The broken hearts – 3

This Story is part of Lonely Hearts Series

She then reached for the corner of the mattress lifting that up, and began pulling off the rest of the sheets. “Well?” She asked glaring at me. “Are you and Charlie just going to stand there and watch us work?”

I just shook my head. There was no point in saying anything, or fighting it, as I wandered over, pillowcases still dangling from my cock as I lifted up the other side, removing the sheets from the bed. We then refitted new sheets onto it, smoothed them out, replacing the pillow covers as well, and then the nice thick comforter. In moments the bed was freshly made again, apparently for later.

Now that it was, she pushed me down onto it, tossing away the dirty pillowcases, and began attacking my belt, undoing it. “I want you naked now,” she told me. I looked at the clock on the nightstand; it was barely three in the afternoon. “Sorry sweetie. We still have a long…long way to go yet before we’re done.

” I moaned almost in exasperation, but then she climbed up straddling my legs after having pulled my slacks and shorts completely off me, only then undoing my shirt, tossing that off to one side as well until I was even more naked than she was.

Sophia now straddled my waist, though more specifically my cock, taking it in her hand, cagily slipping it up and through one of her leg openings. Now trapped, I sat there looking at my cock as it rested against her pussy, her sheer silky feeling panties now covering us both. She reached down, now rubbing me through the material, as well as herself as I groaned inwardly at the sensation of that. Her warmth and wetness bathing my cock from one side, her almost cool, slick panties caressing me on the other.

As good as it felt, I was still very frustrated, if not even more so now. Though the torturous tease and pleasure had in the beginning been somewhat enjoyable, it was now becoming almost maddening. “Please sis please…enough with the teasing. I’m not sure I can stand it for much longer, let alone try and survive all of this until this evening.”

She smiled, leaning forward kissing me full on the mouth then. Taking my still captured cock with her, pressing hard and firm against her drenched pussy. I felt her soft full breasts grazing my chest as we kissed, tongues now dancing, fencing, as we sucked one another’s lips, taking turns even in doing that.

“I’m not all that mean,” she sighed, whispering. “I never figured you’d be able to…or me either for that matter,” she now informed me. “But part of the fun is in not really knowing. But what I need…and what Suzie needs…is a messy face.”

“Messy…face?” I asked somewhat relieved.

“Yeah baby…Suzie needs a nice, sticky, messy face.”

Sophia reached down once again, placing her hand over my cock through the material of her panties and began caressing me in earnest now. As she did that, I could feel her nether lips almost surrounding me, nearly sucking me inside her. The heat from her cunt is evidence. The warmth of her lubrications bathing me in her essence, though I too was now bathing her on my own as the first streamers of cum drool began to saturate the thin material of her sexy panties.

I was in a sense desperate for her. My own personal resolve crumbling as I actually considered, thought about just spearing her, thrusting my cock inside her, fucking her. But not knowing for sure how she felt, as we’d both addressed that earlier as something neither one of us was sure of,

or even wanted to do…I just managed to hold back. It was hell on the one hand, and heaven on the other. But even this, if it’s all we ever did, if we never, ever did actually fuck…it was more than I had really truly enjoyed before. And I wasn’t about to say or do anything that would fuck that up. Tempted as I am now was.

This time when my balls tightened up, ready to explode, I knew there was no holding back. But Sophia knew it too, having grabbed my cock firmly in her hand, though the material of her panties still separated her direct touch on me. She now rubbed it wildly, wickedly back and forth against herself, rubbing my much larger head, against her much, much smaller one. It wasn’t long after that, that I felt the searing fire of my climax suddenly erupt.

Spurt after spurt of my semen saturating the two of us, her panties soaked now, milky-white cream oozing and seeping through the material. She continued frigging herself with me, the slipperiness of my semen now caressing her clit more directly as she masturbated herself with it, using me. I continued to throb, long after my orgasm had actually abated, the tingling sensation of that sticky mess somehow soothing my almost too tender organ now. Her eyes popped open as she looked down at me. Wicked lust, desire…want in her face.

“Are you ready for this?” She now asked.

“Go for it!” I told her. “Go…for…it!”


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