The blue moon made me pleasure – 3

I spent another day visiting and running around the park, and this time saw a few bears, which I got some pictures of, from a long distance. I didn’t run into Bernadette, or the people I’d encountered on the trail again, nor did I see anyone else that I had met during my road trip either. Although there were still a few curious nagging questions bothering me, I soon set those aside and got on the road again. Traveling through the panhandle of Idaho, I soon arrived in Washington where I wanted to drive to the coast, spend a day or so camping near the beach and the ocean.

I made a few stops, asked a few questions about places along the coast where I might be able to stay reasonably cheap, and was directed to a campground that seemed perfect for my needs. Pulling in, I was pleased to see I’d have my own spot and a nice view of the ocean, and even a small stretch of beach there in front of me. I knew then I’d most likely end up spending an extra day here as beautiful as it was.

I had just finished setting up my stove outside and was preparing a bite to eat when I heard someone walking down the dirt road towards me. Looking up, I then saw a woman approaching, smiling in greeting as she came up to stand next to me.

“Hello, I’m the camp greeter,” she informed me. “Well, camp host and hostess anyway. Thought I’d come by, introduce myself and see if there was anything you needed, and ask you how long it is that you’re planning on staying here with us. My name’s Bonnie,” she said, extending her hand.

“What a surprise,” I thought, and then “here we go again,” though I didn’t say anything, politely taking her hand, shaking it. Two things immediately come to mind as well. One, she had the same color eyes that I had now begun to notice, almost golden, which to me was a bit unusual as you didn’t see that color of eye all that often.

Secondly, Bonnie was easily in her mid fifties to perhaps early sixties, though even then she was still reasonably attractive. The last thing I figured was that a woman of her age would be even remotely interested in someone like me, nor was I in truth interested in her either except in a curious sort of way. Mainly because of her eyes, and her name once again starting with a “B”.

I was almost relieved when she soon after headed off, no further conversation taking place between us, and certainly no flirtatious actions of any sort. I turned back towards my dinner and thought nothing else towards her. After I had cleaned up, and after the sun had set, I decided to take a small fold up lawn chair and head down by the beach. The moon was nearly full again, or would be in a few more days. The ocean was unusually calm, and it was almost soothing to just sit there and listen to the sound of the lapping waves as they rolled into the beach.

I’d been sitting there lost in my own thoughts for quite some time when I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. Off to the right and ahead of me a figure emerged, just then standing up. Obviously someone had gone out for a night swim in the ocean, now heading towards the beach. It was still difficult trying to make out who it was, but it became obviously apparent seconds later that it was a woman, and that she’d been swimming nude.

“Oh…hi, sorry,” Bonnie said as she shook out her hair walking over towards me though she didn’t seem concerned, or bothered that she was naked and that I was able to see her now very clearly. “The tide must have pulled me further down than I thought,” she laughed.

“No problem,” I said looking at her. Though she might have been older, she was still in reasonably good shape. Her breasts were full, her nipples obviously hard and crinkled from the cool ocean water. They hung heavy against her chest in a very enticing way, and I quickly averted my eyes.

“You don’t happen to have an extra towel with you do you?” she asked. “Unfortunately, the one I bought is up the beach a ways,” she once again said laughing.

“Yeah, sure…back in camp,” I told her, though I then stood and began walking up the short distance to where my van was parked. Not too surprisingly, Bonnie followed, though seemingly undisturbed that I’d soon see her even more clearly than I already had as we neared the light coming from the lanterns I had lit earlier outside my van.

I soon located a towel handing it to her, though all she used it for was to dry off and fluff down her hair, moments later handing it back rather than wrapping it around herself. As she did that, I took quick advantage of the opportunity to once again take a sneak peek at her nude form.

She too of course had hair between her legs, which stood out in stark contrast under the light and circumstances, though I noticed too it had bits of gray intermingled with the light brown downy fine hair still covering her mound. Her nipples were enticingly hard, though I was sure from the cool night air and her swim. Though I found myself wondering what it would be like to touch them, suck them. Then I realized I was getting an erection and quickly sat down again.

“Thank you,” she told me, and then invited herself to sit down at my portable camp table I’d set up earlier. “Don’t suppose you have anything to drink?” she then asked.

“Well, I could make coffee, though I do have something a bit stronger if you’d prefer,” I offered.

“Stronger would be good, especially after a nice invigorating swim,” she told me.

“You always swim in the nude?” I asked, careful to not expose my obvious bulge as I stood up briefly retrieving my last bottle of wine, opening it.

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