly caressing, toying and kissing one another, all the way up through my line when I walked away, reaching the door turning back towards her.

“Well? Are you coming…or not?”


I had retaken my seat back in the audience after redressing again. Mia remained on stage of course, playing her own part intermixing with the last few girls still waiting their turns. Finally, everyone who’d come there to audition had done so. We all now sat as Mia who had put her blouse back on, though it remained unbuttoned, her beautiful breasts still partially showing, stood with Kathy and the older man and woman, all of which were no doubt voicing and expressing their opinions on who had won the parts. Minutes later they had come to a consensus as Kathy retook the stage.

“Before I announce who we’ve decided on, I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for taking the time out to come here and audition for us today. This wasn’t an easy choice. We have a lot of fine young actors with amazing potential to be chosen from. However, I believe we have also made that choice. So, I’d like to announce the following. For the role of Danny? And the role of Cindy? Would Marsha Jensen, and Patricia Green stand up please?”

There were a few audible moans and groans, though a smattering of hands clapping in congratulations as well. Though not many. The two girls of course squealed in delight upon hearing their names.

My heart sank. Though not too unexpectedly, both girls had indeed been very good, so I shouldn’t have been too terribly surprised or upset. And yet, I was. Marsha? Patricia? You two will be the first under studies, in the event that the next two chosen actors cannot perform for any reason. susan Weatherly and Tracy Monroe…congratulations. You have been awarded the roles of Cindy and Stella respectively.

One again I was stunned. I had heard my name, saw the knowing smile on Mia’s face as she stood there looking at me, even as the first two girls’ names were called.

“Thank you everyone for coming, and we do hope you will come and audition for us again sometime. As for susan? Tracy? Marsha and Patricia? If you could stay for a few moments please? We have a few details to go over with you, as well as getting you a complete copy of the entire play.”

Mia walked over speaking to me briefly. “When you’re done here…come see me in the back. I have a small little dressing room. I’d like to speak to you after you’re finished here,” she informed me, and with that leaned over giving me a quick brief kiss on the cheek.

My mind was a jumble of emotions for one thing. Elation, excitement, a bit of confusion still too perhaps. And then of course…curiosity. Why had Mia asked to see me, to speak with me again, unless it was simply to congratulate me, which I figured most likely. After being handed my copy of the entire play, and after Kathy had given us a rehearsal schedule, we were all then excused. I waited for a moment, allowing the others to wander off, leaving, before turning and heading back past the curtain where Kathy now stood holding it open for me.

“She’s around back, in there,” she grinned. “Congratulations by the way. I really am looking forward to working with you…as I know Mia is.”

Just a short distance away I could see the door that Kathy had pointed towards. It had Mia’s name on it, “Mia May”. I knocked.

“Come in,” she answered the moment I had. I opened it and stepped in. She stood in front of the small dressing table, already uncorking a wine bottle. “It’s not Champagne, but it is a very nice wine,” she told me while pouring a glass, handing it to me. “We’ll save the bubbly after we’ve received our first reviews,” she grinned, clinking her glass against my own. She still hadn’t bothered to button up her blouse as yet either.

Her full beautiful breasts still peeked at me from beneath the partially folded material of her blouse. It took a moment for me to tear my eyes away from her, looking back up once again at her face. She finished her drink sitting it down, turned walking over to where I suddenly noticed a large couch was.

“Well, Are you coming…or not?”

I laughed then, as she did. Reaching down once more, yanking my tee shirt over my head, just as she stood slipping out of her own blouse allowing it to fall to the floor near her feet. I reached her in seconds, once again our mouths coming together, tongues fencing wildly, furiously. Her hands were already fumbling with the button on my jeans, and then yanking down on the zipper as I too unzipped the skirt she was wearing,

watching it fall down around where her blouse lay. She then pushed me against the wall, I felt her pinning my hands over my head. As she did, she bent down, kissing my neck, and then continuing to kiss further down as she held me. My head was spinning, my breath frantic, panting as I felt her lips first encircling one breast, and then the other.

“Do you remember what I said to you earlier?” She asked.

“Yes!” I moaned deeply, knowing the truth now.

“And what was that?” She asked, still kissing, still nipping my breasts, teasing my nipples with her mouth back and forth, back and forth.

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