Promotion of Sophia with naked fortune – part 1

Part 1 of 4: The Big Promotion All she was told was that it was a special position, created specifically for her, and that she’d be reporting directly to upper management. The exact details and terms of the job were still vague, but still, Sophia knew how things worked at […] Read More… from Promotion of Sophia with naked fortune – part 1

Confession of Zoey was wonderful

This is a confession story of Zoey. Enjoy They sat comfortably in the large office. Both were sharply dressed, business types. There was an odd & awkward tension in the air. “What should I call you?” David asked. She thought for a moment. “Just call me Zoey. I’d like to […] Read More… from Confession of Zoey was wonderful

After hours with strange erotic dining – part 2

Read part 1 of After hours with strange erotic dining here in this link. “Oh?” she asked, lifting an eyebrow. “What does it entail?” “It’s really hard to explain. But I’ve taste tested it with the guys. It’s exciting and delicious. Mr. Harris thinks it’ll be a mega hit. Didn’t […] Read More… from After hours with strange erotic dining – part 2

Angela Martin made it to her breeding season – 02

If you have not read Angela Martin made it to her breeding season – 01 click here. Lets begin part 2. “No!” Angela glared back at him, trying her resolve not to oogle his growing cock. “Alright then, Angela. Have it your way,” The two men grabbed Angela’s shoulders. Angela […] Read More… from Angela Martin made it to her breeding season – 02

Angela Martin made it to her breeding season – 01

Angela Martin opened the door to her new apartment and breathed a sigh of relief. “Finally,” she thought, “Time to relax…” The room had the scent of freshness about it, a nice change from the heavier, musty smell of her old apartment. Angela held a cardboard box with all her […] Read More… from Angela Martin made it to her breeding season – 01

An Accident changed a woman’s life

This is a story which tells you about an accident and things which changed due to the accident. Lets begin. “I hate winter. I hate snow. I hate traveling for work. I hate driving in the snow in the winter, traveling for work! And you know what I hate even […] Read More… from An Accident changed a woman’s life

The trio in the college choose trio over anything – 02

If you have not read the first part of the story The trio in the college choose trio over anything – 01 please click here. Or click the author and take it. “That wasn’t very nice, or smart for that matter,” I said softly. “Why not?” Skylar asked. In answer, […] Read More… from The trio in the college choose trio over anything – 02