The blue moon made me pleasure

“Sorry, no. Didn’t mean to stare, but you remind me of someone I knew,” I told her. “You look a little alike,” I added as though that would explain everything. She smiled at that.

“What’s good?”

“I don’t know really…but the burger is, it’s Buffalo.”

“Hmm, I might have to try that,” she smiled. It was a little uncanny, even her mannerisms reminded me a little of sony.

“By the way…my names Antony,” I said introducing myself.

“Brenda,” she offered back, accepting my hand. “Are you staying here at the Inn?”

“Oh…no, in fact, after I leave here I’m going to go and find some sort of camp ground to spend the night in.”

“There’s one not too far away from here, I can show you,” she told me.

“Are you staying there too?” I asked.

“Well no…I guess not. I was hoping to get a room someplace, but they’re all booked for the night. I’m headed up to Montana in the morning, hoping to catch a ride as I’m on my way up to Glacier National Park. I have a summer job waiting for me there. Guess I’ll see if I can hitch a ride from someone after I show you where the camping ground is,” she told me.

I felt chills running up and down my spine. It was deja vu. Or something similar to it anyway. “I’m headed up there myself the day after tomorrow,” I told her. “You’re more than welcome to catch a ride with me.”

“Really? You would? That would be great!” She beamed, and then ordered a Buffalo burger.


After we had eaten she took me to where the campgrounds were. Luckily for both of us, they still had a few available spots, so we took one. After that, we drove around taking in the sights, spending the day together getting to know one another. As we did, I came to think of her less and less as being like sony. Though she reminded me of her a little, eventually I began to enjoy her company, and found myself pleased to have run into her, strange as it seemed.

We had parked the van taking a little used hiking trail up into the woods. Not many ventured up this way, as it didn’t go by any of the hot springs or geysers more common throughout the park. But Brenda seemed familiar with the area, telling me she had been here before, and that there was a breath-taking view if I was willing to take the two and a half mile hike in order to reach it.

She soon after led the way with me following, admiring the view of her tight little ass as we climbed up through a few narrow passages, just wide enough for one person at a time to slip through. I felt I was in pretty good shape for my age all things considered, but Brenda proved herself to be far more agile than I was, once again several years younger, often having to stand there and wait for me to catch up.

“Come on slow-poke,” she said standing several feet above, waiting for me. “You don’t want to miss the view now do you? And we really do have to head back before the sun goes down, or it will really be a bitch trying to make it back in the dark.”

“Maybe…this wasn’t such a good idea after all,” I thought to myself. “What if it gets dark and we can’t see what we’re doing? Or where are we going? I was just about to tell her that, when she decided to give me some incentive to try catching up to her. Looking up, she stood there and began unbuttoning the blouse she was wearing.

“Like I said, if you want to see the view,” she teased, removing her blouse, baring her chest briefly before turning and disappearing around an outcropping of rocks. For a brief moment I had glimpsed her tits, beautiful too I might add. And suddenly felt ten years younger again with a sudden burst of energy.

Within moments I had managed to climb up through the steep tight narrow passage, reaching her where she now sat waiting for me. Only now, she had also removed the rest of her clothing, sitting on a shelf of rock that looked precariously dangerous, jutting out some thousand feet or so from the canyon below us.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” she asked, looking out. Though I was at the moment looking at her when I answered.

“Yes it is.”

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