That Will not Occur Again – 2

This Story is part of It'll Never Happen Again Series

I’d eventually calmed down, rationalizing it. I might still not understand, or even agree with what they’d done, or even the reasons why exactly, but it wasn’t as though we were engaged, or that one day I’d end up marrying either one of them. It was certainly far too early to even begin to consider something like that. So as I thought about it, I actually found myself smiling. Just as I was now lying there looking up at the ceiling in my room.

And I hadn’t been exactly honest with the two of them either. They still didn’t know about the money. Neither one of them was aware that I had more money than I really knew what to do with. I wondered how they’d react to that upon finding out. Once again I grinned, smiling to myself.

“Nah…let them find out on their own,” I mused. Soon enough they’d start to wonder, especially when they discovered I had paid for both of their educations. When they did that, I had no doubt I’d have my own story to tell, my own explanations to be giving them. But until then…

“Girls! Girls! Stop fighting!” I said sitting up looking down at the two of them.

I’d been enjoying the sensation of the two of them licking and sucking my cock together.

“We’re not fighting, we’re just discussing,” one of them said, though for the life of me I had no idea which one it was that had just said that. “But she has been hogging your cock.”

“Have not. You sucked it longer the last time you had it than I did before that.”

“Did not.”

“Did too!”

I lay back down, closing my eyes, once again smiling. They’d work it out, just as they always did. And then seconds later felt the thrill of both of their tongues on me. There was after all plenty to go around.

Or at least I hoped anyway.

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