The blue moon made me pleasure

Which was true of course, but she hadn’t really seen me, which was something else entirely. Not to mention the fact that I hadn’t really taken her teased indication all that serious either, and hadn’t expected to end up sleeping with her. Well…sleeping maybe, but fucking her no.

And I’d actually hoped to have a few minutes to myself in order to take care of the urge that had been nagging me for most of the day. Still, I saw her point, so led her into the men’s area after first ensuring we’d be alone. Even then I thought for sure she’d step into her own shower, but there again, she surprised me as she stepped into the one I’d chosen.

“I’ll wash your back, and you can wash mine,” she informed me, and then proceeded to begin doing so.

Needless to say, as she did, I became aroused. Standing in as close of quarters as we were, it was a little hard not to. Something she quickly discovered too, though by now I was fairly confident that had been her intent the entire time. Within moments she had given me a thorough washing, if not an outright blatant stroking, just short of making me come. I soon stood washing her back, and then turned her around where I likewise gave her feminine bits as thorough a cleansing as she had given mine. Actually fondling her breasts, soaping them and teasing them, we were both soon hornier than hell.

“Ah, maybe we should go and see about your wash now,” I reminded her. “And especially before anyone else decides to take a late night shower.”

As the van was parked fairly close by the shower/laundry facility, neither one of us bothered getting dressed, simply throwing towels on around us. After we’d stuck what clothing we had in the dryer, we headed back to the van.

Seconds after we had slipped into bed, I had slipped into her. It had been a long time since I had made love to a woman. Too long. The feel of that exceptionally tight, yet liquid pussy was nearly too much to withstand. It took every ounce of willpower that I had to keep from pouring my seed into her, seconds after I had entered her from behind. We fucked in a slow, easy going rhythm there in my tiny little bed, that now proved more than adequate as I spooned her from behind.

“I’ll go check on the laundry…be right back,” I heard her saying. And then succumbed to the blackness that consumed me.


It was the brightness of the morning light coming in through the window that woke me. I slowly opened my eyes, reached out, and then sat up. sony wasn’t in bed. I half expected her to be sitting there looking at me, but what I found was a handwritten note sitting on the table instead.

“Dear Antony, I met a guy in the Laundromat who said he could take me into YellowStone first thing this morning. I know you said you wanted to spend another day in Max Hole before moving on again, so I didn’t wake you. I didn’t want you to feel obligated to me, or change your plans on my account. So I hope you’ll understand. I needed to get going again. Thank you for everything. It was really nice spending what time I had with you, I will always remember it. sony.”

It felt strange, I was hurt in a way, surprised, and knew that I would miss seeing her and her strange little way. But perhaps it was for the best after all. I hadn’t really planned on having company in the first place. And I would indeed have felt obligated in getting her to her destination as soon as possible, outside of my own plans.

And yet, I couldn’t help but be worried about her too. I could only hope that her “sixth sense” about things, which she’d told me about in the van as we drove along, would continue to serve her. The thought of hooking up with some sort of a pervert out on the road was now a worry to me. But there was little I could do about it now. sony was on the road again. And then as I sat there thinking about it, I knew I would be too.

There wasn’t a lot I wanted to actually see in Max Hole, not really anyway. Though I now could have kicked myself for having said that. I drove, wondering if I might catch up, or run into her somewhere along the way. Perhaps even running into her in YellowStone, though I had no idea where she was going when she got there, or whom she was even meeting up with so I could ask to ensure that she got there ok. I drove a bit quicker than I had intended, reaching the park only a few short hours later.

Reaching the Park, I drove around for a bit hoping she might see me and recognize the Van. But I never saw anyone matching her description or waving me down. After an hour or so of driving aimlessly about, I gave up and pulled into one of the visitor centers for a bite to eat and directions for a nearby available camping area.

I had ordered myself a burger and was just starting to eat it when I looked out the window and saw a young woman just then coming in. I nearly bit my tongue. It looked like sony, and I felt a sense of relief suddenly wash over me. The door opened and she walked in. But it wasn’t her. It was another young woman that looked a little like her, same hair style at least, pony tail, a bit darker perhaps, and perhaps a bit taller too.

She also appeared to be well into her twenties, and though still young, not nearly as young as sony had been. I found I’d been holding my breath, letting it out and turned back around at the counter. Seconds later the young woman took a seat next to me and began flipping through a menu. I found myself staring at her again, which she of course noticed.

“Do I know you?” She asked.

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