That will not occur Again

This Story is part of It'll Never Happen Again Series

“Nope! We even sound identical to one another on the phone too, which reminds me. Alice’s a bit of a tease, even more so than I am. So don’t be surprised if and when you call, she tries to pretend she’s me.”

“Well that could get awkward. I guess I’d best not say anything too personal, though how am I to know it really is you I’m even talking to then? Maybe…we should establish some sort of a code, so when I’m not sure, I can ask you the code word, and if you give back the correct response, then I will know for sure it is you then.”

“That sounds like a plan, what code should we use?”

“How about this, something simple, but not so much she’d figure it out. If I want to know it’s really you on the other end of the line…or for that matter, even in person. If I say ‘blue’ you say, “bluer”.


“Yeah, easy…simple, but she might attempt to fool me and give another color in response, so doing it that way, I’m pretty sure I’ll know it’s really you.”

We agreed on that, and then settled down on her couch to watch a little TV, though Alice came into the room a short while later, joining us. She had dressed herself however in an outfit very similar to her sisters, and once again, it amazed me to see the two of them together like that. I truly couldn’t distinguish one from the other. Had they gone out and swapped clothes, and then returned, I would have seriously never known.

Unfortunately with Alice hanging around us, which we both felt she had done on purpose, we did very little but kiss every once in a while. The “quality time” I’d been hoping to have with Shane turned out to be the three of us sitting around ordering pizza and drinking beer and then watching what turned out to be a chick-flick. The quality time I’d initially been hoping for, never happened. And even more oddly, if anyone did more flirting than anyone else, it was Alice who was doing it.

With a long day ahead of me looking for a place to live, I soon afterwards called it a night, promising to call Shane the following day, especially if I was lucky enough to find a place. If I did, I’d invited her to come see it and see what she thought about it. I was already looking forward to her coming to visit with me, which I hoped would give us the alone time I was really looking forward to with her.

It was also interesting. Just as Shane hadn’t told me about her sister, I hadn’t told her everything about myself as well yet. For one, I didn’t really want her to know I was pretty well off. Not just yet anyway. I’d already had my fill of girlfriends who were really only interested in me because of my substantial trust, something my grandparents had seen to, and which was currently helping put me through school. The fact I also had a full scholarship helped, but even then I didn’t flaunt the fact that I usually had plenty of spending money.

My one real luxury item was a brand new Volkswagen Bug convertible. I had managed to pass off my reasoning behind purchasing that as it was economical as well as reliable to drive. I didn’t bother mentioning I had paid cash for it when I did. If Shane thought I was having to make payments on it, so be it. This early in our relationship, I didn’t think I needed to tell her, at least not until I was far more comfortable with her liking me for me, and not for my money.

As it turned out, I found a nice reasonable little place not too far away from campus, easily within walking distance if I chose not to drive my car. That…or even ride my bike which I was planning on doing as often as it was feasible for me to do so. I had called Shane, excited to tell her, and sure enough, found out a short time later I was actually speaking with Alice.

“So…you found a place huh?”

“Yeah I did, and pretty close to campus too. I’m really anxious to show it to you,” I told her.

“Oh you are huh?” She giggled. “Anxious to show it to me?”

Shane and I had flirted, joked and teased one another enough so far, that it wasn’t totally out of character to be hinting at the subject she was now. But there was something in the way she was saying it, that didn’t exactly remind me of Shane. So I decided to use the code word.


“Blue what?”

I waited. And then heard her laugh. “Oh, I see. Very tricky, guess you figured out it was me and not Shane,” she said, still laughing. “Ok, I tried. I’ll go get her for you,” she said and then put the phone down. Moments later I heard it being picked up again.

“Hello? Dave?”

“Blue,” I said once again, hearing a laugh on the other end of the line.

“Bluer,” I heard this time, and now knew it was her.

Even after that first day, Alice never gave up trying to fool me on the phone, and very often succeeded at it until I used the code word. The first couple of times that I did, she had responded back with another color, but upon doing that, I then knew who it was I was actually speaking to. Eventually, she finally gave up trying to fool me, or even tease or flirt with me as much as she had been. After that whenever I called, she simply put Shane on the phone.

After a while, I quit worrying about using the code. Most of the time I never said anything over the phone anyway that would give Alice any reason to try and trick me into saying something I shouldn’t.

But the reality of that was, there wasn’t much I could have told her anyway. Two month’s into our relationship, Shane and I hadn’t done anything more than a little light petting. All I’d managed to do so far was play with her boobs a little while we sat on the couch together, and then always on the outside of her clothes. I had yet to actually touch her bare flesh. We’d agreed to take things slowly…but I was starting to wonder at this point if we weren’t going a bit too slowly under the circumstances.

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