Strange pleasure in summer – 01

This Story is part of Strange pleasure in summer Series

Her nightstand was closest, so I started there, but no luck. I went around the bed, walking past Jim’s naked legs and stockinged feet, and tried the other side.


Some sex toys, lubes and even a blister pack of yellow pills in a sealed pack of 4, make that 3, one was missing. Actually two were missing a few seconds later after I helped myself to one. I figured at home, with my handy KY and a roll of paper towels (I like Bounty for their softness), I was good for 2-3 pops in an evening. But with an opportunity like this, I was going to go for an all-time record. Yee-ha.

The lube was a big bottle, practically full, and even had a pump on top, like liquid soap. The label said Maximus. It was like a little message from God. Yep, this one was for me. Alanis Maximus, King of the Bed.

Back to those tits, waiting ever so patiently.

My cock had been hard for at least a half-hour, and I thought it was time I did something about it. Three squirts of that pump down the valley of joy between Janet’s magnificent mammaries (and Miss Jenkins thought my writing ‘lacked description’!) and another pump down the length of ‘John Henry’, and I was ready to go.

I laid my cock down between Janet’s tits, and pressed those beauties together. Fucking amazing. That’s all I’ve got to say.

Straddling her chest, I worked my cock up and down that slippery channel, watching my proud purple warrior peek out near her neck, time after time. I couldn’t stand that her pretty face was covered, so I tossed the nighty aside, and looked at her gorgeous kisser. I imagined her tilting her head forward, sticking out her tongue, reaching for my hard cock at the end of each stroke.

“Fuck me.”

In my imagination it was Janet waking up and insisting on a more direct approach. Unfortunately, it was just Jim standing by the side of the bed, still wearing his tighty-whities, and watching me tit-fuck his incredible Mom.

“Nice, huh? You gotta have some serious ta-tas to make this work. This babe sure has them, huh?”

“Fucking amazing,” he said softly, his hand inside his shorts. Not something I really needed to see at that moment.

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