After hours with strange erotic dining – part 1

It was after-hours at a posh restaurant in Florida  and a young woman lay naked across a dining table. Culinary students had helped this young Asian woman get into the right position, and judging by her incredibly erect nipples, there was excitement in the air. The restaurant staff had already […] Read More… from After hours with strange erotic dining – part 1

My Boyfriend’s mom was better – part 2

If you have’nt read the first part of My boyfriend’s mom was better click here. Once again I was in a state of paralysis, unable to move or speak on the outside… but my insides were cavorting wildly in the fire of a pleasure I had never known existed. “Mmmmmm, […] Read More… from My Boyfriend’s mom was better – part 2

My Boyfriend’s mom was better – part 1

This is a story about tuning my boyfriend’s mom. comes in 2 parts and make sure you read both to cum. Let’s begin. Dating James had been going pretty well. He was sweet, good looking, funny, and respected that although I had turned eighteen a couple weeks ago, I still […] Read More… from My Boyfriend’s mom was better – part 1

White women’s revenge made the black moan – 2

If you have’nt read first part of white women’s revenge on black click here and find. “Why are you giving me these?” I asked, looking down and seeing her pink panties… even as my pussy betrayed me once again. “You really are a silly nigger,” she said, shaking her head […] Read More… from White women’s revenge made the black moan – 2

Angela Martin made it to her breeding season – 02

If you have not read Angela Martin made it to her breeding season – 01 click here. Lets begin part 2. “No!” Angela glared back at him, trying her resolve not to oogle his growing cock. “Alright then, Angela. Have it your way,” The two men grabbed Angela’s shoulders. Angela […] Read More… from Angela Martin made it to her breeding season – 02